Please Please Please Keep "Bloody Mess Perk"

Yeah, as long as they don't go over the top with the death animations..... Keep the bloody, but don't make a piperifle make somebody explode....
Don't make them explode with a hit from Pipe Rifle, unless you have Bloody Mess, that's the way I understand it.
Nah, what I meant was (sorry for poor explanation) was not to many dragged out *special* bloody mess deaths just to show off the engine.......
Nocturne said:
Nah, what I meant was (sorry for poor explanation) was not to many dragged out *special* bloody mess deaths just to show off the engine.......

But that's what makes the bloody mess perk fun, over-the-top death animations. I like seeing someone explode when I hit them with a crowbar, it's hilarious.
When people start to 'explode' after getting hit by a rock or a throwing knife, I kind of start to ask myself a whole bunch of existential questions.

I normally go for Gifted and Small Frame.
alec said:
When people start to 'explode' after getting hit by a rock or a throwing knife, I kind of start to ask myself a whole bunch of existential questions.

WTF, it's just a game :D