Pocket F.A.L.L.O.U.T. Version 1.1 has been released. Download it here (the rapidshare mirrors are dead apparently).
--- Hardware features
- Added new config parameter screen_orientation={<value>}.
Where <value> :
= 0 - No screen rotation
= 1 - Screen rotation to 90 degrees (by default)
= 2 - Screen rotation to 180 degrees
= 3 - Screen rotation to 90 degrees to left
= 4 - Screen rotation detected by system driver
Warning! For values 0 and 4 user should understand that screen height = 240, width = 320 !
--- features
- Added normal set of items count. Long tap by stylus inc. count in geometric progression
- Added rest at pip-boy
- Optimized work of memory with graphics
- Fixed cfg-files of animation (thanx to sHaNe)
- Optimized GUI
- Open of boxes at fight process has been temporary disabled
- Added message about not enough memory (will be displayed when free memory <= 8%) user can rewrite message at game_description.txt
--- Errors
- Fixed bug with crushing game after save
- Fixed bug with reading non exists messages from txt-files
- Fixed displaying of amour AC
- Fixed bug with hanging of units at fight process
- Fixed bug with non fighting of near standing units
- Fixed bug with hiding weapons from hands
- Fixed memory leak
- Fixed bug with using on non-usable items
- Fixed algorithm of healthiness and resting
- Fixed logic of method MapBuilder.isCellFree
--- PFSL
== Added enumeration ==
- ObjectType.
== MapObject ==
- added method GetObjectType() : ObjectType. Return type of current object.
== Global procedures and functions ==
- Added function isFightMode() : Boolean. Returns true when fight mode is on
== Events in unit_events.pfs ==
- added new event procedure OnUnitStay(unitName : String). Called every time when some unit has been stayed.
--- Hardware features
- Added new config parameter screen_orientation={<value>}.
Where <value> :
= 0 - No screen rotation
= 1 - Screen rotation to 90 degrees (by default)
= 2 - Screen rotation to 180 degrees
= 3 - Screen rotation to 90 degrees to left
= 4 - Screen rotation detected by system driver
Warning! For values 0 and 4 user should understand that screen height = 240, width = 320 !
--- features
- Added normal set of items count. Long tap by stylus inc. count in geometric progression
- Added rest at pip-boy
- Optimized work of memory with graphics
- Fixed cfg-files of animation (thanx to sHaNe)
- Optimized GUI
- Open of boxes at fight process has been temporary disabled
- Added message about not enough memory (will be displayed when free memory <= 8%) user can rewrite message at game_description.txt
--- Errors
- Fixed bug with crushing game after save
- Fixed bug with reading non exists messages from txt-files
- Fixed displaying of amour AC
- Fixed bug with hanging of units at fight process
- Fixed bug with non fighting of near standing units
- Fixed bug with hiding weapons from hands
- Fixed memory leak
- Fixed bug with using on non-usable items
- Fixed algorithm of healthiness and resting
- Fixed logic of method MapBuilder.isCellFree
--- PFSL
== Added enumeration ==
- ObjectType.
== MapObject ==
- added method GetObjectType() : ObjectType. Return type of current object.
== Global procedures and functions ==
- Added function isFightMode() : Boolean. Returns true when fight mode is on
== Events in unit_events.pfs ==
- added new event procedure OnUnitStay(unitName : String). Called every time when some unit has been stayed.