It annoys me that I can't do the quest about his missing wife this time. I was planning on letting him shot the wrong murderer if that's possible.
e: The first ED-E playback mentions the
Adams Air force Base, "our bases in Chicago" and the
Hellfire armour. So all those things must be considered cannon by Obsidian. What did they mean by the "our bases in Chicago"?
e2: I was supposed to help the Nightkin this time but Davison attacked me so I hade no choice but to kill him and the jailer. Guess I'll be heloing the Ghouls once more. Stupid game. It's too easy to turn Davison hostile. I still have a save file that I could reload and retry though. Should I spend that time?
e3: I decided to reload and sneaked passed the hostile Nightkins and got the mission from their leader Davidson to deal with the ghoul Harland. They wanted the Stealth Boys said to be in that room. Harland wouldn't allow me to search for the Stealth Boy shipment so I had to kill him.
What I don't like about the design here is that you can end up killing to many Nightkin in selfdefence and then not being able to get the quest from Davidson. I used my meta knowledge this time to get the outcome I wanted, which is on because I've played this game before. But if you are on your first run you can sabotage yourself without even knowing. I actually had to reload and replay this time because I didn't remember what the stakes were.
e4: So Jasons Bright Brotherhood Ghouls had their take-off without Chris and I was finally done with REPCONN. As a reward I got my motel room in Novac where I could off-load a lot of stuff. Good to have. Then I headed for Nelson and had to cut down the NCR blockade. Nelson was a bit shit because the only quest was to go to Camp Forlorn Hope and murder everybody, which I did. Yay!
Should I continue to Boulder or go to the Legions main camp?
e5: Ok so I bypassed Helios One and made my way to the 188 Trading Post to get Veronica. Samuel and Michelle Kerr who runs the place are refugees from Primm. However you can't tell them anything about your dealings in their hometown. You can't tell them that the place has a new Sheriff. Michelle is worried about the Legion raids and you can't tell her that you support the Legion and that she shouldn't worry. Not much of that famous Fallout: New Vegas reactivity added in 188 Trading post. Sad.
e6: If you kill the NCR garrison in Boulder the people at the Big Horn Salon also turns hostile, like the barkeep. Pretty dead town now.
e7: The
Anywhere I Wonder quest feels lackluster if you're not with the NCR. You can't even talk with Alexus in the mine. Your only option if you're with the Legion is to kill the quest giver. Boring!
e8: Didn't remember Matthews Animal Husbandry Farm. Those diary notes left a chilling sense of dread. Well done! But poor animals...
e9: Fuck me! You have to confront Benny at the Tops Casino in order to be able to travel to the Legion. That sucks because that means that the Legion content is just end-game content. The only thing you can do at Cottonwood Cove is to give them NCR dogtags.
e10: First I killed Fantastic but then I reloaded to keep him alive. He's to fantastic to die and he doesn't benefit the NCR anyway.
e11: Veronica doesn't give any reaction to the dead BoS patrol you encounter at the REPCONN headquarters. And ED-E doesn't react to the eyebot on display at the exhibition. As someone who like reactivity in games that would have been nice. Also you almost never find anything fun in a toilet and that's a missed opportunity.
e12: That "Doctor" at the Correctional Facility doesn't cure addiction. So you get a worse doctor if you side with the Powder Gangers like I did.
e13: Tragic the Gardening is mentioned at the H&H Tools factory.