Problem Child ;) and new start location


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Gronichonha !
I encounter a strange trouble shooting with the mapper...
All frm of children critters are invisible in the menu...
Is there something to do to be able to put a child in a mod?
Thank you.

Another question, Does it essential to patch fallout 2 to make a mode?
I explain.
Must I patch with the city patch my fallout and mapper.exe?
Must I mod with a 1.02 version patched?
Is there some basic stuff to do before making a mod?

Brother Soifran
To first: Yes, install the children patch.

To second: You don't need to patch to version 1.02 for making a mod. If you want to add stuff to original Fallout 2, then it would be better if you use a) patched Fallout 2 und b) patched script files. But if you make everything from scratch anyway, there is no need for patching.

You need to install the city patch for mapper.exe and fallout2.exe if you want to add more towns than vanilla Fallout 2 can have. (As example, if you want to make a mod for Killap's RP, then you need the patch)
ok thanks lexx.
I'll precise some point.
I've listen say that for exemple last hope isn't compatible with the High resolution patch.
If it's true, why and why Killap haven't this problem?
Secondly, I have tried to install city patch.
But he said me that my fallout.exe haven't the good size...
I work on a french version, and I feel that this patch is for the US version...
So I try to patch my version with the US 1.02 patch.
The problem desapear but my patched mapper had stopped working... :)
Modding is reserved to US version?
Secondly, I have tried to install city patch.
But he said me that my fallout.exe haven't the good size...
I work on a french version, and I feel that this patch is for the US version...
So I try to patch my version with the US 1.02 patch.
The problem desapear but my patched mapper had stopped working... Smile
Modding is reserved to US version?

I have got the same problem as you, and probably the same version.
I got a patched version of fallout thanks to Killap restoration who changes about everything except the data files.
But i can't get the mapper to work, at least not with a build with more cities than the city limit... I suspect that it is the same for you.

So either we convince someone to upload an already patched mapper working with the US 1.02 patch, or we go give money to Interplay for the, what, 3 time ? :D

Well, if you find a solution before me, please keep me posted!
And you guys are sure that the mapper got correctly patched with the correct patch?

It is not enough to just patch the fallout2.exe.
brother_soifran said:
But he said me that my fallout.exe haven't the good size...
I work on a french version, and I feel that this patch is for the US version...
So I try to patch my version with the US 1.02 patch.
The problem desapear but my patched mapper had stopped working... :)
Modding is reserved to US version?

Re lexx, and thanks for your answers.
But to be clear.
If I want to make a mod, with new cities, must I patch my french fallout2.exe with the US 1.02 patch to have the good size of fallout2.exe?
Or if I want to make a total conversion mod, can I simply replace and rename the existing places and try to give some news coordonates to arroyo?
Because I believe understand that it's coded in the exe.
Heu...Understand my question?

brother_soifran said:
Or if I want to make a total conversion mod, can I simply replace and rename the existing places and try to give some news coordonates to arroyo?
Because I believe understand that it's coded in the exe.

No, it isn't hardcoded. City locations can be changed in the city.txt file in the data/data folder. Just open the file with Notepad and change the coordinates.
Arff... :)
Ok Mib, thank you to pay attention to me :)
I'm happy :)
I 'll watch for this closer.
So if I understand well, city patch is for people who want
to add other places to our fallout 2 ?
If I want to make a total conversion mod, I make like forgotten Knight and change the file of you 're talking about.
As I know you read my post, I go to talk you something.
What must I do in first to be able to aplly the Hi-Res patch?
We must live with our time :)
Thanks all for you reply and help.

Brother Soifran
I have no idea how the high resolution patch works.

As for the city limit patcher, it is necessary if you want to add more than 150 maps or add additional cities to the locations already in the game. If you are going to replace all the current locations in F2 with new ones (delete the old ones and add a number up to the current number), then you do not need the patcher. Keep in mind that if you need the patcher to make your game work, then you also need to make sure to patch the official mapper as well.
Ok thanks for your answer Mib.
I 've done what you say and assign some new coordanate to
arroyo in the city text.
Arroyo is where I want.
I've rename my map in artemple, but...
(I smell that this is a recurrent question... :) )
All work fine... :)
But when I go out my own map for the first time, my dude leave at the ancien arroyo place .
Only the fisrt time.
When I manage to rejoin new arroyo, (a little bit above gecko to situate) I enter into it, and exit at the good place.
It look like if the soft send you at first arroyo place the first time.
Understand what I say?
I've modify CITY.TXT like that:

[Area 00]                ; Arroyo
   ; Note: City names are kept in the Worldmap.msg message file
;world_pos=173,122        ; Absolute position? ; SAVED
world_pos=1200,133      ; Absolute position? ; SAVED
start_state=On           ; Starting state     ; SAVED
   ; Small/Medium/Large
size=Medium               ; Size of circle (city/town/etc.) (large/etc.)
townmap_art_idx=156       ; Fid num index for the townmap art
townmap_label_art_idx=370 ; Fid num index for the townmap label

   ; Starting state, xpos, ypos, map index, elevation, tile_num, orientation
   ;    (state is SAVED)
   ; Note: entrance_# -- # is entrance value for map script
entrance_0=On,1200,133,Arroyo Temple,-1,-1,0

I've change this :
world_pos=1200,133 ; Absolute position? ; SAVED
entrance_0=On,1200,133,Arroyo Temple,-1,-1,0
Here is my new worldmap (designed by Kinkin) and new start location.
Someone can says me what's wrong pliz?

Brother Soifran

Just want to make sure I understand: Are you saying that you actually ARE at the old Arroyo location? Or only that the worldmap is centered on the old Arroyo location (even though you really are elsewhere on the worldmap)?

Also, I think I remember that there was a thread somewhere here mentioning some way to load up new start locations in the game. However, I don't remember if that was a version of sfall, or the loader program, or something else, as it has been a while.
There is an option to change the starting map in sfall. It looks like this:
;To start a new game somewhere other than, uncomment the next line and set it to the map you want to load
Do you know if that changes only the starting map, or both the starting map and the starting position on the worldmap?
MIB88 said:
Do you know if that changes only the starting map, or both the starting map and the starting position on the worldmap?
Just the starting map iirc, but there's script functions to change your position on the world map, so just call them any time before the player reaches the world map for the first time.
MIB88 said:
Just want to make sure I understand: Are you saying that you actually ARE at the old Arroyo location? Or only that the worldmap is centered on the old Arroyo location (even though you really are elsewhere on the worldmap)?

Also, I think I remember that there was a thread somewhere here mentioning some way to load up new start locations in the game. However, I don't remember if that was a version of sfall, or the loader program, or something else, as it has been a while.

Lol , nothing of the 2 options ;)
I've a new world map as you can see, and a new arroyo location as written higher.
I've called to start my new base : and when I launch the game to test it, all is good.
My scripts run, but when I exit from the map, I exit to the old arroyo location.
The one of the original game far away on the N-W.
But, there is no trace from old arroyo.
No circle , nothing.
And when I click on the arroyo name on the right of the window on the world map, my dude go to the right place registered in the city.txt .
I travel and enter in the "new" arrroyo location, my wife is here, I can speak with here, and when I go out again, I'm in the right "new" location.
I 'll try to make a video if you want.
Maybe it comes from the fact we can normally don't exit on the world map from artemple map?
Schuss and thanks all.
Brother Soifran

PS: What is sfall? is it necessary to make a new mod?

PS2: I have watch before for our tutorial and only found that.
Maybe it comes from the fact we can normally don't exit on the world map from artemple map?

With the mapper, when you exit a game location in F8 mode, you always begin in the "normal" arroyo location (even if it isnt here apparently).
You did test it with the game right? not the F8 mode?
If you did, then I assum it is more related to the first time you start on the world map.
Yes I've test it in the game.
And I 've other trouble shooting of display type also.
I'll make some pic.
And thanks


Edit: Someone knows a soft to capture video of fallout in game?
I've try fraps and some other but it appears that it lag a lot...
well ok, let's try with some pic..
It happens very strange thing.
I repeat:
I've change the city text like says before.
I've change the map.MSG in the directory data/text/french/game
and rename arroyo in Ton campement (your camping ;) )
I launch the game.
Here is what happen:

The begining, correctly situated near my wife Zvetlana:

We can talk with here, the script work well.

You can make the round of the owner, to admire a very unreachable montain behind.

You can search in the crates

To pick some vegetables to make a cook:

If you are very hungry, you can harvest another salad:

then you leave the map:

And the trouble shooting start...
You leave at "old" arroyo:

Then you decide to travel a world and the seven see ;)
and join the real place for "new" arroyo:

and discover a new area already know ???

To finish to found "new" arroyo place (Ton campement in french)

You can enter in it at the good start location Hexagon:

You can decide to leave again:

And leave at the good place.... strangely...
But when I re enter on it, I've grafic bug i haven't the first time a enter afte my long walk...
My mousse spread...

Is it more clear?
Must I've use you soft called sfall if I want to correct this?
Any idea?

Brother Soifran
You said you didn't have either error I was descibing, but you did.

MIB88 said:
Just want to make sure I understand: Are you saying that you actually ARE at the old Arroyo location?

You are leaving from the Arroyo location (on the worldmap). Looks like this might be hardcoded.

As for the "ghost" images, I have only seen that when the game deletes required proto files. You have created new ones (like the lettuce and the crates). Make sure that you set them back to 'read only' after you have edited them, or else they will get deleted.
Thanks for your Help Mib.
I've protected my items and critters.
Not my scenery.
But it looks that it's not necessary for scenery.
The game seems doesn't overwrite new scenery...
After testing in the game I've all my new prototype in
the good directory...

For the leaving point, I 've bad understood your question.
You're right, I leave at ex arroyo, but I don't understand your answer.
You said it's encoded?
Well i 'll go to load sfall to watch what is it.
I've not found yet the toopic you talk about new start location.
But I discover today the mod_guid of dude_obj ... :)
After one year of daily frequentation ;)
I've some reading I think.
Maybe it explain on it.
I keep you aware.

Brother Soifran

I've found something.
The following are harcoded in Fallout2.exe but can be changed using a virtual patcher/loader:

* Set starting year
* Set starting time
* Set starting date
* Overcome 13 year limit (not very clean..)
* Remove city limit
* Version number in main menu
* Debug info to screen or to logfile
* Have the jumpsuit in the beginning
* Have the pipboy in the beginning
* Choose starting map
* Choose patch-file (e.g. patch123.dat instead of patch000.dat)
* Disable videos
* Load and jump to any map you want during the game
(a.k.a MapLoaderPatch. it might crash.. but it's useful when stuck behind a stupid npc)
* Save the current map to .map -file (opposite to MapLoader). Any use?
* PC to look like any critter you want

Answer by platon. (more details)
Also see this thread and this list of offets.

I 'm on it.