Plot-holes and logical inconsistencies of FO3?

Fallout 3 Super Mutants are literally dumber than your average 40k Ork Boy...

That's like...

Really fucking dumb.

In fact, I'd expect a fucking Gaunt to outsmart a Fallout 3 mutant.

They're clearly not that bright.

The Green Stuff is advanced! :)

Aside from Red and that other guy kidnapped from Big Town, there's no indication they're regularly kidnapping folks going from Lamplight to Big Town.

Remember, they're actually regularly raiding Big Town. It's their next base from Vault 87 and the military outposts in the Capital.

As for an organized campaign to exterminate the BoS, they aren't doing a good job of it considering they're too spread out D.C.

They've managed to keep the majority of the BoS pinned up in the Pentagon and the Mall. With the exception of the Outcasts and Lyons Pryde, the BoS are a non-presence in the rest of Washington D.C. Without the Lone Wanderer to turn the tide, I'm of the mind the BoS will eventually be destroyed even without the Enclave's involvement.

All the Vaults in the game are functioning in one way or another. Even 92, with nothing but Bloatflies and Mirelurks in it still has power and water running in it.

Good Old Vault-Tech.
Remember, they're actually regularly raiding Big Town. It's their next base from Vault 87 and the military outposts in the Capital.

Big Town must secretly be badass, because it should have been wiped out long ago.

They've managed to keep the majority of the BoS pinned up in the Pentagon and the Mall. With the exception of the Outcasts and Lyons Pryde, the BoS are a non-presence in the rest of Washington D.C. Without the Lone Wanderer to turn the tide, I'm of the mind the BoS will eventually be destroyed even without the Enclave's involvement.

That's because the BoS are shite, not because the Super Mutants are intelligent.

Good Old Vault-Tech.


*ahem* Sorry.
@CT Phipps, the "only" thing that The Master did was figuring out that "clean" humans turn into Super Mutants. He also cherry picked those humans, for the sake of being guaranteed to have great intelligence. Even with his methods, SMs would still have intelligence level of a child and/or a mentally handicapped person, plus diverse psychological traumas. What made the West Coast SMs different was to not spam them, and being more thoughtfully chosen.


Vault 87 (and Institute) Super Mutants seem to have figured all that out; how much time "in baking" do you need, why is it important to pick clean humans, and the chances I.E. being a Crntaur vs being a smart SM. It's just dipping people in it, after all.

I for the life of me can't see the difference besides they not having a leader (hardly matters now) and, meta-wise, that they are poorly written. In that I can agree that they are different.
You need Fo1 intensive replay. Most Fo1 super-mutants were wastelanders caught from caravan, not pure humans. They were more numerous, easier to access. They became dumb, but were the bulk of his army. The pure humans became smart super-mutants and were the elite of his army. Try to find children as smart as Marcus or the lieutenant. Some of those smarties became nightkin. They became schyzophrenic with stealthboy abuse. It didn't happened during the master years, but after decades of overruse of the stealth boy. It gave them personality issues, it didn't make them stupid. Most nightkin you see in FoNV are quite cunning despite their dellusions.
@CT Phipps, the "only" thing that The Master did was figuring out that "clean" humans turn into Super Mutants. He also cherry picked those humans, for the sake of being guaranteed to have great intelligence. Even with his methods, SMs would still have intelligence level of a child and/or a mentally handicapped person, plus diverse psychological traumas. What made the West Coast SMs different was to not spam them, and being more thoughtfully chosen.
I'm not so sure of that, to be honest. The Master already had hundreds of very intelligent super mutants years before he ever got his claws on a vault. There are more hints of the Master wishing to create more creatures like himself (aka, a Master race) than smart super mutants. He never, never actually says that his plan is to make more super mutants (it's only a mean to an end), but he mentions "a master race through unity". He's that very definition, and every living creature wants to expand and/or reproduce.
The only dumby dumb super mutants we ever witness are the random grunt door watchers, and while we know that the lack of intelligence is a common side effect, it's not a fatality since we know for a fact that the unity army had hundreds of intelligent beings, as clearly demonstrated by Broken Hills ("hundreds of mutants", as described in the vault city traveller guide), Marcus (who said that "super mutants made peace with humans decades ago". Not himself. His race as a whole), Jacob (who understands the need of production and alliances with private firms and ghouls), the Lieutenant (the most eloquent NPC of the entire game) and the Super Mutant scientist in Fallout Tactics (who has an actual, logical plan to stop the threat from the east, and who finishes her monologue with "you stand on the side of ignorance. We stand on the side of salvation".)
Plus, he already made a dipping with a vault citizen, and he witnessed the result. A creature like Harold, aka an immortal being capable of "unity" with other life species (in the case of harold, vegetal life).
Now, I'm not stating that as a fact, but just as an idea. Maybe his plan was never to make a race of super mutants, but to make a race at his image.
Just came by to say that the humans in Germantown police station are there to be transformed in food. Germantown police station is like a food preparation/storage area* for Super mutants and they use it (this bit is my assumption) because it has convenient prison cells to keep the food from escaping and a nice kitchen and storage area.

*Red says the mutants took the remaining people downstairs and they were never seen again, when we go downstairs they are getting ready to butcher Shorty in the kitchen and they have many gore bags (full of bloody body parts) in there and in a large storage room too, not to mention old skeleton bits.
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There's no logical inconsistencies in Fallout 3! Fallout 3 is entirely self-consistent.

That's mostly because the status quo in Fallout 3 is abso-fucking-lutely idiotic, but that does mean it's self-consistent.