Pointless Thefts


Vault Dweller
Ok, stealing is a common thing in my country, people steal pretty much anything that has some value, and that sort of makes sense, but just now I saw something that left me speechless.
I was out on the balcony smoking, and I saw a group of five children, I think they were about 10-12 years old. And what were they doing worth posting here you ask? Nothing much, they just stole a piece of metal fence that surrounded this small park/playground. I couldn't belive my eyes when I saw them pulling out of the ground this piece of fence. To clear things up, this fence was about 1/2 meter high, and was made out of panels, about a meter long, and it was basically a metal frame with some chicken wire streched out on the frame. The particular piece they stole was just hanging in, poorly buried, and welded in a shabby matter to the rest of the fence.
I don't know about you but I find this shocking, how pointless is it to steal a piece of fence? I suppose they could sell it as scrap metal, but it would be worth next to nothing... I would like to hear your opinion on this. Have you ever seen such pointless thefts in your life?
For It's fun for them. Just like annoying someone or making campfire of leaves and paper. I did these things myself. But I've never stolen such a big and maybe important thing as a piece of fence.. Besides, children don't want to steal anything expensive cause they can be caught later. That piece of fence was surely unnecessary for it's owner, so they took it. It doesn't shock me.

It's like paintball - it is unmoral but it's rather safe.
Where I live 12 year olds try to steal car radios, not fences.

Sometimes, walking back home I notice some kid snooping around and inspecting cars. You don't need much to set them fleeing, you either make a loud "tsk tsk tsk" noise or shout "hey!"
I'm not in a position to point any fingers... :oops:

C'mon... don't tell me you've never stole a funny sign or something when you have been out partying with your friends.

But on the other hand, kids only get worse as time goes by. Worse and worse, generation for generation... :wink:
If all 12 year olds did around here was steal things, that'd be great. At my old high school, there was this tiny 15 year old hispanic kid who, one night, got into a turf fight with another drug dealer (both were trying to claim this street corner of hartford as their "turf," and they both pulled guns, and this 15 year old kid shot the other guy in the head, killing him. 15 years old! Freakin retards.
Me and one of my friends stole a fire hydrant from the street when we were in high school. A car had just run into it, and when a crowd gathered the driver ran off to call the police or AAA or something. So we just calmly walked up to it, grabbed it and ran like hell back to my car while this crowd of people yelled at us to stop. I have no idea why we did it, other than that it seemed funny at the time, and it's still sitting in my parent's backyard to this day.

Kids just do stupid things to entertain themselves, there's no rhyme or reason to it.
Our earth is degenerate in these latter days; bribery and corruption are common; children no longer obey their parents; and the end of the world is evidently approaching.

--Assyrian clay tablet 2800 B.C.
Me and some friends stole a Christmas tree once. I was like 16 or something and I was a member of an astronomy club in Ostend, and we didn't have any money to buy one ourselves to put in the building where those lectures and stuff were being held. So, one night, after looking at the stars and the planets in a nearby field, we drove back and spotted this really nice Christmas tree in front of the local butcher. It took us like 10 seconds to get it loose (it was tied to his shop) and throw it on top of the car and get the hell out of there. But hey: at least we had a Christmas tree!

A week later, we stole a snowman. :lol:
If you stole my Christmas tree/snowman I'd kill you. OMG LOL JKJKJKJ But it seems a bit gay. It's like stealing some kids bike or some shit.

Most of these 'pranks' aren't that xtreme mateys. What's the worst you've ever done?
Ozrat said:
Our earth is degenerate in these latter days; bribery and corruption are common; children no longer obey their parents; and the end of the world is evidently approaching.

--Assyrian clay tablet 2800 B.C.

Ha! Yup. 4800 years later, and the world is still here.

Though, I begin to believe when people say things like that. My two little brothers are hellspawn themselves. They don't listen to a damn thing anyone says, and they constantly throw tantrums. Ugh.

The worst things I've done... I stole candy from the supermarket, and I've thrown half-empty cans of soda at cars. That's about it.
Stealing hood ornaments was very popular when I was a kid and lived in Serbia. The Mercedes one’s were the easiest. There were two strategies that I was aware of. You could twist it a couple of times and it would bend the metal enough to break it off; or you could pull it forward and hit the base with a rock.
I hate pranks and thieves, miserable, worthless scum that they are.

I have one story of extreme stupidity.
Some boys who screwed up their Higher School Certificate (SAT/A levels/etc) broke into the school and tried to steal the crap, bolted down computers. Failing to work out that metal is stronger than particle board they went on to start tagging the teachers' notes. In the hour they had been doing this, security had arrived in responce to the silent alarm. Unnoticed, they called the police who arrived thirty minutes later to find the retards (no offence to retards intended), still trying to steal the computers. So they were all arrested.

another prank

My school is in Rose Bay, a super-posh, elite suburb in sight of the Opera House and Harbour Bridge. Our school is the only normal government school in the entire area, to the annoyance of the 'neighbours'. One pot head thought it amusing to steal rich local's cars and drive them into the city in front of the Hilton and other such places, so that they got massive fines. It was more of an inconvenience of time for them but it was very annoying and taught the snobs not to complain about imagined problems with the school (we are not a bad lot even if some of as come from poorer backgrounds).
The former was stupid, though I don't see anything wrong with the latter. I think Robin Hood said "Thou shalt not steal ;)", he seems to have the right idea.

One time I stole a seat off a bus. I guess that's the biggest thing I've acquired.
Me and my friends have stolen a uncountable amout of road cones and two road barrels (on a bus to beat it all). I've gathered all kinds of random trinkits over time.
During the war in Croatia, most houses and apartments in my hometown were either destroyed or abandoned. Croatian Army broke into the empty residences and "confiscated" stuff like TV sets, VCR's, dishwashers etc. After the cease fire was signed, the whole area was demilitarized, which meant anybody could just walk into the abandoned apartments and steal whatever the hell they please. My friend and I used to go out every day, go from house to house and take whatever we wanted. You wouldn't believe all the stuff we stole - an ancient TV set, a pair of skis, a broken computer (Orao - Made in Yugoslavia...), a baby carriage, a really crappy microscope, several jars filled with dried hornets (!), books (we looted a library once), porn magazines, remote controlled cars, elementary school registers (don't ask me why we even bothered with those), unexploded mortars (yes, we were young and stupid) and a million of other trinklets. I have no idea what we did with all that junk.