PC Gamer podcasts covers Fallout 3

well, apparently "immersive" is just the new industry buzzword for "spiffy 3d rendered landscapes in FP"...

They fail to recognize that immersion is a level/game design technique that requires you to work on more than just the manner in which you can "see" in the game, but how the game draws you in to it's world using sounds, graphics, consistent imagery, and the ability to interact in a useful manner with that world during gameplay. It also includes such things as what the game-world is doing independent of you (ala STALKER)..

You'll never hear them mention any of these other things though..

They'll just keep blathering on about how much cooler a first person perspective looks even though it doesn't do shit to actually immerse you in the game.

they'll leave out any mention of the need to pay large sums of money for a high end graphix card too. Beth wouldn't want people to know they'll be playing with 5 frames per second until they buy some ridiculously new and pricey hardware..
I think my PC'll be able to run Fallout 3, but I can't wait to see the enormous menus and fonts a la Oblivion (and IIRC Deus Ex II). Gotta cater to the console fans.
I can't stand it any more... Just because someone want something doesn't mean he can be insulted but I guess in this case it's a part of the business.
I wanted next Fallout bo be better than previous ones, I wanted it to be better in every way buy most of all I wanted it to be Fallout. How can a FPS be a sequel of a turn-based RPG? I wonder if Blizzard would make next Diablo a first-person game or a turn-based strategy would it be ok? I'm sure Diablo fans would be more forgiving than us
Max Power said:
I wonder if Blizzard would make next Diablo a first-person game or a turn-based strategy would it be ok? I'm sure Diablo fans would be more forgiving than us

I get the feeling they wouldn't deviate that much from the formula. Blizzard is the sort of company that doesn't really innovate, they just look at what everyone's doing, and do it better. Their games are always highly-polished, but never anything really new.

So far to date, the only franchise I've seen successfully become a FPS from it's original (side-scroller in this case) is the Metroid series with Metroid Prime and even that is debatable with hardcore Metroid fans. To be fair though, in Metroid the combat was always real time.
yevinorion said:
I get the feeling they wouldn't deviate that much from the formula. Blizzard is the sort of company that doesn't really innovate, they just look at what everyone's doing, and do it better. Their games are always highly-polished, but never anything really new.

Yeah I know. It supposed to be a sarcasm :D