perk every level or every 2?

Congratulations!!!(no sarcasm meant) that is worthy of a reply and not a riposte. No apology necessary as I was as responsible as you as I also misunderstood you and it seems that we do actually agree although from differing directions.

I almost forgot about my own personal restraints in FNV (never use power armour, heavy weapons, RadX, Radaway, Stimpaks (usually finish up with 1400 or so). I only use 22 or 32 in the Goodsprings area and 357 along the road to NV. Never use a shotgun until I have the combat shotgun. Never use a pistol of any kind. By the time I have enough 44/40 ammo and weapon, I don't need it as the sniper rifle is enough. I DO use a "modded" greasegun if only to get rid of the 9mm ammo etc etc etc..

If you really think about it ALL RPGs are only really challenging for the first ten or so levels and I find that to continue this I have to do the above. Getting in and out of the irradiated village, collecting ALL of the loot(even knives & forks) and completing the quests without Radx/Radaway is only possible with the perk :radiation resistance and even then I make the tent with 980 rads and have to fast travel to Goodsprins to see the good doctor.I only ONCE managed to get ALL of the loot without dying and killing that Giant Radscorpion queen ASAP is the key here.

I also found the irradiated vault in FNV impossible solo without the same perk as even with it, between the aggressive ghoul guards and the radiation it often required 2 to 3 trips to complete with a mad rush to the nearest doctor for radiation(don't use doctor bags either but can use the herbal remedies but only for crippled parts. (No chems allowed either).

Anyway, you get the idea....I do eat a lot of food and drink a lot of water though...healthy lifestyle???
I don't get it.
What is logic behind not using radx or radaway?
If you would roleplay some tribal character, then ok, but creating some "illusionistic barriers", what will make game harder but in a boring way as you pointed, isn't worth it.

Instead of doing Searchlight in one run, you need to go to doctor to heal there in Goodsprings, then again back to town to end scavenge.

The final effects? It will only take more time, not giving any more fun or some sort of nice exprience.

is only possible with the perk :radiation resistance
What about space suit, which gives you +40 Rad. resistance?
(Rad resistance perk gives you only 25%... so seems like yours knowledge about FNV isn't extensive.)

As for perks, when im playing for fun, im taking 1 per level, if for some sort of challenge, 1 per 3/4 levels.
It isn't well balanced in Gamebryo enginge, where you can take 10 special points from perks etc. In old Fallouts perks are too valuable to spend some of them for special. But F3/FNV is broken in basis, because every character will end as jack of all trades... even FNV have horrible balance, my classic characters ends with all special stats at 10, and only luck at 2 or 3. I need to comment on it?
Idk why Obsidian allowed for creating demi-gods.
I think that you miss my point although I guess it is a little obscured: I play the way I LIKE TO. Whether you like it or not is irrelevant to the discussion although you do have your right to say so but not to appear selfrighteous about it.

What is funny is that your last paragraph agrees with my primary point: the flexibility to move perks to one/level to one per 10 levels as a matter of choice...just like using/not using stimpaks

Oh dear my Knowledge of FNV is poor.....ummm I haven't played it for 6 mths and I sure as hell wasn't looking it up to please the obsessives.

I didn't use the space suit but I did use the canyon found radiation suit. Why not the power armour? I play a stealth char and TBH I have never liked it although in Fallout (1) it is hard to do without it but not impossible(grenades vs the Mutants(I had 16 by then)) and I managed it

The essence of all Fallout games is to hold onto that early difficulty level: you know? the one where you sweat over your char surviving a battle and then winning with 8 hps only to see another one approaching. So, no quick heals, no artificial non-existent radiation safeguards just food,water and the good doctor.

I wasn't going to use implants but my survival as a char was extremely difficult and in the end I decided to go with them although I still feel defeated in a way. IIRC I used a stimpak on the crucified powder gamgers and they came up as if I had used them on myself and I was so horrified, I did a reload.

The net effect is that I never know if I will survive a confrontation at any level now as opposed to the usual 60 level yawn...oh no not another deathclaw.... bang bang....what? no hand!!. Now it is: %$#%! I have only 20HPs.....bang bang.....blood spattering...oh dear!! Time to reload and to see if I can sneak past this SOB or sit here and eat/drink hoping that he wont see me. That was at level 40 + IIRC. I also found that I could kill the killer robots(? name) by pushing myself up against them and using a modded greasegun/HK 10mm SMG and as I was between the weapons they could not hit me although if more than one saw me they have no respect for each other and it proved rather difficult for me so I had to pull them one at atime.That was at level 12IIRC

The Glow in Fallout was brutal and I tried so often to do it without the help of RadX but I never could. Went close(reached outside). I guess that I like a challenge. Too bad if someone disagrees.

Demigods? Go find a mod that slows exp or even stops it. F3 had one and I did everything and reached about level 28 I think.
just like using/not using stimpaks
That rule is pretty fun and Im having nothing against it.
I only mentioned radiation stuff, you know, while not using stimpaks there are pretty fair chances beetwen you and AI.
Also, using Nevada mod, you could do some changes, like 100% dmg for you and enemies, and same vaule for every 1 endurance in stats.

The essence of all Fallout games is to hold onto that early difficulty level: you know? the one where you sweat over your char surviving a battle and then winning with 8 hps only to see another one approaching. So, no quick heals, no artificial non-existent radiation safeguards just food,water and the good doctor.
That is completely right.
In FNV that possibility to use inventory whenever you want... uhh...

However, when I played as brawler with 1 endurance in Fallout1, it was one of the greatest playthrough, dying some many times in funny ways.


Demigods? Go find a mod that slows exp or even stops it. F3 had one and I did everything and reached about level 28 I think.
It still will allow me to create some masticator. ; )
There are 10 perks for SPECIAL and 1 special one (Solar Powered).
Rest perks are from quests or implants, and it can only be balanced by intense modding, what I never liked.
Well well!!
Kindred spirits after all. I agree totally : ) Congrats on that End 1 char . That was a great achievement!!! I would not be that brave.

I have to admit I don't like melee or unarmed chars but if F2 you have no choice until level 6 to 8 so you just must cope although the MegaMod JuJu juice and its -14% hit rate makes melee impossible for my current char as it affects a lot more than just Jordan.

However, once in possession of a chainsaw....ummm I could not resist it in FNV although I never kept the save as it was revenge for killing a companion whose quest I had not completed..

One of the other restraints is killing several hundred legionnaires(or rangers if you like being evil) without being detected and losing faction with the legion. Naturally it is all long range stuff and NO companion. I was a little disappointed that when I gave the quest giver 300 ears there was no special reply. you do get caught occasionally but then you must reload.

A silenced Gobi is IMHO the best weapon in the game although it takes a a mod to use it("MUW" IIRC)

I guess we are all different and if we all agreed what a boring world it would be
Since it's such fun perhaps in FO4 they will give us 2 perks every level! And moar skillpoints, because having them is fun too.

Bethesdas approach is just like that: if its "fun", let there be more of it. If they would have asked themselves why it's fun, they might have realized that moar! Is not always better. Quality vs. Quantity, less is more… etc. The value of the perk, the joy, the sense of achievement comes from it's rarity, importance and impact. Like a holiday once in a year, like a really good dinner once in a while or the occasional good bottle of wine the "fun" of it is because it's so very special and unusual. By turning it into a regular and meaningless experience something great and SPECIAL is turned into a trivial banality. And then they wonder why some people don't like it anymore, even if they were given more of what they used to like.
Your point is valid IFF the perk is useful. My point was that most are not and are mere curiosity items which you take just to see if the critics(of that perk) are correct and even then if they are useful you rarely use them in game anyway.
e.g. the explosives many of you take them AND find them useful? TBH when I have taken all of them I am totally unaware of any real difference, game shattering or not.

Unfortunately about 80% of perks in ALL fallout games are useless to most players. This is the reasoning behind my view of the flexibility of perk offers.

If your comment about FO4(sarcasm aside) were true then we would be inundated with even more useless perks.

I am quite happy to have 1 perk/5 levels in FO4 PROVIDED that the perk is very useful. As few are this useful then 1 in 3 is ok but as we all know (whether we admit it or not) most are not , so what exactly is wrong with a higher frequency if the player/payer so demands it?

I understand your righteous indignation but it is not based on a firm foundation.
I fall into the camp of a perk every 2 levels. It is better that way. One annoying thing in 3 was the lack of being able to keep a perk point and use it later. A few times I would level up and not really want any of the perks I could pick so I would just have to use a perk point on something rubbish. You can't keep the perk point for later in New Vegas either, but there is a much better selection, part of this is due to only getting one every 2 levels. In New Vegas I never find myself in the situation where there are no perks I want.
Yes that happened to me more than once, plus the loss of skill points as my counter does NOT keep those over 99. Made not a few reloads necessary.

Curious about "Toughness" in F2MM. Is it that useful? IMHO it was in FNV
Also I do not recall More criticals having THREE levels. in F2MM. Is that the MM or my son (who plays F2 when he should be studying and on my computer as his is so slow(real pity that) )sneaking in a mod?
I'm for the "every 3rd level" like in Fallout 2 for example.
Perks every level make the character godlike and with like 30lvl cap or more you'll have about 30 perks which is an overkill imho.
I prefer to have less but more meaningful perks over shit ton of them which don't really make a difference since I'll pick them every playthrough.