Perks Reviewed, mostly all useless.


Still Mildly Glowing
This is an unbiased review of the perks usefulness. Not creativity or coolness.

Level 2

Black Widow / Lady Killer: 5/5 a perk that gives you 10 percent more damage half the time and opens up speech trees is a good perk.

Daddy’s bog / Daddy’s Girl: 1/5 Better off getting the Intense Training perk and getting another intelligence. You will get more points per level which you can put anywhere.

Gun Nut: 1/5 Better off getting the Intense Training perk and getting another intelligence. You will get more points per level which you can put anywhere.

Intense Training: 5/5 Basically cheating if used correctly, such as, starting off at 10 int then filling in the blanks with this perk.

Little Leaguer: 1/5 Better off getting the Intense Training perk and getting another intelligence. You will get more points per level which you can put anywhere.

Swift learner: 2/5 If you are going to do all the quest and hit 20 anyway this perk is almost worthless. Might be good for a mid level player, might hit level 16 instead of 14 if only doing 25% of the quests.

Thief: 1/5 Better off getting the Intense Training perk and getting another intelligence. You will get more points per level which you can put anywhere.

Level 4

Child at Heart: 2.5/5 Good if you want to have max dialog options and get all the quests, almost worthless if you think you can do quests in other ways and get the same quests other ways.

Comprehension: 3/5 I think Bethesda will put in enough books for this to pay off. Again, best for players looking in every nook and cranny, decent for players just running through the main quest only.

Educated: 5/5 Take early this is an irreplaceable perk. Best for players looking to hit level 20 for max skill points.

Entomologist: 1/5 Bad, just think there are better things to pick. Only works when attacking bugs is bad.

Iron fist: 5/5 Melee combat players. 0/5 ranged combat. Obviously bad for ranged weapon characters. 5 points here and there starting at level 4 or 5 will add up to be very effective over time.

Scoundrel: 1/5 (official score pending) Better off getting the Intense Training perk and getting another intelligence. You will get more points per level which you can put anywhere. Unless Scoundrel opens up dialog options like “Charm” then it is mandatory for speech character.

Level 6

Bloody mess: 3/5 The 5% more damage will be nice end game, and all through the game. Though I don’t like this perk for personal stupidity reasons.

Demolition Expert: 2/5 Just don’t think you will be using explosives that much, and it seems explosives get the job done without this perk.

Fortune finder: 1.5/5 Usually in RPG’s and even in old more hardcore Fallouts you hardly used money. And had plenty if you did need it. And Bethesda is making the game accessible to noobs so there will be a lot of caps around.

Gunslinger: 2/5 More accuracy does not seem needed. Looks as if in VATS the % to hit something vital are usually pretty high. Will be over kill if combined with the perk sniper. And 1 handed weapons will most likely be out of date near mid of game.

Lead belly: 1.5/5 Feel like there are plenty better perks to pick. Meds negate this perk.

Toughness: 3/5 Pretty decent if you want to be a character that can take a lot of hits. Armor will probably be sufficient in protecting you.

Level 8

Commando: 3/5 Like Gunslinger don’t feel more accuracy in needed. But higher rated than Gunslinger because two-handed weapons will be more viable throughout the game.

Impartial meditation: 2/5 Low score do to only being available to neutral players. Also I feel you will be able to get those skill points other ways. Decent perk if you feel you are far behind in speech and this is the only way you can catch up.

Rad Resistance: 1/5 Meds negate this.

Scrounger: 1.5/5 Never had a problem with ammo. And in the Bethesda version feel I will have even less of a problem. Might be a ok perk for those wanting larger supplies of rare ammo.

Size matters: 2.5/5 Decent perk if you changed your mind late in the game towards big guns. Giving 15 points per level into big guns is a fast way to turn big guns from 15% to 60 percent in no time. Only a 2.5 because I don’t think you will need tons of skill points into weapons to be decently accurate. With big weapons there is usually enough damage per second flying around to compensate for the lack of accuracy.

Strong back: 2/5 Decent for lazy folks who can’t manage their inventory or want to carry around every weapon in the game.

Level 10

Animal friend: 1/5 Only works with 4 units in the entire game.

Finesse: 4.5/5 Missing .5 because I feel you crit a lot as is. Otherwise, irreplaceable for anyone who wants to do any kind of damage.

Here and now: 1/5 You just leveled, the point of leveling is to pick a perk, why would you want waste a perk on skipping over a perk? Might be good if you can use at level 20!!!

Mister sandman: 2.5/5 Good if there are many missions where silent and killing is a must. Don’t see anyone using this perk effectively in most situations though.

Mysterious stranger: 2/5 Only happens in VATS. If you have action points to get in VATS you are usually doing ok in a fight.

Nerd Rage: 2/5 Could save you in some running away situations or really sticky situations. Could be used to make a “invincible” character.

Night person: 1/5 Your intelligence should already be around 10 for maximum skill points per level. Only works at night. Perception offers little benefits.

Level 12

Cannibal: 1.5/5 Good for leveling and keeping your health high. Useful if you are low on health items. The loss of karma is the downside/upside to this, and having to look around to make sure there are no witnesses. Health items negate this.

Fast Metabolism: 1/5 Extra meds negate this. Or higher medicine rating.

Life Giver: 2.5/5 30 more hit points at level 12. Only decent.

Pyromaniac: 4/5 50% more damage from a flamer and Shishkebob. 50 percent is a very big chunk of damage. If you plan to use either of these weapons long term get this perk. Perk useless if you do not plan to use these weapons.

Robotics Expert: 2/5 Works on only a few units in the game. Potential hazard avoided by disarming.

Silent running: 1.5/5 Only good for the impatient sneakers or if you need to sneak over long sections of terrain not to be detected. Or those really needing 10 more points into sneak right away at level 12, which I don’t see happening.

Sniper: 4/5 Great perk for any gun using character. Only 4/5 because I feel accuracy is high enough as is.

Level 14

Adamantium Skeleton: 1/5 Negated with health meds.

Chemist: 1.5/5 Won’t be using Chems that often and when you do you won’t need them for that long and there are usually enough to go around.

Contract killer: 5/5 Opens new quests and those quests lead to new free perks.

Cyborg: 3/5 Decent defensive perk with a small amount of offense in there.

Lawbringer: 5/5 Opens new quests and those quests lead to new free perks.

Light step: 1.5/5 Watching where you step negates this. Decent for the lazy blind people.

Mater trader: 1/5 You will have plenty of caps by level 14.

Level 16

Action boy: 5/5 More action point is a good thing for all combat situations.

Better Criticals: 2/5 One could argue this is nearly worthless. When you crit that crit usually kills the enemy in 1 hit. So you really don’t need 50% more damage on crits.

Chem Resistant: 1/5 Save and loads prevent this. Plus addition goes away or can be cured easily.

Tag!: 2/5 Tagging a new skill at level 16+ is a desperate move. Should have all the action point you need at this point.

Level 18

Concentrated Fire: 2/5 If you can hit it once normally, chances are you can hit it again normally and cripple it with the second attack.

Computer Wiz: 1/5 Save and load negates this.

Infiltrator: 1/5 Save and load negates this.

Paralyzing Palm: 2/5 Only works with VATS, if you are punching someone in VATS you usually queue up enough point to finish the unit off. Useful when fighting multiple bad guys when they are all in melee range, doesn’t happen very often since most are shooting at you.

Level 20

Explorer: 1.5/5 internet and/or guides negate this. Decent for lazy gamers.

Grim Reaper’s Sprint: 5/5 Basically kill everything you see for free. Good for melee and ranged.

Ninja: 5/5 Destroys when combed with high strength and skill for that type of weapon. Great for any melee character, with the added bonus in sneak mode. Not as good as Grim Reaper.

Solar powered: 1/5 This is a level 20 ability? This would only be slightly better than Cannibal if available at same level.
And it should be wrapped with spoiler tags. Same goes for the other thread of yours... sure, it's all available, but why force people to read it if they want a surprise.

[spoiler:b44f6a2a5e]Anyway, boo to Beth for making perks appear at every other level. That sucks, except if levelling up is extremely slow, which somehow seems not probable to me given the FPSish nature of the game.[/spoiler:b44f6a2a5e]
Josan12 said:
Dude, writing a speculative guide for a game that's not even released yet is cuckoo.

It's not that it is cuckoo, but this information is pretty obvious if you think about it for a bit, by writing this I am just cutting most the thinking part for you.

Not sure what the exact definition is on a "spoiler" but I feel if it is released through non illegally leaked information it is considered common knowledge on this website. New perk options pop up every other level, but you get to pick a perk every level. And third of all I am not forcing anyone to read anything, and I clearly state what I am writing about, so if you think reading what is described in the topic a "spoiler" and you don't want to read a spoiler, then don't read it.

Still would like some opinions based on Fallout 1/2. I forget what the highest skill check for charisma was.
Josan12 said:
Dude, writing a speculative guide for a game that's not even released yet is cuckoo.
Not if there was enough information but given that the manual doesn't tell you how starting skill points are calculated, I'd tend to agree. That said, if you know know those formulas (ie have played the game or watched someone create a character and check out every skill) then it would be quite easy to do a character optimization but I see no evidence that Humpsalot has done this nor that he's done any calculations to find out whether or not he's correct. That said, an innitial rating can be done on these skills but I'm not sure that Humpsalot is being objective here.

Kuj2: No, neither thread contains any spoilers. Besides which, you're in the "Fallout 3 Suggestions and Ideas" forum which is basically a spoiler forum.
Humpsalot said:
New perk options pop up every other level, but you get to pick a perk every level.
That sucks even more. What were they thinking?

@UncannyGarlic: acknowledged.
These may be your honest and unbiased thoughts, but they're not based on any experience with the game.

I mean really, this:
5/5 a perk that gives you 10 percent more damage half the time and opens up speech trees is a good perk.
Is completely arbitrary. Do we know if 10% damage increase is significant? Do we know that we get useful speech options, or that they pop up often enough? No. So how the fuck do you rate it a 5/5?

Similarly, almost all of your advice that doesn't consist of 'Hey this will give you more skill points'(where I've never seen how you determined this) is pure speculation consisting of 'This and this won't have much of an effect' or 'This will', while you don't have any clue whatsoever whether this is actually the case.
10 percent dmg is 10 percent dmg, and more dialog options to finish/get quests is good. I don't see how you can argue that it isn't.
Humpsalot said:
10 percent dmg is 10 percent dmg
10% damage when things you shoot only need one or two shots to kill is a lot less useful than 10% damage when things require 10 shots to kill.

Humpsalot said:
, and more dialog options to finish/get quests is good. I don't see how you can argue that it isn't.
What, you missed the meaning of 'significant'?

Also, good going humping the details and ignoring the main points.

Again: almost all of your argumentation as to why something would be useful in this game is pure speculation.
Sander said:
Humpsalot said:
10 percent dmg is 10 percent dmg
10% damage when things you shoot only need one or two shots to kill is a lot less useful than 10% damage when things require 10 shots to kill.

Ah, yes good point. I see what you are saying now and you are correct. Doing 50% damage 2 times and doing 55% damage 2 times is still taking two shots. That ak took like 10 shots to kill a raider though in the mega mart video.
Humpsalot said:
Kuj2 you never know whats going on and you follow me around posting, please stop.
Well, if commenting on some facts is forbidden, then I'll stop, all right, but I didn't know it was - I don't care who they're posted by, mind you. I said getting perks every level sucks, and that still sucks, and if anyone else said it, it'd still suck for me. What's your problem? :?
yeah the "raise a single point" blurb probably refers to you can raise a single point for each rank - but you could do it 10 times into one stat if you wanted to (if allowed to push over 10)
Yes I know that you only raise 1 point at a time 1 stat at a time. But with the choices of perks I think I'll end up using it 5 or 6 times.
Rev. Layle said:
yeah the "raise a single point" blurb probably refers to you can raise a single point for each rank - but you could do it 10 times into one stat if you wanted to (if allowed to push over 10)
You're not allowed to push over 10 with chems, so probably not with this perk either.

I have to say that getting a perk every level, and then having this perk available seems to cheapen the levelling experience, though.
Humpsalot said:
UncannyGarlic you wrote something simular here:
I was being as objective as I could, those are my honest and unbiased thoughts.
Mine was a reaction piece posted in response to the subject of the thread, not a guide. I think your hearts in the right place but you're just not thinking it through quite enough. If you have the formulas used to calculate starting skill points and skill points gained per level then please, post them and show, where appropriate, how it proves your point.

I'm with Sander, more dialog options != more useful dialog options and damage bonuses aren't necessarily the most useful perks. My guess is that the best munchkin build will either be as balanced as possible (having certain skills at certain levels for dialog and quest reasons) and won't utilize some of the cool (sounding?) perks (like Child at Heart) or will be entirely combat oriented because of drugs helping everywhere else when needed (depends on the rarity of drugs). That's all speculation though and, as I said, I'd like to see how skills are derived before trying to give advice.