POSITIVE NEWS: No Three Dog in Fallout 4!!!!

That just reminds me of that quest in New Vegas where you could bullshit some Legion slaves for a lower price by making up some medical-sounding terms.

They could've gone the easy route and just used some random medical terms.

But they went the extra route and used an actual medical term.

Suffice to say, freeing some slaves by convincing their owner that they have painful acne is a lot funnier than dressing up as Lincoln and stealing the Emancipation Proclamation.

(Which didn't technically end slavery, but that's for a history class)

Abject wackiness trumps cleverness though.

You have to think about it less.
I am reminded of Dr. 0 in Old World Blues. It requires an intelligence of 9 to know that a slashed zero is used when typography or handwriting does not make the difference between O and 0 easy to discern.
But the best part is that both Dr. 0 and Dr. Klein act like it's some sort of inconceivable genius when it's exactly the sort of obscure snippet of knowledge that they should have.

Hell, anytime someone says that Old World Blues was just abject wackiness, I remind them that the abject wackiness was just a cover for some really dark stuff.

It's easy to laugh when a brain in a jar can't tell the difference between fingers and penises, but it gets sad really quick when you realize just how amorally horrific said brain-jars are.
To Fallout 3 a "science" check is just putting a Science tag next to an obvious statement, to New vegas it actually has the character say smart or obscure things with a scientific basis, same with the other Skill checks. Fallout 3 writting is Laziness incarnated.
I think I said it before, but I want a DJ called Three Lion who plays nothing but Reggae (and the occasional english football song).