POLL: Trump or Hillary


  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 30 34.5%
  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 10 11.5%
  • Just shoot me already

    Votes: 47 54.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


I sure hope the video is a success but the article I first posted claims that in the past Project Veritas has strategically edited footage for their own agenda so I dunno. I've watched both of their videos and I don't see how much editing is necessary when the people involved flat out admit to voter fraud and inciting violence at Trump rallies.

Yo, check the first video in this link: http://funnyjunk.com/channel/trump/Fuck+cnn+fuck+cnn+fuck+cnn+fuck+cnn/xrylLke/
Did they seriously just cut him that blatantly obviously?
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I'm voting for Hillary out of a belief it's better to have an archconservative Democrat in office than Trump when what I really want is a revolutionary Democrat.
Stop pressing your ridiculous juvenile opinions in others.
Her commiting criminal acts and lying arent "opinions". Hell she just blurted out a classified state secruity secret at the last debate. Have you just not heard or seen anything Wiki Leaks has released? I know getting your information from someone other than the TV is hard but come on.

Also stop talking like you have some kind of authority here lol
It comes off as kind of pathetic and you do it all the time.
I'll post whatever I like with or without your permission thank you.
I'm voting for Hillary out of a belief it's better to have an archconservative Democrat in office than Trump when what I really want is a revolutionary Democrat.
You would prefer a Democrat that would shake up the Establishment, or are you just wanting more rights equality? A Democrat that challenged our broken system and fought for equal rights would be amazing, I think.

My main problem with the Democrat way of thinking is their governmental policy. I'm all for equality and human rights, but are minor advances in those areas worth a failed economy?

I'm also curious where all of you stand on the big points. I would like to start a chain of us listing our thoughts on them if you all want to participate.
I'll start with mine on the big ones. Feel free to expand the subjects or challenge my views.

Immigration - The United States should have strong borders and deport those who have entered the country illegally. I would like for illegal immigrants with legal children to be allowed to apply for citizenship, but deported if not cooperative(children would go to child services).
Abortion - Abortion for any woman who wants it. The way I see it, a fetus isn't a person until they are rather developed mentally, so abortion is okay. Women deserve the right to decide. Any unborn late enough into development should be carried to term and put up for adoption if necessary. If the unborn is a significant health risk to the mother, she has the final decision.
Guns - Guns for everybody!....within reason. Civilians don't need automatic weapons or expanded super drum glockazines. Guns made for reasonable hunting or self-defense should never be prohibited. Yes to background checks and limited wait periods.
Taxes - Plug tax loopholes and exemptions for the rich. Everyone should pay their fair share, not based on their lawyer quality.
Gay Marriage - Marriage should be unrestricted for any two consenting adults. Marriage is a legal practice, with legal benefits, so religious institutions should not have any hand in the matter whatsoever. I would prefer a non-religious kind of marriage for the legal benefits that is separate from traditional marriage, but allow traditional marriage to also count.
Healthcare - Healthcare should be free if possible(paid for by tax). When people are hurt they need help, not a ginormous bill. Healthcare paid for by everyone will allow anyone to get proper medical care no matter their income. Forcing people by law to gamble on insurance goes against basic rights.
Economy/Jobs - Limit minimum wage, as it increases wage but decreases the amount of people hired.

I'm not the most well informed, but I like to think my views are based on morality and common sense.
Immigration - Toss out illegals, be stricter with legal immigration.

Abortion - We have enough people on this damn planet, abortions for everyone!

Guns - No banning. Just improve regulation and close the gun show loop hole.

Taxes - Gradually decrease the military budget a bit so that money can go to things such as education and health care. There's a difference between a strong military and a bloated one.

Gay Marriage - Allow everyone to get married as long as they are of a legal age and of course conseuntual(?), however, I do not think that married people should get 'bonuses' when it comes to taxes and shit.

Healthcare - Entire healthcare system and pharmacudical industry needs to be overhauled so that people don't go into crippling debt just cause they ill.

Economy/jobs - Increase minimum wage gradually every year with half a dollar until it reaches a reasonable amount. The corporations can definitely afford that.


Here's where I stand

Immigration: I don't have any real problem with immigration tbh. If people want to look for a better life in a wealthier country, good on them.
Abortion: Fetuses are little more than blobs of cells. if aborted early on, it's entirely the woman's choice.
Guns - People should be able to buy guns if they want to, however there should be far stricter regulations on them. Strict background checks, and make sure whoever wants to buy the gun doesn't have any history of mental illness.
Gay Marriage: Very much in favor of it. Two consenting adults should be able to get married if they want to.
Healthcare: Everyone should be entitled to free healthcare. If someone has a potentially hindering medical condition, they should be able to get it treated regardless of there financial status.

I don't know enough about the current economy to make a valid judgement on taxes/minimum wage.