Hello, kids, and welcome to Uncle Slamák's Panorama of Gaffes and Oddities. Have fun!

Yes, that's his other arm in the wall.

Another terrible vista of the same.
And now, a friendly message to all discerning raiders out there. Tired of those meddling Vault Dwellers infiltrating your SatCom arrays and launching your useless, harmless nukes which are somehow still functional after 200 years? We have a solution for you: Just board up the doors, ya shitheads!

Oh, good luck banging the nails into the metal walls. Let us know how that turned out.

Blood spurting continuously from thin air. Probably the most frequent engine bug I've got.

An interesting glitch I got whilst mucking about with the tcl command.

I know the Enclave have a penchant for setting these up everywhere, but what good can it possibly be

I wasn't mucking about here, though - I assure you this place exists in the game. Although I forget where.

Okay, now you're positively shitting me. (Caught between a rock and a hard place near the Oasis.)


Guess the artists felt a little underpaid...
And finally, a bonus motivational poster for dissenting fans: