Political parties?(how we are seperating our country)


Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
the recent political campaigning for 04 has got me thinking and observing the different political parties. I think its amazing how far separated the right and left have gotten. it also amazes me that we don't listen to the dire warnings of our past leaders.
gorge Washington clearly understood what would happen if we became widely separated, and warned of the out come.

arguments often lasting for years become sore spots, and though sores my just be sore right now, years later if unresolved they become infections. who can tell what our future holds or our childrens futures, but i know one thing for sure, if we don't learn to find reasonable solutions faster we will fail as a nation.
Hmmm, perhaps, bob, but really, this is a bit presumptious and unlikely.
What is true, is that your party system is stupid and should be reformed, extreme parties are not a problem when there are more than two parties who can actually have any influence. This can be clearly seen in the Rhineland model of state. Why is this so? Because this means that the more extreme opinions go to parties that are not in the mainstream, because those parties could still have influence in a decent system, leaving the mainstream parties exactly that: mainstream.
If a system of government in the US where small parties could actually get votes, then the Democrats would split up into a moderate(more mainstream) party, and a more extreme left-wing party. The moderate party would dull the effects of the extreme party, without excluding it from sources of influence. The same could happen with the Republicans, perhaps a non-Christian and a Christian right-wing party would be established....
well your right i do happen to care about the future of the U.S.A.,
as i happen to be a citizen its important and critical for me to "care"
those others that are citizens should care to.

but of course there are people that are from other countries, that naturally (due to US foreign policy towards there home countries) dislike and don't care about the future of it.
I cant say i blame you, i personally don't like the way we boss and badger other countries. our government likes control in the word
and for that they go to extreme levels of betrayal, back stabbing, cradle robbing, money stealing back biting..........and so on
You know, it always strikes me how almost every American I talk to seems to be an intelligent, sensible human being.

I wonder who the fuck elected Bush, then...
I don´t see to much difference between the two parties. Only thing i know is that democrat is most to the left.
Jebus said:
Dude, who cares about the American future?

You know, it always strikes me how almost every American I talk to seems to be an intelligent, sensible human being.

I wonder who the fuck elected Bush, then...

You reek of anti-Americanism. You should care about our future. More than your country's future, since we have the most nukes. What if we got expansionists on your ass? Or Hitleristic? Or how about we just nuke the damn world for the fun of it? The world would be screwed, including America too, though.
That first post was a joke, and I suspect that about 95% of the world population will agree with me about Bush being an idiot.

I am NOT anti-American, but I freakin' hate your government. Yes. HATE IT.
Paladin Solo said:
What if we got expansionists on your ass?

You already have those. I don't see any other reason for invading Iraq. Oh, they went looking for weapons of mass destruction, you say? Yeah, right. :seriouslyno: You Americans just want to rule the world. And you already do. Lots of European decisions are being made in favour of America. That's no good, I tell ya, no good at all.

Paladin Solo said:
Or how about we just nuke the damn world for the fun of it?

Your country has already done that too. Hiroshima anyone? Nagasaki?

Ah, admit it: you Americans are no good. :evil:
Paladin Solo said:
Jebus said:
Dude, who cares about the American future?
You know, it always strikes me how almost every American I talk to seems to be an intelligent, sensible human being.

I wonder who the fuck elected Bush, then...
You reek of anti-Americanism. You should care about our future. More than your country's future, since we have the most nukes. What if we got expansionists on your ass? Or Hitleristic? Or how about we just nuke the damn world for the fun of it? The world would be screwed, including America too, though.

I think PS just answered your question Jebus. If he was old enough to vote in the last election. Self-centered dogma and a me against the world attitude are who elected Bush, along with mountains of special interest money.
Along with the people who feel powerless against Teh Two Big Parties and don't vote at all.

Not having a variety of choices in our elections is sending this country down the drain, and fast.
Ozrat, my feelings exactly.

i would like to say one thing to those of you from other countries,
the american population in general has NO controll of what our government does. and unless you are a politition and know exactly how to manipulate the US legal systom you as a single person cant really change anything.

this is a real problem and it causes the ameirican population and the world a lot of trouble
In about 10 to 20 years the US will be faced with a crisis that could potentially break it apart or another civil war to re-establish the government for the people.
Pieceof Shit wrote:
You reek of anti-Americanism. You should care about our future. More than your country's future, since we have the most nukes. What if we got expansionists on your ass? Or Hitleristic? Or how about we just nuke the damn world for the fun of it? The world would be screwed, including America too, though.


You reek of anti-Americanism.


You should care about our future


More than your country's future

Amerika uber alles, feldzkomendant. Alles fur deine Folksland und deine Herrensvolk. Lebensraum, Lebensraum.

( Translation -> STFU )

since we have the most nukes

Sad thing, just about every American I've dealt with has more brains than you.
Congratulations, I must admire your perserverance, and pity your stupidity.

What if we got expansionists on your ass? Or Hitleristic?

What? You mean more than nowadays? Ha Ha Ha.


Or how about we just nuke the damn world for the fun of it?

How about I flame your ass just for the fun of it?

The world would be screwed, including America too, though.

The amazing return of "STFU".
Wooz69 said:

Nice answer man, it seems like alot of Americans think it is a crime to dislike anything american, unless you are American yourself.

The old "we've got the most nukes" thing is getting old, some people use it as an answer to anything.

Plus, some people just need to be told to STFU
I don't think its that Americans hate everything anti-america. While there most definitly some ridiculous fanatics out there who would want to kill everyone who ever said anything ill of America, the general population would disagree. In fact, I would strongly disagree to the point where I would inflict physical violence on anyone as fanatical, stubborn, and severly retarded as that, regardless if they were an American, or a Swede or anyone defending they're country and voicing hate in such a manner.
The fact is that a great deal of very vocal people around the world hate America and everything it stands for, and then this hugely anti-american sense gets transmitted in a lesser form to other people from different cultures. These people judge the entire country based entirely on the current administration (amongst other things), bashing everything about America and its people. It would be a different story if these people would say something like "F off Bush, you suck cock all night long, you damn queerbo." But instead, its "God damn America and everything about it! Americans are stupid fucktards." I find this just plain ignorant and offensive. You think I voted Bush into office? Hell, do you the majority of the American people voted Bush into office? NOPE. And he's probably the biggest problem with this country right now.
I guess what I'm trying to say is lay off me and my country. Lash out at people like Bush all you want, but chill out on me and my house. We never did anything to you.
Chill out KOC, this isn't against either you or the people that live in that geographical region called "country", just against suprematist Piecesof Shit.

Sad thing, just about every American I've dealt with has more brains than you.
King of Creation said:
I guess what I'm trying to say is lay off me and my country. Lash out at people like Bush all you want, but chill out on me and my house. We never did anything to you.

No problem, i wasn't saying that all Americans felt like that (the "alot" was a bit of an exaggeration) and i wasn't bashing America, just Paladin Solo and his Anti-Anti-America attitude (if you follow me).

I've no problem with America in particular, though there are some thing about it that i dislike (the monkey you call a president for one) there are things about all countries that i dislike. To some extent the UK's prime-minister is worse than Bush, i mean Bush can't help being an idiot, but Blair chooses, against the will of his people and his party, to follow one.
Jebus said:
That first post was a joke, and I suspect that about 95% of the world population will agree with me about Bush being an idiot.

I am NOT anti-American, but I freakin' hate your government. Yes. HATE IT.

you live in belgium? Come talk to us Americans when you guys finally win a war.