Press reaction to the Fallout 3 teaser trailer


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
The release of the Fallout 3 teaser trailer and Game Informer's new cover has sparked some discussion among a few professional gaming websites.

1Up features four editors of the magazine Games for Windows discussing their reaction to the teaser. An interesting read, if for the wrong reasons, keep an eye out for "The Ink Blots."<blockquote>Sean Molloy: Smart start -- it certainly gave me faith that they're sticking with the original games' tone. You get olde radiola tunes, a quick glimpse at Pip (the original Fallout boy!) in those propaganda posters on the bus. So yup, this is Fallout. I'm also now completely convinced it's gonna be some first-person Oblivion-style thing. When the camera pulls out of the bus, and you see that ruined cityscape--I want to explore that s*** in first-person. Imagine that moment in Oblivion where you leave the first dungeon, only you see apocalypse instead of green acres. I don't think Bethesda could pass up that opportunity.</blockquote>Game Daily recaps the history of Fallout 3, and goes over what has been officially announced so far.

Gamespot has two different features, both involving Tor Thorsen. In a news article about the released Fallout 3 information, Tor speculates about what Game Informer means with its headline that Bethesda will reinvent Fallout. In addition, Tor Thorsen was featured on The HotSpot, a weekly Gamespot podcast which covered the Fallout 3 teaser trailer in their most recent episode. A transcribed excerpt from Tor's comments:<blockquote>And the trailer also confirms other stuff, they won't say, but thoughout development they've leaked the location of Washington DC; and in the background you can see a very Washington Monument looking kind of oblisk in the background right in the middle and stuff. So, it's probably going to be in DC, it's basically going to be Oblivion with mutants in DC, which sounds damn good to me.</blockquote>Links:
What'd We Think of the Fallout 3 Teaser? at 1Up.
Hot or Hype: Fallout 3 at Game Daily.
Fallout 3 confirmed for 360, PS3 at GameSpot.
The HotSpot at GameSpot.

Thanks to Briosafreak and RPG Codex.
which sounds damn good to me.

Suck ass, mister Tor...Thor.

Odin is far better than Thor anyway.

Edit: Really now, is there any other site except this one and the Codex that thinks Oblivion sucks? Or at least that Fallout 3 in Oblivion's style is a bad idea? I mean... some of the "big" guys. Yes, Thor, you're a big guy. Yes, you are. *pets*

If it wasn't for this site (from which I found out about the Codex), I'd start thinking I'm the only one to think such heresies.
Oblivion with mutants in DC sounds good to him?
What a fool.
I mean even if Oblivion would be a very good Fantasy RPG it would be still foolish to say such a thing,at least in my ears.
Yeah, Oblivion is a great RPG game. Fallout in FP(S) also will be great. Only blind can't see it.

*searching for the glasses*

No, it didn't help. I must look at it through the Hubble telescope.
I haven't seen so much fail in recent times until I read those articles.
FeelTheRads said:
Edit: Really now, is there any other site except this one and the Codex that thinks Oblivion sucks? Or at least that Fallout 3 in Oblivion's style is a bad idea? I mean... some of the "big" guys. Yes, Thor, you're a big guy. Yes, you are. *pets*

If it wasn't for this site (from which I found out about the Codex), I'd start thinking I'm the only one to think such heresies.

Review sites and magazines are nothing but kiss ass panderers to big developers. They're part of the problem and I'll blame them as much as Bethesda if we get Oblivion with guns.
It's people like them who make Bethesda think Oblivion is a masterpiece to begin with.
Vault 69er said:
They're part of the problem and I'll blame them as much as Bethesda if we get Oblivion with guns.
It's people like them who make Bethesda think Oblivion is a masterpiece to begin with.

Agreed, even if gamespot did rate Oblivion well (the game did have some merits), saying that the same formula could be used for fallout is just appalling. Either way, I've heard many concerns about doing this have been expressed in Bethesda's forums, so I think they know many of the original fans want a loyal sequel. The only question that remains is if they will listen.
Milo said:
Agreed, even if gamespot did rate Oblivion well (the game did have some merits), saying that the same formula could be used for fallout is just appalling.

Hell, I like Oblivion (albeit heavily modded). But Fallout and Oblivion are two completely different styles. Wishing for one to be like the other is beyond retarded.

Either way, I've heard many concerns about doing this have been expressed in Bethesda's forums, so I think they know many of the original fans want a loyal sequel. The only question that remains is if they will listen.

The problem is, Bethesda don't need the fans. Their hype machine will assure millions of casual gamers will buy Fallout 3.
Vault 69er said:
Hell, I like Oblivion...


Just kidding! I must admit I also played some Oblivion, but got bored after a while and never got close to finishing it. I found that Oblivion is like eating pizza every night, great at first, then not too bad, but after a while you become sick of it and just wish it would all end.

Vault 69er said:
The problem is, Bethesda don't need the fans. Their hype machine will assure millions of casual gamers will buy Fallout 3.

True. There's some XBox guys here at work who are talking about it, but the funny thing is that none of them ever managed to finish Oblivion, and they still think it's a great game. :?

Both of these people are total dumb asses.

'It's going to be first person Oblivion style'.

On what do they base that ? Have they looked at Fallout 1's intro ?

F1's intro gave you the same feeling as this teaser. It was also First person but the game wasn't.

I showed the Fallout 1 intro to my brother after he'd seen the teaser. He is also rather fond of Oblivion (don't know why but it is as it is) and he also had the exact same feeling (first person) untill i showed him F1's intro.

And about Beth not needing the fanbase................well, we did bury another Fallout title before, remember. They DO need the fanbase to spread the word. Othewise people looking for info about the game will come here and get negative responses.
Fuck shit, these guys are nothing more than cocksucking fuckfaces, jeez!! What the heck?!

If this is all the industry has to offer, then they can all go to hell. Those retard bastards are either complete fools and can't understand anything about neither games (which happens to be what they're freackingly talking about!) OR journalism (which was supposedly what they should be doing but they aren't) or their just a bunch of balllickers. Either way, those pricks are in the wrong place. They should be working for market chains like beztchoice or whatever, doing their fucking PR lying and get PAID for that, and not for something they don't do: to inform. Those dumbfucks don't know better than that lick the boots of those that give them "xclusiv materialz" for their fucking maguzines or whatever they "work" on... No matter what, they are complete assholes, and there's no way around it! I hope they kill the industry so they die with it! Fuckfaces...
JR Jansen said:
Both of these people are total dumb asses.

'It's going to be first person Oblivion style'.

On what do they base that ? Have they looked at Fallout 1's intro ?

F1's intro gave you the same feeling as this teaser. It was also First person but the game wasn't.

I showed the Fallout 1 intro to my brother after he'd seen the teaser. He is also rather fond of Oblivion (don't know why but it is as it is) and he also had the exact same feeling (first person) untill i showed him F1's intro.

And about Beth not needing the fanbase................well, we did bury another Fallout title before, remember. They DO need the fanbase to spread the word. Othewise people looking for info about the game will come here and get negative responses.

Wicked on all accounts. I shall sharpen my weapons for the crusade that surely will ensue a Oblivion with guns and mutants in DC product.
Maybe we should start forgetting the whole thing. At least there's Jagged Alliance 3 coming and it's gonna be faithfull to the series...
Thanks Tannhouser for this research!

I went to the GameDaily site, and it was an interesting read. I think I'm behind on the F3 news, because I haven't read this before:

Greg Atkinson@GameDaily said:
The two most major and confirmed announcements about the game were a relief. Fallout 3 will continue to use the series' SPECIAL (i.e. Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck) character attribute system. We guess the system will contain a few small modifications, but the main character system will be in place. Secondly, characters from previous games will make return appearances; they would need to travel from Southern California (the setting for the first two games) to Washington, D.C., the major metropolitan area in the game. This change seems like a good move for Bethesda since it will help keep the game fresh and allow the development team to create a new history for the series (and cheap assets since the developer is located a few miles from the D.C. border).

Is it really confirmed that SPECIAL will be used, and that we can travel from Southern California to DC?

If so, I think at least the SPECIAL system is a REAL good move :D
About the old locations: Ok, it's a bit "tradition" to feature old locations in Fallout... This could mean that the storyline is continued, as opposed to the speculations going around after seeing the Brotherhood insignia on the armour in the teaser...

Hi JR Jansen! Long time no see... Still the same signature as back in 2001, eh? ;-)
About 1st person: As opposed to F1's intro, this teaser is made with the ingame engine.
You could assume that they edited the engine so that it can display objects up close with much more detail. Seems a bit weird at this stage in development (with release date over a year from now) though...
Could be that they're showing off their ingame engine, for the investors?

Jimmious said:
Maybe we should start forgetting the whole thing. At least there's Jagged Alliance 3 coming and it's gonna be faithfull to the series...

Man, this must be my lucky year... A new girlfriend, Fallout 3 in production, AND JA3 in production! And a holiday to China in September...
boer_kameel said:
Is it really confirmed that SPECIAL will be used, and that we can travel from Southern California to DC?
No, and no. Unless they've somehow uncovered secret interviews that no one knows about.

It's been assumed for a long time that they're going to use SPECIAL, though, and I see absolutely no reason why Bethesda wouldn't.
boer_kameel said:
If so, I think at least the SPECIAL system is a REAL good move :D
About the old locations: Ok, it's a bit "tradition" to feature old locations in Fallout... This could mean that the storyline is continued, as opposed to the speculations going around after seeing the Brotherhood insignia on the armour in the teaser...

Hi JR Jansen! Long time no see... Still the same signature as back in 2001, eh? ;-)
About 1st person: As opposed to F1's intro, this teaser is made with the ingame engine.
You could assume that they edited the engine so that it can display objects up close with much more detail. Seems a bit weird at this stage in development (with release date over a year from now) though...
Could be that they're showing off their ingame engine, for the investors?
What investors? They're a subisidiary company of the huge Zenimax. They publish their own games. They don't need (or want) any investors.
This Thorsen fag is another oblivion with guns lover...

I wonder how many of them are on the net...
But i doubt they will have any effect on production of F3, i still hope it will be iso,TB with SPECIAL, typical Fallout feeling and the rest,
maybe i'm just a dreamer :roll:
see... people like this dick know nothing wads get to be seen by fags from BS-corp. Not us here, ppl like them can ruin this game.
SPECIAL by itself may not mean much. Do consider that Bethesda warped their own TES stat system into what we have with Oblivion, where stats simply "unlock" new powers and apart from Strength and Endurance are all relatively meaningless.