I never said I have no respect for the opinions of fans. I was just saying how I would feel about said game spinoffs, since someone asked. I've played games my whole life so it doesn't really affect me when Company X doesn't make a sequel to a game I really enjoyed a lot. I just wait and look forward to whatever game might happen to fit the style I like to play, to come along... someday. =P
Now then, whether I feel it's proper or not is something else entirely. Sure these companies could make another great game, but they don't. The producers in the video game industry have put a stop to so many good series due to their insatiable greed.
Games I have really enjoyed that will never get a proper sequel:
Bioforge (look how much we were teased with Bioforge Gold)
Crusader: No Remorse
(No Regret just wasn't as fun IMO. If a company wants to alienate their players and ruin a series then the subtle changes in this sequel are a good example to follow.)
Entomorph (that popping sound when you kill something in that game is just so satisfying)
Mega Man X (I enjoyed the series up until the point where they decided to give X a squeaky little anime voice. I thought it was supposed to be a more mature iteration of the series but oh well.. Plus you can only play so many of these games before they start to get REALLY repetitive)
Ultima Underworld 1/2
Arx Fatalis (actually this is the spiritual successor to Ultima Underworld 2. Now I'm just waiting for them to get over themselves and drop this silly multiplayer crap they're working on, and make the next Arx Fatalis)
X-Com (Well TftD was alright, but just alright)
Jagged Alliance 2
Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (the next Cthulhu game they were working on did look like crap though)
*Edit 3: Final Fantasy Tactics, Oddworld, Fallout Tactics, Baldur's Gate 1/2, Temple of Elemental Evil, Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor, Planescape: Torment, etc..
Fallout (Fallout 3 may not be a proper sequel. To me, it's just another game. It's to Fallout 2 what Dark Messiah is to Ultima Underworld 2... if Dark Messiah had been named Ultima Underworld 3. An ultimately cheesy and unnecessary whoring of a game series, but nevertheless I'll play and enjoy Fallout 3 just as much as I would enjoy an Ultima Underworld 3 that played more like an actiony throw-stuff-to-kill-things kinda game)
Edit: Actually that's jumping to conclusions. If Fallout 3 only consists of what we've seen in the demos then it looks to be a $5 bargain bin title. However, if that's just 5% of the game then that's OK (with me). I like RPG's. I like Bethesda's RPG's. If Fallout 3 were only as good as Oblivion then I'm okay with that, but I'm hopeful that they will have improved a lot due to criticism of their previous game. I know it's not a game for Fallout fans (and thus the title makes no sense) but I'm hopeful that they'll release a CS for the game and there will be lots of interesting user created content for Fallout 3.
I just hope that by them being stuck with the Fallout name that it will help them make a better RPG than if they had made.. oh.. Apocalos Scrolls 1: Vault 101. I think the Fallout franchise is a good thing for Bethesda, as I can only imagine how cheesy their own post apocalypse IP would have been.
Edit 2: Judging from the various tidbits of news on new isometric style RPGs in NMA news, there will be a fair number of spiritual successors to Fallout. Let's just hope these companies can all stay afloat and, after their desired initial success, don't get carried away and make an actiony rpg where you throw-boxes-and-stuff-to-kill-enemies.
* Edit 3: Thankfully nobody has replied before I could do edits 1 and 2. Oh, and now to edit in some more titles before anyone notices.
Edit 4: I would be more than happy to see something like Ultima Underworld 3 be purchased by a game by Blizzard and be made into a hack & slash rather than die in obscurity. HOWEVER, I can understand your lament and sorrow if you're not a fan, AT ALL, of first person RPG's and if you absolutely hated Stalker, Oblivion, Morrowind, and any other first person RPG that's ever been made. As for myself, I'm happy to see a first person post apocalypse RPG. I've still yet to play Stalker, but that's only because Wal-Mart hasn't stocked any $20 versions of the game yet. x]