Pope Dies.....

Why do i have the feeling Jebus didn`t read most of what i`ve written? :D well ok then.

Any takers on who is next in line to be elected?
John Uskglass said:
Jebus, the reason Christianity is not full of hippies is predominantly because the Hippie movment derives much from Aldous Huxley's combination of drug use, humanism and mysticism. 'Hippiness' is to some extent inherintly anti-clerical (not to mention sexual liberation).

Same thing happened to Socialism. Most of the original founders of Socialism (Winstanley, de Rouvroy) where Christians, many Socialist ideals have much in common or directly share ideals yet the later supporters of the ideology where atheists.

Though, to be fair, in both cases the Christain clergy where entrenched in reactionary politics. When this is not so, Christians tend to be at the forefront of change (Methodists & British Labour, ML King, The Jesuits, etc...).

Not only did you barely say anything relevant, you didn't say anything I didn't know either. Don't try to be a smartass with academics who do this shit all day, polly.

Briosa said:
Why do i have the feeling Jebus didn`t read most of what i`ve written?

Ehehe. As I said, I'm not really in the mood for any long-winded discussions right now :D
Perhaps I'll get back to it later... On a sidenote, what is it you do again? You seem to be pretty well-versed in all of this...
Not only did you barely say anything relevant, you didn't say anything I didn't know either. Don't try to be a smartass with academics who do this shit all day, polly.
Despite a cool Nirvana referance, you missed my point; Hippie-ism was founded by peopel hostile to Christianity, thus it is rational that the Church was hostile to it. Viddy?
By the way. Has anyone seen the ceremonies there performing now that the Pope has passed? Their having his body literally out in the open for people to take pictures of.

Now I have a lot of respect for the man. Religiou to his church or not. However isnt it...disgusting? I mean I cant imagine he would even approve of this display. I think they are treating him not as one of God's people, but more like a demi-god. They should realise he is just a man who earned and got a special position...I can only imagine how extravagant the funeral will be and in that sense be very dividing in terms of the believers and the clergy.

Even if I became powerful and famous I would still only want my friends and family at my funeral. Keep my job out of it.

The Vault Dweller
Jeebs said:
I guess you could - in theory - if you want to waste your entire life lying and decieving.

In my opinion, lying and decieving in order to prevent lies and deception can be justified :P
What I am wondering is whether, if there is a heaven- what the Pope will say to all those millions of people who have died of AIDS in Africa that might have lived if the Catholic Church had been a bit more sympathetic to the use of condoms to prevent infectious diseases.

Or perhaps throughout the next 50 years, what the Pope will say to those who suffered the psychological trauma of being sodomized by a priest, after he came off so strongly saying that, "priests can't jerk off, but screw little boys- eh?"

I am sorry guys, I know that when a person dies we should not speak so poorly of the dead. I admit I liked the Pope because he stuck by his convictions and didn't bullshit. But we should also ask whether his convictions were the right ones.

Finally, as an American, something that is bothering me is why the President will fly to Rome to see the Pope's dead body and proclaim he is closer to Jesus, while he won't go to a funeral of dead Americans from the Iraq War and find that as a means to commute with the Almighty. Or is that a bit too much guilt- and as all us Catholics know- guilt sucks. Likewise, I can appreciate folks televising the Pope's funeral, but why can't we commemorate our own war dead? Have funerals become political events- or some necrophilia is better than others?
welsh said:
r he came off so strongly saying that, "priests can't jerk off, but screw little boys- eh?"

I don't believe he said THAT :twisted:

Also, I agree with you on the condom issue, aalthough the matter is more complex than that, there are more traditions than the Church techings fueling this. I can't imagine the Pope buying and handing out condoms for the poor Africans, although it'd be nice if the Church said it was acceptable to use them.

Also, sodomised boys have been turned EVIL and won't go to heaven.

Plus, it's the fault of the priests, who should be screened for deviations.
Yes, I agree. There is more to it than meets the eye. ANd I agree, that on the condoms for birth control or to combat sexually transmitted diseases, the Catholic church is in kind of a hole.

One of the cardinals, Cardinal Law, at the Vatican that is regularly talking to the masses is also the fellow who resigned over the sex abuse scandals-


Which reminds me of a joke.

A priest is the confessional hearing penance when he suddently realizes he needs to leave. So he grabs a passing alterboy and drags him into the confessions.

"I need you to do me a favor. " Says the Priests. "I need you to sit in and listen to confessional and give penance."

"But father," Says the alter boy, "I'm not prepared for that. I wouldn't know what to do."

But the father says, "Don't sweat it. I got it all written on the wall here."

And sure enough there is a list of sins and their penance. A lie, three hail maries, to cheat on a spouse 10 our fathers and a rosary, etc.

The alterboy takes his seat as the priest rushes off. A few minutes later someone comes in.

"Bless me father for I have sinned." Says the man giving confession.

"What is your sin, my son." Says the boy, trying to sound mature.

"Last night I gave a man a blow job and anal sex."

"Ah... I see." Says the alterboy as he looks through the list of sins to find the right penance.

But he's out of luck. There is no penance for homosexual sex. Desperate he says,
"Will you excuse me?" Says the alterboy as he looks for help.

Down the hall another alterboy is walking away. The would-be confessor races out and catches up to his friend and asks. "Bobby. Father Mike wanted me in the confession. What does he give for both oral and anal sex?"

Bobby thinks about it. "A Coke and a Snickers bar."
About the whole Condom thing, its less about condoms being wrong (though they are considered less than ideal morality), its more about not having sex outside of marriage in the first place. Now that is an outright sin, why people feel the need to get caught up with the one and not the other is beyond me.

I can't even begin to describe how old this joke is back here :)

But that's a different story.