
Celluloid said:
Hmm I knew the one with the brahminesque Hitler/Hirohito from an history manual in middle school...

I remember an italian one depicting a thug-looking american soldier - well pilot, if I remember correctly, a thompson in its hand, with the american flag tied like a scarf around the neck.
Standing on a pile of debris and corpses, in a pose not unlike the artwork from Fallout 1 with the vault dwellers couple... (well, sort of).

Edit : found it !


From the page of, the translation goes as this :
" The inhumane crimes of the gangster pilots exclude for ever the US from the commonwealth of civilized states ".

As a bonus, the webpage cited this website as a source :

From what I can phonetically read, there are soviet ones, german, spanish (or not. "Spojenecké" ?), tchecoslovakian (sp?) and some various ones.

This one kicks!
Who is a gangster that the Fascist propaganda modelled after?
it is a pure irony. the acutal Mafia itself forms a core of Italian resistance movement. this seems to be the most 'accurate' propaganda the Fascist publishes.
but no word 'Mafia' mentioned in this poster mew!
Organized Crimes is like a weed. rooting out one and many more sprung up elsewhere.
It seems that the total destruction of those villains are impossible. unless the US. Sheriffs have its own armed force and works like european Gendarmeries.

is there any PSA poster that warns any troops not to shag a loose girl? while NCR has one.

I have found some Dutch World War Two posters.


This is a World War Two Dutch navy poster, meant to be spread around the Dutch East Indies. It says: 'for the Dutch Navy'.


This is one was produced by the Dutch Government in London or by Dutch resistance groups. It says: 'Holland free again'.


This is a poster for the Dutch National Socialist Party. It says: 'no divided nation through parties, but national unity'.


Another NSB one. It says: 'help build a new order, for the people and the fatherland. Join the NSB'.