Postworld Update

Eternal said:
Morbus said:
archont said:
Open source development does not work for games.

Allow me to repeat.

Open source developemt DOES NOT WORK FOR GAMES.
Not commercial games, no. But this one surely isn't commercial... Bethesda would be on their ass like yesterday if it were.

This game is commercial as the dev just recently stated it will be episodic, however the final product will not be in the fallout universe or use any fallout assets. The tech demo does but thats something else entirely.

How about the engine?
Current is crysis engine right? You can't just build a mod upon that and make it commercial can you?
it has moved from a Crysis mod into a stand alone game based on the Unity3d engine

So no Crysis engine.

As a side note (it seems as if some here would prefer this to be open source and whatnot): Making money is a necessity, and there is nothing wrong with making money by doing what you love. If it's a quality product, it is worth money. It's that simple.

@AlexFeature: Thank you for the answers. You seem to be (at least reasonably) sensible about the goals and the project itself ;)

I would however again like to stress the need for turn based combat, as it allows for more strategy and a more comfortable pacing. Besides, almost all games nowadays are all about realtime leetness, and keeping it turn-based would be a way to stand out from the crowd. Possibly, you could go with paused realtime if you can still manage to make it strategically interesting. Mashing mouse buttons is a chore, and VATS is not strategy.
:oops: erm...I mean to say that the 2nd tech demo won't feature turn-based combat but the final game will.

I knew I would mess something up :)

So, no worries guys, no vats no real-time pause crap...good ol' TB all the way.

@ ericjones

You seem to be (at least reasonably) sensible about the goals and the project itself

No not really. It's just that my girlfriend said that if it turns out that I wasted all that money on this thing for nothing she will do bad things to my little tribal. Women :roll:
i'd pay a 3d a turn based game with a decent story and some sandbox feel to it atleast a 20€ any day.

All this new crap just makes my childhood gaming days feel like ancient history.
100% good news there. Looking forward to hearing of your progress, and I wish you and your team the very best of luck.

Oh, and stick with your girlfriend. As money is of no importance to girls, she must be among the selected few who know that isometric, turnbased PA CRPGs is what may turn even the most glittering gems of hatred into blossoming flowers of love. 8-)
They are making advertising using a trademark that's not their and they plan on earning money thanks to that advertising?

Yep, Bethesda will crack down on them and they will be right... And if they don't, lucky Postworld, because Bethesda has every right to demand royalties as soon as they start gaining money with the game. Before that, I think it falls under some legal category, I forget the name. Something use or something. Rightful use or whatever.
Wait, wait, wait... a friggin' minute.

Wasteland => Fallout => Postworld ?

*shot with 'Winchester Widowmaker', then tied down to a cactus and left to bleed to death for being too optimistic*
If you guys take it to the finish line, and put it up for sale, I'll buy it if it turns out to be a a continuation of what Fallout should have been.

Make a Linux client too! :)
:lol: I'm gonna strip that fucking jumpsuit off Chester's ass and burn the damn thing. Personally, I'm tired of all the Bethesda crackdown paranoia so I hope you folks won't hold it against me.

Now regarding Linux....a hooker, priest and a penguin walk into a bar...
Seriously though it all depends on Unity if they make a Linux client then it will just run on it no problems. So, can't promise anything there.

I think someone before asked about consoles as well, but forget that the licences are too damn expensive but who knows. In therms of deployment support, it's there or at least will be in Unity 3 for Xbox and PS3 i think. Now it's only Wii.

@ lisac2k

Wait, wait, wait... a friggin' minute.

Wasteland => Fallout => Postworld ?

*shot with 'Winchester Widowmaker', then tied down to a cactus and left to bleed to death for being too optimistic*

It's probably due to severe lack of caffeine in my blood stream but I honestly don't get what that was all about :?
I hope it's an optimistic rant of some sort :D

@ Viliny

i'd pay a 3d a turn based game with a decent story and some sandbox feel to it atleast a 20€ any day.

It'll probably be more like 8.99 or something not 20.

All this new crap just makes my childhood gaming days feel like ancient history.

AlexFeature said:
It's probably due to severe lack of caffeine in my blood stream but I honestly don't get what that was all about :?
I hope it's an optimistic rant of some sort :D

I think he means that your project could be considered an spiritual sequel to Fallout, just like this one was to Wasteland. They aren't set in the same game world, but they share a lot on the setting.

Oh, and I'm sorry for thinking this would go open-source before. :oops: I thought it was kind of a hobby project for fun, but if this is going to be a serious independent(or sponsored) commercial game, I hope you succeed.
Oh now I get it. Wow, I definitely need to get some coffee. Thanks for clearing that up. So, basically no pressure.

Oh, and before this comes up I want the record to show that the game's title won't be Postworld. We are fairly optimistic we can come up with something betah...or at least we hope so.
AlexFeature said:
Yes. Gems, money,, houses she like. PA CRPGs not so much.

Don't let this happen to you!

Heck, I would say "Go for a Wasteland Remake/Sequel with this."

Inxile seems to sit on its ass on the copyright after Fargo got it a couple of years ago.

Bethesda on the other hand would sic their lawyers on you the moment you would turn it into a Fallout themed game, though I would love to see a Fallout game more like the previous games. (one of the reasons why I keep writing concepts for Fallout games)
The Dutch Ghost said:
Heck, I would say "Go for a Wasteland Remake/Sequel with this."

Maybe not Wasteland remake. But Wasteland\Mad Max\80' PA inspired RPG game would be pretty sweet.
Maybe not Wasteland remake. But Wasteland\Mad Max\80' PA inspired RPG game would be pretty sweet.

That's the plan.

Not to give away the farm to early the whole thing will be something like: Mad Max and Postman meet the guy from I'm Legend and kick Eli's ass while looking for the Vault and trying to stay off the Road. Or there about.