physiology 2- ghouls

Point well made. I probably do need to go read some more of that Fallout bible :)
Though according to my defunct theory, they still might be resistant to other types of agents. If you're immune system and regenerative capabilities picks up, you'll become more resistant in general, as your body would be more capable of warding off infection and disease...but anyhoo...

I think there's probably more to ghouls than simply FEV and/or radiation.
One thought is that perhaps they were effected by a different strain of FEV. It is a virus after all - a living thing. And while host bodies effected by the virus become strongly resistant to radiation, a virus without host cells is generally much weaker. So perhaps it is plausible that the radiation of the war mutated the virus itself - if it was indeed in the air around the time the bombs dropped. The FEV in the vats that the super mutants used were in the military base, not out in the open.
Just a thought.
that is very much possible and there is a good scientific explanation for it. FEV is a retrovirus, and all retroviruses have RNA. unlike DNA viruses, they are very subject to mutation. so it's quite likely that FEV may have mutated not into one, but into many new strains with different properties.
actually it's somewhere between a living organism and dead matter. that's what they taught me in school, anyway. :wink:

The word virus comes from the latin and it means poison. Virii are not considered living matter as they are not capable of sustaining even the most primitive semblance of life. They don't react to stimulii, they don't eat but they DO reproduce. Personally I consider virii to be protein syringes that replicate their contents when they enter an adecuate, live organism.
Alright, thank you Mister Anal Retentive :) Whatever the hell you want to call it - my point was that virii are capable of mutation.
Harold's Tree

On the subject of ghouls and ghoul-like creatures, how did Harold grow a tree out of his head? Generous applications of fertilizer? Fresh graftings of human skin? Sheer force of will? Is it an incarnation of the great god BOB? I'm sure others would like to know this as well.