PC Gamer - Desslock and Dan

Oblique Strategy said:
Even if someone can point out that something in Fallout 3 was in Fallout 1 or 2 you end up with the whole "That wasn't a good part of the game / I don't consider X, Y and Z in Fallout 2 to be canon anyway / Bethesda moved a bolt on that model and now it sucks" endless stream of negative rationalization.
It's like saying I'm Metallica fan but I don't like when they play on guitars.
Sander said:
I like how every one of these previews goes 'Yeah, the hard-core fans are going to be real pleased with this', while the people who are actually fans hate where this is going.

Don't put words in my mouth... I don't hate where this is going and I'm a hard-core fan (as I truly, truly love the originals and hail them as the greatest games ever made, except for the original Sid Meyers Pirates!)

Yesterday I was very sad and unhappy about Fallout 3, my stern stance against the critisism towards Fallout 3 was severely shattered, and still is in someway. I was annoyed about the Enclave being in, and that intelligence won't have an effect on dialogue.

I feel better today though. My hopes risen to new height with todays read.
Salkinius said:
Don't put words in my mouth... I don't hate where this is going and I'm a hard-core fan (as I truly, truly love the originals and hail them as the greatest games ever made, except for the original Sid Meyers Pirates!)
And thanks for reading all of this thread, where I already explained I wasn't talking about everyone who liked the original games.
Paladin Solo said:
Generally, fans of the original who despise Bethesda don't frequent their forums, just likes fans of Bethesda don't frequent the Fallout fansites, trolling aside. Generally.

True, and i made the big mistake to visit beth forums for a week.

Im still trying to learn to cope with what i saw, especially the "hardcore fans" that didnt like anything of the old fallout (since they love the changes...).

Its kinda puzzling...
Sander said:
Salkinius said:
Don't put words in my mouth... I don't hate where this is going and I'm a hard-core fan (as I truly, truly love the originals and hail them as the greatest games ever made, except for the original Sid Meyers Pirates!)
And thanks for reading all of this thread, where I already explained I wasn't talking about everyone who liked the original games.

Sorry about that. I just had a hick up after reading another thread where people complained about someone putting words in their mouth...
Sander said:
And your point being what, exactly?
If there was a big movement of hardcore fans who *do* like the new direction, don't you think there'd actually be a Fallout fansite that does support Fallout 3?

Your point here doesn't really follow. hardcore Fallout fans that disagree with the opinion here is quite a different thing than a "movement", for one thing, which would imply a coordinated rebellion.

But, the main thing is that, its unlikely that longtime fans would have established a new site, simply because they disagree with the common opinion of the forums at this site.

With that said, you may want to be careful what you ask for. Don't be suprised to see a new Fallout site springing up pretty soon that is much more accepting of Fallout 3 and populated by many posters that have been driven away from sites like NMA, DAC and the Codex.
Autoduel76 said:
Sander said:
And your point being what, exactly?
If there was a big movement of hardcore fans who *do* like the new direction, don't you think there'd actually be a Fallout fansite that does support Fallout 3?

Your point here doesn't really follow. hardcore Fallout fans that disagree with the opinion here is quite a different thing than a "movement", for one thing, which would imply a coordinated rebellion.

But, the main thing is that, its unlikely that longtime fans would have established a new site, simply because they disagree with the common opinion of the forums at this site.

With that said, you may want to be careful what you ask for. Don't be suprised to see a new Fallout site springing up pretty soon that is much more accepting of Fallout 3 and populated by many posters that have been driven away from sites like NMA, DAC and the Codex.

So... Bethesda forums?
If we're already talking about it... What will be NMA's support for F3? Or maybe there won't be? I think the majority here thinks that bethesda isn't making real Fallout sequel, so...
I think this site has been pretty openly against what Bethesda is doing...

Do you mean will they consider this game canon? Doubtful.
Black said:
What will be NMA's support for F3? Or maybe there won't be?

The same as for Tactics. So no, not outright ignoring, like with BoS, but supporting and making guides, keeping tabs on info and a heavy emphasis on supporting modders.

Don't be suprised to see a new Fallout site springing up pretty soon that is much more accepting of Fallout 3 and populated by many posters that have been driven away from sites like NMA, DAC and the Codex.

Oh yeah, any minute now! :crazy:
Autoduel76 said:
With that said, you may want to be careful what you ask for. Don't be suprised to see a new Fallout site springing up pretty soon that is much more accepting of Fallout 3 and populated by many posters that have been driven away from sites like NMA, DAC and the Codex.

Well, if there are people that accept Fallout 3 as it is now and want to make a site supporting it, good for them. As long as it reduces the amt of "big-nuke-so-cool" or "FPP e-mer-shion rulez" I have to read its prob all for the best. :P
Brother None said:
Don't be suprised to see a new Fallout site springing up pretty soon that is much more accepting of Fallout 3 and populated by many posters that have been driven away from sites like NMA, DAC and the Codex.
Oh yeah, any minute now! :crazy:
so, a site by Gamespotters, IGNers and Gamespyers?

they're welcome to make their own site, you know... no one is stopping them.

you can bet your ass Gamespy will make a Planet Fallout 3 site eventually.

it will likely lower the influx of morons a little, although trolls would still be a threat ofc.
Autoduel76 said:
With that said, you may want to be careful what you ask for. Don't be suprised to see a new Fallout site springing up pretty soon that is much more accepting of Fallout 3 and populated by many posters that have been driven away from sites like NMA, DAC and the Codex.

Two were created, but they don't seem to take off. Others will try, no doubt.
Autoduel76 said:
With that said, you may want to be careful what you ask for. Don't be suprised to see a new Fallout site springing up pretty soon that is much more accepting of Fallout 3 and populated by many posters that have been driven away from sites like NMA, DAC and the Codex.

What? Yeah, I'll sure be going over there. I can't wait to use my 1337 speak skills and talk about why I named my first Character Neo.

Come on, think a little.