PC Gamer UK scans

Beth didn't need to totally re-invent the wheel with FO3. For example, they could have used the original gun designs from FO, which still look great IMO.

Mick1965 said:
Beth didn't need to totally re-invent the wheel with FO3. For example, they could have used the original gun designs from FO, which still look great IMO.


Unfortunately, They don't look DARK or GRITTY enough for Bethesda...

From their position, they're the Holy Kings of Design... They don't want to use "old" designs, instead they want new and AWESOME designs...

I'm going to bet that they'll introduce a snappy wise-cracking robot named DeathKill-360 who will introduce humor by yelling loudly and snowboarding down the surface of the sun...[/b]
ivpiter said:
Laser -- it's actually an acronym for...
light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

So actually it has quite a bit to do with radation...

This forgives none of Beth's sins... but the more you know :-)

see also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser

I admit that I completely forgot that L.A.S.E.R. = light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, and for that I deserve a kick in the groin (the one we won't do in F3 :cry: ).

But in Fallout everything is nuclear, and my first impression is that Beth's laser weapons are gonna be nuclear powered. Yes, in F1, F2 and Tactics, they are powered by SEC/MFC, but they don't explode/leak around with a few knocks.

The pic gave me the impression that they're gonna be like the car Todd exploded for GI Magazine. Geez, the muties hit our weapon in realtime (while we need VATS...) and it explodes in a mini mushroom cloud... that's what I meant when I asked what does Laser have to do with Radiation (Nuclear radiation). :mrgreen:

If it's the case... Retarded... Just like the nuke-car and the nuke-catapult...
The Dutch Ghost said:
Still, I think the idea of the warning on that gun is something like 'danger, gamma radiation'.
Just opening it to find out how it works would expose you to lethal radiation.

Nope. It is obviously a joke about real laser devices, which have a similar warning, such as on a pointer for presentations.

Radiation doesn't have to be ionising, and other electromagnetic radiation (EMR) includes radio waves, microwaves, visible light, UV and all the rest of the spectrum with the boundaries between each defined by the wavelength. There is also particle radiation, such as alpha and beta (and, gravitational that isn't really relevant).

The captions are informative.

The article said:
A higher Charisma score gives more chat options.
This Behmoth wields a fire hydrant.
Every shot or reload uses action points, so you can only queue up a few actions.

More evidence of improved speech and simplistic combat.

I didn't notice the quest compass before. I wonder how it works? Probably similar to Oblivion. Yeah, so realistic and immersive.

The author seems to be confusing perks with traits, and muddling details, so mentions of computer, hacking, rifles, HtH, first aid, energy weapons, big guns and conversation skills aren't useful. Too much specialisation smacks of class-based garbage.

Hit V on your keyboard to enter VATS.

That will be fun...

It's partly constructed from the wreckage of a jetliner, with some fantastic details such as the gates being mechanically opened by the jet engine whirring into life.

I hope that doesn't mean what I think it might, because that is retarded.

have the fate of a whole town's inhabitants in your hands. But good and evil don't have much meaning here; you're not making a value judgment as much as a decision as to who your friends will be.

Darn. I wouldn't be surprised if a handful of the guards from the other town can't wipe out Megaton with little difficulty without wasting a nuke which might very well smash up their own domain. Before I said "viable choices should be about role-playing, not choosing the less boring quest area." Wiping out a town of likely innocent strangers on a whim is a psychotic choice, clearly evil. This is not a case of pressuring you to take tough decisions as a real person with a conscience.

They promise a lot of potentially great role-playing and depth, but don't give much evidence of it. Similarly there is much talk about subtlety, but again there are more examples of their going way over the top. Moral ambiguity? Where?
Makenshi said:
With a close in the weapon on the first scan:


PS: Loved the new emoticons! :mrgreen: (specially this one)

this is gonna sound wierd but :
OMG is that Verdana ?! FFS Beth buy some fonts ... next up you'll be using Comic Sans - not to mention that omg Microsoft is everywherez
radnan said:
Makenshi said:
With a close in the weapon on the first scan:


PS: Loved the new emoticons! :mrgreen: (specially this one)

caution, laser radiation?

how stupid can you get?

its like "CAUTION, bullets inside" written on a handgun!

besides that, it seems that that when you say RADIATION, the majority think at Cernobîl like radiation, nuclear radiation etc. Laser is not radioactive, the power source that feeds the laser could be. so that statement on that rifle is pure fuming brahmin shit.
Grotesque said:
besides that, it seems tat that when you say RADIATION, the majority think at Cernobîl like radiation, nuclear radiation etc. Laser is not radioactive, the power source that feeds the laser could be. so that statement on that rifle is pure fuming brahmin shit.

Please read threads before posting in them.

I don't think it is a very funny joke, but I'll bet all the gaming press will love it.
Laser radiation? Big deal. If that was all that's wrong with Fallout 3's setting I'd be perfectly happy. *wanders off mumbling something about nukular catapults and foul language*
Sorrow said:
I wonder if they'll add M-16 :| ...
Will this AK satisfy your needs?

Also, I agree with someone mentioning that Bethesda HAS TO design everything itself, although previous designs were cool. Even Fallout Tactics, which Bethesda considers a non-canonical event, used most of the designs.
Is it just me, or has there been a sudden influx of F3 hating hipsters?

Anyway, the sign isn't bad, really, that Brit writes like the most pompous person on Earth, that article told us essentially nothing, that gun is at the very least a modded AK, if not a different gun, that guy holding the laser freaks me out (the scientist, not the BoS guy), rabble rabble I think that mapping VATS to the "V" key is stupid, rabble rabble, hoorah for original combat sound!, upon closer inspection of the Father dialogue screen, it resemble a talking head fairly well, and I'm tired of hearing that "violence is funny". Yes, it can be, but I've heard this quote in every damn article about FO3, say something else, Todd.

I don't think many here would have guessed that this screen was from F3 if it was seen at a random page.

Its so NOT fallout :clap: