Press event hints at possible DLC announcement this week


But best title ever!
MTV Multiplayer, in their article about the Honest Hearts trailer Bethesda fiasco and the subsequent leak of screenshots we've already covered, noted that Bethesda is holding a media gathering in Utah and speculates that this may be connected to an imminent announcement.<blockquote>It's worth noting that there's a Bethesda-sponsored media gathering happening this very week in the mountains of Utah. Between the prematurely posted trailer, the hints in "Dead Money" pointing to the next DLC pack and the Utah gathering, it seems logical to speculate that we'll be hearing something on "Honest Hearts" this week.</blockquote>I'm not familiar enough with Bethesda marketing to know whether they'd do a media event just for a DLC, but at the very least, it sounds like the DLC announcement may be related to it.

Thanks Duck and Cover.

Update: In case anyone had any doubt about the veracity of this piece of info, here's what Pete Hines (Bethesda's PR Honcho) posted on his twitter page:<blockquote>Have never been to Utah before. It's absolutely beautiful here. </blockquote>
Well, if not for Honest Hearts, I don't see why they would do a press event in Utah of all places.
Utah, home of Mormonism - Joshua Graham former Mormon missionary from New Canaan, Utah. It's obvious. Not to mention Honest Hearts being derived from a Brigham Young quotation. I'd bet a ton that this is just about Honest Hearts and it will be fully focused on graham and the Legion and maybe the LDS Church.
WorstUsernameEver said:
Ausir said:
Well, if not for Honest Hearts, I don't see why they would do a press event in Utah of all places.

Good point. Just.. strikes me as weird to do a press event for a DLC, that's all.

When I brought this up to BN last week and he assured me that there was no way the dlc would be coming this fast without us hearing about it - I suggested that perhaps Bethesda is taking the Mass Effect approach to DLC going forward.

This would make perfect sense if I'm right, with them releasing DLCs every three months or so for the next year/year-and-a-half until the next Fallout game is released.

It has been VERY lucrative for Bioware and Bethesda is not shy of the dollar sign, if you know what I'm saying.
But this doesn't walk well with the supposed Old World Blues news we'll get next month.
cunningandvalor said:
This would make perfect sense if I'm right, with them releasing DLCs every three months or so for the next year/year-and-a-half until the next Fallout game is released.

I honestly hope not.

In Bioware's case most of those stupid DLCs didn't even live up to the hype.
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WorstUsernameEver said:
Ausir said:
Well, if not for Honest Hearts, I don't see why they would do a press event in Utah of all places.
Good point. Just.. strikes me as weird to do a press event for a DLC, that's all.

It is. It isn't Bethesda's MO. But if they put a longer development cycle into it (which they seem to have, though some are claiming they're developing the DLCs at the same time rather than one after the other) and thus more money, then bigger PR might make sense.

Wonder if it'd be any more expensive too...

Lexx said:
But this doesn't walk well with the supposed Old World Blues news we'll get next month.

This was only a rumor. Might prove untrue. Might prove to be simply a mistake.
Well, they'll probably promote their other titles at the event too, but Honest Hearts gives them an excuse to make one that is more memorable than a typical gaming media event.
The Dutch Ghost said:
cunningandvalor said:
This would make perfect sense if I'm right, with them releasing DLCs every three months or so for the next year/year-and-a-half until the next Fallout game is released.

I honestly hope not.

In Bioware's case most of those stupid DLCs didn't even live up to the hype.

You're totally right, however, I don't think "hype" has anything to do with the "ca-ching" factor of users dumping dollar signs into the coffer of future fun.

My theory, and I may totally be wrong, is that Bethesda recognized how much money Bioware was making through this strategy, as well as the ability to hang people on to the next incarnation, and decided to capitalize. I'm not saying I'm right, but if the next dlc comes out in, say... July, I'll be pretty sure that I'm on the right track.
I've almost been wondering if these DLCs will be more tightly connected story-wise as well, like episodes almost. Though that will probably not be the case (though I'm sure there'll be plenty references like we saw in Dead Money).

I think they'll keep these on a tighter release schedule and use the momentum of faster releases to build up the PR. Just a guess but seems like it would make sense given that some time has passed now since New Vegas released.
Starwars said:
I've almost been wondering if these DLCs will be more tightly connected story-wise as well, like episodes almost. Though that will probably not be the case (though I'm sure there'll be plenty references like we saw in Dead Money).

Actually, Dead Money was presented as "DLC Volume 1":
