Pete Hines fires back

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Game Informer gave Pete Hines a much-needed opportunity to address the several worries Fallout fans have:<blockquote>Since announcing that it would be taking the reins of one of the revered Fallout series, Bethesda has faced a barrage of feedback. Some saw the decision to move from isometric, turn-based gameplay to a more action-oriented, third-person game as an inevitable step. Technology has changed since Fallout debuted in 1997, so it stands to reason that a newer incarnation should take advantage of those advancements. Others in the fan community likened that move to blasphemy, saying that Bethesda had abandoned core components of the game. Worse, the company didn’t seem to have any idea what made the original such a classic—the humor, freedom and environments.

At the center of this debate is Bethesda’s Pete Hines, the company’s VP of PR and Marketing. We spoke to Hines about how the team handles such criticisms and what players can expect to see when Fallout 3 launches in 2008.</blockquote>Pete Hines discussed how not everyone is going to love Fallout 3, how they know of our concerns and know we won't like it because we're too specific about it, and addressing the question of humour.

Link: Game Informer video interview with Pete Hines.

Thanks to the Codex.
Some choice quotes from PR Pete:

"They want a game that's made that they want."

"It’s really not hard to take the criticisms it's not the first time we’ve done this"

"If you’re not OK with it, you know, we’re OK with it"

*sighs* :rip:
I hate this attitude. "Technology has changed since Fallout debuted in 1997, so it stands to reason that a newer incarnation should take advantage of those advancements." Because all it means is cookie cutter FPS. And its not that I do not like a FPS! I enjoyed BF2, Dues Ex, Bioshock (to a point), the 'Unreal Tournaments', Mount & Blade (GREAT!), SystemShock, Half Lifes, COD, FEAR, STALKER (okay played it didn't like it)... hell even enjoyed Oblivion for a while...and just about everyone that has come out in the last 4 or 5 years!
But my point is, they pretty much are the same. Every developer "promises" theirs will be different, but in they end they are all the same. nothing new. Just pretty. Just bloom. But they stand behind "popularity" and "technology". Its as if ALL GAMES must be FPS or they will fail. No original thought, no original design. Its why they are "hot" then cold a month later when some other new FPS comes out.
I got news for Hines, Brittany Spears is popular, so is Paris Hilton. It does not mean they are good. Look at stuff like American Idol, everyone who comes out of it, to me, is just a cut out of the winner the year before. It does not mean they are good. This game may be good, but it will just be like so many others- a flash in the pan- popular for a moment and then fades away. Because its nothing new. We liked fallout because it was different. It was original and CHOSE to be that way. Its why it is a cult game. It went against the flow. I think that is why many of us get pissed, I know it is why I am getting pissed about the development of the game.
They are taking away the original feeling in the game. "immersive" can only be achieved thru first person? So I expect very soon that all movies will be played out this way? So we feel "immersed"? I think they tried that in DOOM: The Movie...

Its a FPS shooter simply because its what the console kiddies want and is cheaper to make. Fine... but give us our choices and adult dialogues (I don't mean just sex and drugs, but REAL dialogue don't curse JUST to use a four letter word). Give us a real game.
Deep down we all really do want the game to be great, you may not believe it, but we do.
Sorry for rambling---just had to get that out.
Since I've been thoroughly disenchanted with everything 'ol Petey has said for some time now, I found this line in the opener to be the most striking part of this interview:

"Technology has changed since Fallout debuted in 1997, so it stands to reason that a newer incarnation should take advantage of those advancements."

It is truly infuriating to me, to watch the gaming media try to spoonfeed us the same bullshit that Bethesda has been trying to use, to prove that we shouldn't want a real fallout game.
I swear that's almost the exact same wording that the PR ghouls at Bethesda have used to illustrate this fallacy.

this is to whom it may concern at Gameinformer:

Reason would dictate that you might actually check the facts before making inane statements based on nothing more than what Bethesda's PR people told you to say!

The "technology" of games, has NOT changed drastically since Fallout came out, and the reason they did not use a FPP before was NOT that it was unavailable.

In fact, in the past decade, FPP gaming has done nothing but stagnate with ridiculous knockoffs to the point that people are more impressed by the 3 new bloom features of a game than they are by the rest of it's content!

A fully functional and industry approved 3D engine was readily available a year before Fallout was even released. Anyone remember the game Quake?!?!?!

It came out in 1996, and it featured a massive fully rendered 3D world.

Here's what the media said about it back then:

"Quake is the biggest, baddest, bloodiest and most atmospheric 3-D action game ever conceived." - PC Gamer

"The vanguard of a terrifying new level of immersive interactivity." - Computer Gaming World

To this day, a huge number of 3d engines in action games are based upon the quake engine and variations thereof.

Stating that Fallout SHOULD be FPP now because FPP wasn't available back then is nothing more than a BIG FAT LIE that Bethesda has repeated so many times that people are starting to believe it.

Retarded article said:
action-oriented, third-person game as an inevitable step. Technology has changed since Fallout debuted in 1997, so it stands to reason that a newer incarnation should take advantage of those advancements

Yeah, I mean, like, wtf its so amazing we can actually have action-oriented games from third person perspective these days. This advancement in technology is utterly amazing.

What? You guys say there have been a lot of third person action games back in the late ninetees, like Tomb Raider? Are you fucking nuts, only a lunatic and FO 3 hater could spread such lies.

Technology has advanced, and its only a matter of time until EVERY new game becomes action oriented and third person. This is completly independet from genre or other aspects of course.

All hail to Bethesda, the gaming press and technological advancement.

EDIT: Lol, 3 posters writing almost exactly the same rant within a timeframe of 8 minutes ;)
Technology has changed since Fallout debuted in 1997, so it stands to reason that a newer incarnation should take advantage of those advancements.
Liars - the technology needed to make TPP action games was in place long time before Fallout.
Also, the whole idea that Fallout had isometric view because of technical limitations is absurd and insulting - when people wanted to make FPP/TPP action games, they made them with whatever means they had at their disposal - they didn't wait for better technology, because what was the best then inspired awe anyway.
Otherwise we wouldn't have Akalabeth, Wolvenstein, Ultima Underworld, Doom, Quake, Daggerfall, Tomb Raider Unreal, etc.

Also, a part of Fallout team, including Leonard Boyarsky, Jason Anderson and Chris Taylor worked on Stonekeep, which was FPP with RT combat.
Unless, of course, he's talking about how much easier it is now for the console. Makes sense, sell-out your company to the console, so make console-friendly games. Corporate scoundrelism at its best/worst. Rape what you can, give nothing back!
ah corporate discourse :) what a bitch

seriously ...
the humour - might have been a nice part of it but it wasnt IT - and humour is hard to do ... good luck with your steve martin F3

the enviroments ? - oh i see .. this is something you are confident in .. and you decided to link it to fallout. Fallouts envirometns were indeed great .. but not like in oblivion - look at the grass great.

excuse the rant guys.
I think you may want to rename this thread "Pete Hines Espouses the Same Old Ignorant, Useless Drivel."
All they need to say is "buy fallout 3 and receive a free copy of the fallout 2 source code"

where's my credit card...

Or pre order now and receive a vault boy action figure with 2 angle of articulation.

where's my credit card...
Well, I'd like to order the special edition with the dev tools, too...
And docs.
And oh, crap, some damn free time, so please include a winning lottery ticket in the package :/

Well granted, the whole source code would be a smack : the core elements of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L system must be something awfully difficult to perfectly clone.
So that would be a huge step forward in order to see a "fallout-like-it-should-have-been-done" mod for FO3.

Edit : hmmm on a second thought, that post could better be on the *other* thread ...
whirlingdervish said:
A fully functional and industry approved 3D engine was readily available a year before Fallout was even released. Anyone remember the game Quake?!?!?!

Are you telling me, that fallout would be just as good (at the time) made in the quake engine?
DaiShiva said:
Are you telling me, that fallout would be just as good (at the time) made in the quake engine?
I believe the point of the statement is just to point out the ignorance of the stance that FPP and real-time combat is somehow a natural extension of technological progression. As Quake, the Marathon trilogy, Beth's own Daggerfall and Arena, Doom, and numerous other examples show, FPP and real-time are old. Very old. Older than Fallout. There's nothing new or progressive about it.
DaiShiva said:
whirlingdervish said:
A fully functional and industry approved 3D engine was readily available a year before Fallout was even released. Anyone remember the game Quake?!?!?!

Are you telling me, that fallout would be just as good (at the time) made in the quake engine?
Of course not, it wouldn't be 2d isometric :P .
Sorrow said:
Of course not, it wouldn't be 2d isometric :P .
Fallout, in 2D isometric, looks rather better than the graphics of the Quake engine at that time. I never really thought any of the 3D engines looked very good up until recently. Even Unreal, which was absolutely gorgeous for its time, still didn't match a good 2D engine for visuals.