pot vs booze


Ok, I am going to raise this issue again.

Today I was listening to a couple of students bitch about how they were limited to getting drunk. I am assuming that these were among the students that have foresworn drugs but not alcohol. Back in my day one could also get stoned with a nice joint.

Given that students are going to party, would you rather they smoke joints or drink?
I for one, would feel better going to a party where alcohol was being served instead of j's. Alcohol is viewed less "illegal" by the law than marijuana is. I don't know about other schools, but here, getting caught with marijuana is like an executable offense.
Booze. Availability, non-addictive (i'm prone to 'orrible hangovers which limit my drinking a lot)

And you just can't beat the look on the peoples faces when they look me downing a half-litre of whiskey in half an hour. :twisted:
I smoked pot for several years before even trying alcohol. It was actually easier to get in junior high and high school...

Drinking is probably more mainstream, once you start smoking pot you get thrown into the counterculture. So it depends on your inclinations and if you have friends who have sources.
booze is more addicitive than pot. That's why there's alcoholism and not cannibism. And I think the reason people look at you when you're drinking whiskey is because they're thinking "why is he drinking that nasty stuff"
welsh said:
Given that students are going to party, would you rather they smoke joints or drink?

If these students are living in the same building with me I'd prefer they smoke pot so they don't keep me up all night with their drunken idiocy. Also, for their general health pot is probably better. I hate pot and love beer, but I've never had a problem with stoners while the college drunks in my neighborhood cause no end of hassles, drama and police visits.
I think I'd go with the booze, although if there is enough of it things can end up pretty messy, especially because of the wimps who can't hold their liquor. I guess that marijuana can cause trouble with the law, worse than alcohol. Anyway too much of either can really mess up a party so putting the laws aside both booze and marijuana are welcome at a party, but in reasonable quantities.
I'd rather be going to a party with both, but if I had to choose I would go with the marijuana side.

Alcohol changes the drinkers' attitudes and sometimes take a violent/messy/pukey turn on the party which is undesirable. Pot, on the other hand, usually only makes the food disappear faster. :mrgreen: I haven't met anybody who's become a disruption at a party because he's smoked a joint or two.

A party with both, on the other hand, allows mingling of the two substances and their users. Usually at a comfortable level as well.

King of Creation said:
I don't know about other schools, but here, getting caught with marijuana is like an executable offense.

You'll hate me then. :P

The Silhouette said:
Although the Ontario government has been dismissing a large number of drug possession cases for some time, students caught using marijuana at McMaster are being fined $130 [Canadian, which is about equal to $100 American].

According to Tim Meehan, Communications Director for Ontario Consumers for Safe Access to Recreational Cannabis, the fact that the provincial court has been virtually ignoring the issue of drug possession, even though it is listed in the Criminal Code of Canada, implies pot use is no longer illegal in Ontario.

For Meehan, this means that, cannabis is no more illegal in Ontario than possessing Cheerios or Pepsi.

Said Meehan, police forces across the province are no longer pursuing cannabis possession charges while some police forces have said that they will still seize and document cases where they come across cannabis in the hope that it might someday be ruled illegal again, they have no legal basis for doing so.


Despite talk of amending federal drug laws, no changes have been made. Should it be passed, the Cannabis Reform Bill, which was tabled in the House of Commons in late May 2003, would keep cannabis possession illegal under the Canadian Controlled Drugs and Substance Act but soften the penalties for possession of smaller amounts of marijuana and toughen penalties for growers of marijuana.

McMaster’s fine for possession of marijuana on campus has been in place for the last year and is expected to remain unchanged until further notice from the government.

Keep in mind that the current Canadian law allows people to possess up to an ounce, or around 27 grams, of marijuana without being given more than a fine that's equivalent to a parking ticket. You only pay the fine and there's no mark on your criminal record about it.
I don't mind people smoking mary j, but not around me or my family, or kids if I ever get any.

I'd prefer booze, since I haven't ever smoked the pipe, or any sig for that matter.

A) Pot is non-addictive(only psychologically, not physically. ie. YOu can get addicted in the sense that you like the feeling, but not because you need it).
Alcohol, on the other hand, is one of the most addictive substances known to man.

B) Pot has almost no dangers.(Although a recent investigation DID suggest it COULD induce psychotic episodes(not just in already psychotically susceptible people, but in non-susceptible people as well(Yes, Ozrat, this is true. It was a Dutch investigation, however, I do not know exactly HOW it was performed(I'll try to find some more info))).
While Alcohol destroys irreplaceable braincells, clouds judgement, and makes peple not realise what they are doing.

C) Pot is legal in The Netherlands(Woohoo!).

D) Pot induces calm, and nice behaviour. As opposed to alcohol, which induces violent behaviour.

E) How many times have I already seen this come by? Ah well...

I don't mind people smoking mary j, but not around me or my family, or kids if I ever get any.
Why? Pot is harmless to the people surrounding you. And the psychotic thingie only happens on rare occasions, and when you smoke a LOT(Seriously a LOT) of it, for years upon years.
I'm more of a fan of booze. I get a headache when I smoke pot, so I decided not to do it anymore. And I just got tired of wasting my money on beer, so I guess I don't really do that anymore.

Beer pwns pot.
Alcohol, at least from what I've seen, only induces violent behavior in people who are already naturally aggressive. Booze, most of the time, increases one's sexual drive, especially in females.
I've given up on both, but pot, from what i remember, had less risks if consumed moderately. It wasn't as addicitive as, say, cigarettes - which i've also quit, and those were a bitch to let go of - and alcohol, if i remember correctly, stayed in your organism longer (IIRC, 1 litre stayed for one year in your organism).
The only time I've gotten in a fight in the past....5 years...I was completely sober. When I'm drinking, I just sit back and chill out. I've been pulled over by the cops after drinking a case of beer and doing shots, and they let me go because I'm very level headed and close to normal when I'm drunk. Plus having multiple personalities that I can switch into at will helps.

I've not noticed any increase in sex drive. I'm horny constantly, and I basically get laid whenever I feel like it anyway..Don't think alcohol has any effect on me there.
Okay, found the inquiry. Apparently, it was inconclusive, and only suggested a link between cannabis and psychosis. Nothing new there,.

Also, the only risk(besides the possible vague link between psychosis and pot) was that if you use too much you can get anxiety feelings. That is all.
With right, pot is called the safest drug to man(Ozrat, link?).

And it is absolutely unaddictive. As I said, you can only get addicted to it in the sense that you liked the feeling. There is NO physical addiction, only mental.

Oh, and methinks it's been proven that, in general, people get more aggressive when drinking, their judgement fades, and they get looser(From what I know, there is no increase in sex-drive, merely a loss of inhibitors).
Personally, I'd choose pot, since I've had lots of experience with it and it doesn't seem to harm me at all (on the contrary, pot kind of makes me a better, calmer, nicer person).
Alcohol? Well, I drink beer and port and stuff, but I don't like. I have a very weak stomach and even after drinking two or three beers, I tend to have this feeling as if their is an elephant in my stomach or something. Not nice at all, trust me.
These days, though, I'm seriously thinking about giving up on pot and alcohol and cigarettes. It's still only an idea (I smoked pot just yesterday, had three beers a few hours ago and am still smoking cigarettes), but one of these days, I'm gonna go for it. I just wanna be normal and pure again, that's all.
I can't really say, people I know that do both, do both at the same time. But they seem to like pot more.

I have no personal experience with pot, and beer, ick. I always preferred Gin.

I'm planning on going sXe as soon as I can quit smoking, without hurting people.
Personally I'd choose alcohol, especially since it'll actually be legal for me in eight or nine months.

King of Creation said:
I for one, would feel better going to a party where alcohol was being served instead of j's. Alcohol is viewed less "illegal" by the law than marijuana is. I don't know about other schools, but here, getting caught with marijuana is like an executable offense.
I see Ozrat already said part of this, bu tI'll add that getting caught with anything illegal and drugs/drinking related is the same - 130$ and a "minor offence" for Rez students (I'm not sure what it is for off-campus folks). That includes everything from drinking underage to (I think) trafficing pot. But yes, off campus the fines are steeper for pot then for booze.

King of Creation said:
That's why there's alcoholism and not cannibism.
First time I read that I thought it said "canabalism". XD

Sander said:
B) Pot has almost no dangers.(Although a recent investigation DID suggest it COULD induce psychotic episodes(not just in already psychotically susceptible people, but in non-susceptible people as well(Yes, Ozrat, this is true. It was a Dutch investigation, however, I do not know exactly HOW it was performed(I'll try to find some more info))).
There was an article about this in "Campus" magizine (which is distributed free on campus) back in September.
According to it, alcohol has a higher Physical dependency, emotional dependency, Neurotoxicity, and general toxicity then cannabis. (It also says that alcohol has a higher "risk to society", whatever they mean by that).
There was an article about this in "Campus" magizine (which is distributed free on campus) back in September.
According to it, alcohol has a higher Physical dependency, emotional dependency, Neurotoxicity, and general toxicity then cannabis.
Proven facts for pot: NO physical dependency, at all. Extremely low toxicity and neurotoxicity.

It also says that alcohol has a higher "risk to society", whatever they mean by tha
They mean that people who drink are more violent, and have clouded judgement, therefore making them dangerous drivers.