Having grown up in a culture that both understood and used both as a form of recreation, neither is a big issue if people are responsible about it. Yes, I grew up in Alaska, where the weed was grown right next to the catnip.
I've personally never seen anyone become psychotic because of it, though if you want to see someone psycho because of alcohol, you don't have to go far. There's nearly always one stupid jackass at every party that gets loud, obnoxious, and soon starts swinging off of the chandelier when drunk. Whereas with marijuana, you all sit around the hookah with bags of chips or sunflower seeds (or lightly salted popcorn) and a 2 litre of Coke. Get stoned, play some video games, that sort of thing. No danger to anyone, and it really helps those who have problems with the following: nausea, pain, some eye problems, and appetite, to name a few. In fact, the Hulk might have been a totally different story if someone just got the guy baked out of his gourd.
Tommy Chong Voice: "Don't get me angry, man...hee, hee, hee!"
But the big point about pot is that yes, it is a drug. So is alcohol. Both are good in moderation and if you're mature about it. Both are bad if you do stupid things like drive while under the influence or you have some other mental condition that would make you turn into Flippy from Happy Tree Friends.
Unfortunately, the main things keeping Mary J illegal are the stupid ads (where being under the influence of alcohol whilst driving kills far more people, as would being under any drug while driving a ton or so of metal), the hype that stems from sites like freevibe.com, who are pretty much following govt. sponsored "tests", which are often skewed to perpetuate this, and the American cigarette manufacturers, who would really hate to see what they view as a crop that could replace tobacco and are afraid that they couldn't keep up with all of the independent growers.
Smoking marijuana leads to some changes in the brain similar to those caused by cocaine, heroin and alcohol.
Really? Alcohol kills brain cells. Marijuana doesn't. Other than that, the statement above is too vague and could mean all sorts of things, including a general state of euphoria. Plus I'd like to see what kind of crop they grabbed to do the tests (researchers who are govt. funded do not grow, but use confiscated). Much of the crap stuff that they manage to get is full of pesticide or other chemicals. If you find green with pesticide on it, you've found one dead grower.
It also doesn't look good to the teens if you lie to them about the effects of marijuana. If you lie to them, they'll tell you to fuck off and do it anyways. The funny thing about some of those ads is that if the teen is smoking enough to get completely spaced out of their mind, then they have some way of affording it and stealing isn't that often done as it doesn't instill the physical dependence that alcohol, cocaine, heroin, and opiates do. Most cities in the US have a far worse problem with meth, cocaine, and crack (and associated crime like theft), so the police are generally more lenient towards pot smokers, even in middle of the city. Hell, I know people who steal for beer money, then buy crap pisswater. The police generally know the problem with that drug isn't so much a problem, and it actually keeps people off of the streets and mellowed out in their home. Yet I really wouldn't count on that.
Many who use pot also smoke cigarettes, and the shit found in American cigarettes is far worse than what is in marijuana (and marijuana often helps your lungs, especially with capacity, as some doctors would sometimes take a patient aside and talk to them about just that for broken ribs or other issues). That's why I smoke either Canadian or British brands though they cost a bit more. I can easily understand that father's sentiment towards cigarettes, as they are often much worse than a joint or a bowl.
I do not advocate marijuana use by underaged people, but if you're in a culture that accepts and understands it without having to deal with capitalist politics getting in the way of common sense, sit back and light up. In fact, that's why a lot of vets go to Alaska, so they can do the motto: "Mellow out in Alaska."