Please Please Please Keep "Bloody Mess Perk"

It's a trait. :P

Also, a good idea to keep the game from being rated PG or whatever.
I think it gets a bit boring after a while. It's much cooler if it only happens sometimes. Granted, splattering the Overseer's right body-half all over the Vault door IS rewarding :-)
But I wouldn't see it as neccessary.
I never really noticed a difference while playing with it, what does it actually do? The first time i had it i was expecting to walk around and have random NPCs exploding into fountains of flesh.
Forgotten said:
I never really noticed a difference while playing with it, what does it actually do? The first time i had it i was expecting to walk around and have random NPCs exploding into fountains of flesh.

It doesn't work on the censored versions, which is a lot of the European ones, including the British one, I think

On an uncensored version, you always get the critical hit result. Lots of splattering, screaming, exploding etc. Lots of fun to make an alien explode by hitting it in the groin.

Essential trait? I think not, but I did like using it for an extra trait since I rarely felt the need to take one besides Gifted
Fireblade said:
Isnt it the same thing as "Maximum Blood" without wasting a Trait?

No, it isn't. "Maximum Blood" simply allows the ultra-violent death animations to be shown. The Bloody Mess trait ensures that you will always get the ultra-violent death animation.
Odd, but thank you Kotario. I never really noticed that much of a difference myself (Must get lucky with those death animations a lot). My favorite besides the Flambe death is the plasma rifle. Just seeing the skin melt off and pool, the bones crumbling....

It even gives you their armor and held weapon!
I liked it but it wasn't really needed, I always took gifted and small frame. I thought it was a fun game element but maybe you could get the bloody mess option through a random encounter, just a thought.
Fireblade said:
It even gives you their armor and held weapon!

Well, yeah, but so do flamer of rocket deaths. If you want to make armour and weapon looting more realistic, you'd need to have "critical" hits destroy armour. Or work on armour definitions. In Fallout almost everyone had armour you could even steal off them, and in Fallout 2 almost nobody did, and I think neither extreme was good.
Item of Crucial Importance

It may seem an obvious and minor detail, but since they left it out in BOS I figured it was worth mentioning.

I want to have the opportunity I had in Fallout 1 & 2 to kill every single last person in the world.
Well, you always had that option in every FO game(Fallout/Fallout 2 at least)so I would imagine Bethesda wouldn't take that possibility out. But there would always be a nearly limitless amount of people as available candidates for random encounters so the possibility to kill every single person seems to be impossible. Although there should definately be the option of killing every single person in towns/cities. If you don't get killed in the action that is.
You couldn't kill the Overseer in Fallout.

And yeah, I think there will be such an option. You could kill mission critical persons (along with the plot) in Morrowind, now, couldn't you?

Also, you could just as well have posted this in the "Bloody Mess and Gore" thread...

EDIT: Aw, hell, merging.
Silencer said:
You couldn't kill the Overseer in Fallout.

Actually, that's not entirely true.

DURING the game, there's actually an auto-healing loop that ensures you can't kill the overseer before the game ends (since he's required to "finish out" the 3 main quest lines).

However, if you have Bloody Mess, or I think you're tagged as a Berzerker, you kill him automatically right after the "what happened to everyone" slideshow and before the end movie (wander into the desert)

Those things make it automatic as I said, but if you simply hold down the A key as you close his final dialogue screen, you can shoot him before the game actually ends anyway.

He's got a cool custom death anim too, kinda similar to The Lieutenant's.

Note that I'm speaking of version 1.1 US here - I have no idea if any/all of this may have been disabled in the more censored or tamed down versions for sure.

And in regards to Bloody Mess - I don't feel it's worth a trait personally. I'm in the corner of it being more fun if you can't always get the "bloodiest" deaths since it feels more rewarding that way. I wouldn't mind if they do keep it, but it's certainly no must in my book.

WraithUV said:
Actually, that's not entirely true.

DURING the game, there's actually an auto-healing loop that ensures you can't kill the overseer before the game ends (since he's required to "finish out" the 3 main quest lines).

Yeah, forgot about that.

I'll have to check whether you can slaughter Vault 13 and still complete the game to kill the old man :twisted:
Kharn said:
Forgotten said:
I never really noticed a difference while playing with it, what does it actually do? The first time i had it i was expecting to walk around and have random NPCs exploding into fountains of flesh.

It doesn't work on the censored versions, which is a lot of the European ones, including the British one, I think

On an uncensored version, you always get the critical hit result. Lots of splattering, screaming, exploding etc. Lots of fun to make an alien explode by hitting it in the groin.

Essential trait? I think not, but I did like using it for an extra trait since I rarely felt the need to take one besides Gifted

Oh, is that the reason? Well i just bought an American copy on eBay, hope i can see the diference :D
I agree, this trait is a must have. Yeah, it's more effective when you only get the gruesome animations occasionally, but it's hilarious when you make someone explode with crappy weapons.
I like the trait and all, but i do not see it as a must have trait in FO3. I think I'll manage just fine without it.
heh, why just keep the bloody mess trait, they should keep ALL the traits, and perhaps add some new ones, but only if they are really good.