Sander said:
And your point being what, exactly?
If there was a big movement of hardcore fans who *do* like the new direction, don't you think there'd actually be a Fallout fansite that does support Fallout 3?
Your point here doesn't really follow. hardcore Fallout fans that disagree with the opinion here is quite a different thing than a "movement", for one thing, which would imply a coordinated rebellion.
But, the main thing is that, its unlikely that longtime fans would have established a new site, simply because they disagree with the common opinion of the forums at this site.
With that said, you may want to be careful what you ask for. Don't be suprised to see a new Fallout site springing up pretty soon that is much more accepting of Fallout 3 and populated by many posters that have been driven away from sites like NMA, DAC and the Codex.