Pete explains

You know Macaco, your proposal is interesting and would be welcome since the S2 modding scene is quite scarce.
Is or isn't JES a legitimate Fallout developer? Is or isn't Mr. Teatime hoarding Darque pics under his mattress? Is or isn't Kharn running KGB operations out of Russia? Is or isn't the SS modding scene in a shambles? Are or aren't people posting these conundrums on this thread in the hope that Pete will explain? :)
Meh, you just want a new FO to be told all bout as soon as possible so you can start on a FO3 guide as soon as possible :P
Does Bethseda have a shot in hell at hiring MCA? No. What about Tim Cain? No. What about Leonard Boyarsky? No. What about Chris Tayor? No.

But I believe J. E. Sawyer would leave a Gauntlet project to go work on FO3. It's better than not having any FO staff working on FO3.
I dunno, if I were J.E., and having two of my biggest projects blown to hell, why would i want to start all over?

Who knows what his passion for the FO universe is at these days, and would he even be interested in a position at Bethesda.

All speculation.
Well having Chris Taylor or Sawyer or Deiley and many others would relieve me a bit, but since i don`t know if they would ever be interested or if Bethesda wants to hire anyone at all i`m not going to loose much time on the subject.