Press reaction to the Fallout 3 teaser trailer

MrBumble said:
Jimmious said:
I thought Pip was the french kid in Southpark :P

Have you ever heard about Charles Dickens' "Great Expectations" ?

Isn't that the great French novel in which the main character Pip climbs the Eiffel tower and eats a croissant?
Don't start French bashing :P

Anyway, I wonder how much influence all these papers have on Beth. I mean if they all start saying "3rd person is teh sux, FPS style RPG is the way to go to sell to the mainstream", will Beth be forced to bend knee and give in to the mainstream and turn F3 into a post-apoc System Shock?
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Hmmm, I thought 1UP stopped being as retarded as the rest of the cattle... Apparently not.
Really? I've felt they have been on a steep downward slide for years now.

Do you remember that fiasco with the Neverwinter Nights 2 review?
Matt Peckham said:
In all fairness, it's not entirely developer Obsidian's fault. D&D certainly puts the "rule" in role-playing, and a madcap base of D&D aficionados is no doubt ready to string me up for suggesting that faithful is here tantamount to folly (to these people, I say: "Go for it, NWN2's all you've ever wanted and more"). Call me crazy -- I guess I'm just finally weary of being led around on a pencil-and-paper leash and batting numbers around a glorified three-dimensional spreadsheet in a computer translation that should have synthesized, not forklifted.
They choose a reviewer who hates D&D and gave the game an extremely unfair 5/10. In the end Jeff Green apologized, retracted Matt's review, and wrote a new one himself.

Matt's review from 1Up shares a spot in my personal "Worst professional review ever" category, along with this gem from GameSpy. Obviously I count underrating a game as worse than overrating one, as the latter would simply open the door to overwhelming numbers of reviews.
Eh, the entire gaming news system is flawed. People who buy dirt rags about games or subscribe to websites generally do so based on the concept of exclusivity; for example, if and GameInformer both announce the same game is in development, let's say the game is the next Grand Theft Auto game. has written a huge 4 page article talking about the genesis of Grand Theft Auto and how it's games have shaped, and been shaped, by the culture around it. GameInformer, though, talks to one of the developers, and he makes the exclusive announcement that the next Grand Theft Auto will have CARS. In addition, he provides GameInformer with exclusive CAR photos. Even if this is just a 1 page interview with no relevant or interesting information, the fact that it has someone involved with the game and some shiny pictures will mean it gets ten times the attention that Joe's poor article. Following this, Joe will regretfully post mirrors of the car photos and decides never to put any effort into anything again.

This is a good system for the internet. Since anyone can put up a webpage anyone can go ahead and publish anything, the only problem is how to find it. Fortunately word of mouth is a much more effective form of advertising then flash banner, with all due respect to the sexy ladies at the top of this forum. The one problem with this system is of course that it starts as an unlevel playing field. You really have to go out of your way to find what Joe Nobody thinks of games, but you can barely avoid finding out with IGN thinks is cool. IGN has to make sure it stays that way, though, by making sure they continue to get the shiny pictures. That's why you won't ever see IGN come right out and slam a game unless it's universally loather, by a dying or independent publisher, or otherwise unimportant. Any mainstream game by a mainstream publisher, even one they have serious flaws with, will get around a 70% because if you slam that publishers work, they can cut you off. And once places like IGN get cut off, they don't really have anything that 5000 other sites don't have. And why would you pay $25 a year to get the same thing you can get everywhere else? Then the site can't afford the traffic that it generates from the freeloaders and then the whole operation goes under. It's far better for them to just smile and nod at everything because that way they all get to keep their jobs.

I mean, this isn't confined to the gaming newsmedia by any means. All media suffers from the same problems; the big stations are never going to tell you what they really think because if they do then they get excluded. Nowadays some places are developing side face syndrome, where they tell you how great something is at 7 o clock and then run a half hour program ranting on it at 9. In that way they can maintain the status quo by big talking whatever it is that needs to be sold and then can appeal to the "rargh rargh me hate" crowd once everyone else is happy. Placating isn't just something confined to the media though. When your boss asks you if you can work late, do you tell him "No, I was going to buy some blow and hit the strip clubs. Why don't you go fuck yourself?" Probably not. Journalism from your knees is especially dangerous though because of the inherent power that information can provide. That's part of the reason why it's being neutered but regardless of the reasons it's a bad trend, and unfortunately one that probably isn't going to end any time soon.

EDIT: Damn, spent all those words on hating the media when I could have been bashing the French. I'll get you next time.
Tannhauser said:
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Hmmm, I thought 1UP stopped being as retarded as the rest of the cattle... Apparently not.
Really? I've felt they have been on a steep downward slide for years now.

Meh, I don't follow it at all, I just remembered that one interview they did that suggested they might have grown some balls.

*Throws 1UP back in the retard drawer
<blockquote>Sean Molloy: Smart start -- it certainly gave me faith that they're sticking with the original games' tone. You get olde radiola tunes, a quick glimpse at Pip (the original Fallout boy!) in those propaganda posters on the bus. So yup, this is Fallout. I'm also now completely convinced it's gonna be some first-person Oblivion-style thing. When the camera pulls out of the bus, and you see that ruined cityscape--I want to explore that s*** in first-person. Imagine that moment in Oblivion where you leave the first dungeon, only you see apocalypse instead of green acres. I don't think Bethesda could pass up that opportunity.</blockquote>Disagree. Compare the quality of the graphics to UT2k7, ET: QW and Crysis, it looks "shit" compared to that, and most of the games I listed, are 07 releases, and not late 08. Beth simply CAN'T release a game that looks that "poor" in a year from now. Hopefully, this Sean Molloy is dumb and doesn't really know much about computer graphics and such.

Also check the weapon, the BoS guy and such, and compare that to those games I listed above.
From 1up:

Sean Molloy said:
I'm also now completely convinced it's gonna be some first-person Oblivion-style thing. When the camera pulls out of the bus, and you see that ruined cityscape--I want to explore that s*** in first-person.

Jeff Green said:
I loved the first two Fallouts to death, but now is not the time for another isometric turn-based RPG. Not with the amazing possibilities that Bethesda could bring to this series after knocking it out of the park with Oblivion. I can't wait.

Darren Gladstone said:
I'm right there with Sean Molloy. I need to see what happens the second I walk out of my vault and into Fallout 3's apocalypse. I can deal with no more turn-based gameplay

Wow nice circle jerk there fellas. What you guys want is TES 2215 AD, not Fallout 3.

You can't deal with turn bused no more? Awww does thinking just hurt your poor widdle brain too much?
Just want to mash A for great glory while the gameworld makes sure you never run into an enemy you can't defeat huh...
Like cherishing your "Thanks for participating in Sport Event X" medal, eventhough you came dead last and accomplished nothing, which is what playing Oblivion is like to begin with.

These guys probably complained that Chess Simulater 3000 wasn't real time.

Tor Thorsen said:
So, it's probably going to be in DC, it's basically going to be Oblivion with mutants in DC, which sounds damn good to me.

Again, the game you want is not Fallout 3 Tor.

Now for some Gamespot hypocrisy, here's a quote from their Shadowrun review:

You wouldn't automatically expect a multiplayer first-person shooter like Counter-Strike to serve as the main inspiration for a game based on a 1989 pen-and-paper RPG, but that's exactly what you get in Microsoft's Shadowrun, which takes all of the cyberpunk-plus-magic stuff from the RPG and boils it down to magic spells and technological character upgrades.

So you guys slam Microsoft for moving away from PnP roots of Shadowrun, yet ecourage Bethesda to do the same with Fallout 3?

Way to go drekheads.
boer_kameel said:
Hi JR Jansen! Long time no see... Still the same signature as back in 2001, eh? ;-)

Man, this must be my lucky year... A new girlfriend, Fallout 3 in production, AND JA3 in production! And a holiday to China in September...

Ah, it's my old buddy. I still need a few camels as i recall. I might settle for 'looking after' your girlfriend when you go on holiday to China :p.

And about the sig. Well, name recognition you know (or i may be getting old and therefor not so creative anymore).
Briosafreak said:
boer_kameel is entitled to the veterans rank, isn't he?

If he is, then i'm also.

Damn do i feel old at the moment.

Maybe our rank should be more like 'The old geezers of the wastes' or 'The old farts'. That would be for guys like me, boer, you and maybe..............

Per :p :D
Something must have happened a few years ago, because I can't find a lot of old posts (mostly FO:T ones, that can't be right ^_^) and the join date counter is quite incorrect. Too bad, makes some nice nostalgia!

I remember quite a lot more interesting talks, with JR and Miroslav... Even on IRC and/or ICQ. Memory is getting a bit foggy after all those years though, I was in my mid/late teens then...

*edit* ok, so there already is a naming standard for veterans. Makes my rambling useless. Is it ever useful, I wonder? ^_^

JR: I just traded 5000 racing cames for this girl, making this a risky investment. However, I have some camels set aside for situations like these - if you take 'em off my hands, I have a nice adress in Egypt where you can buy back pretty Western women that are too smart and brutal for their standards (makes a challenge, eh?) :p

Ok, j/k there. She came up with the China idea, and is the best thing that happened to me in quite some time (the girl, not the trip). The combination of reactivating my account here, reading all that good news, seeing old buddies again, it's getting too much for me...

And that's why I'm going to stop taking over the news section, let's get to the gen discussion or PM (wouldn't want to piss off admins, my olde bones cannae teek no kicke no more!
*Derail alert*....

Press is press, like we've said in the past most of the gaming sites are suck up whores willing to sell their grandmother for a screenshot. I take pride in stating my opinion, rather then just agree on everything.