Problem Child ;) and new start location

I have done some little experiment myself, and it seems to be hardocoded.
My first advice would be not to go against Zhe HardCodex, and keep the first WM location at the Arroyo place
But if you really need to exit at a specific location for the first, I would advice you to do it the script way, like Timeslip told you:

Just the starting map iirc, but there's script functions to change your position on the world map, so just call them any time before the player reaches the world map for the first time.

Like you appear on a the map, and you directly have to speak with a npc, which script make you go to a specific point on the World map. Like your wife who send you hunting, or so.
To be sure it will work, make a test, use the mapper on F8 mod, begining at the Den map. Become a slaver, go on a hunt, exit the map, if you exit near the Den, then the script way will work.
Mmm, sorry I don't know if I made myself clear or not.

Apparently, Sfall don't support the starting point on the World map (yet). But it is a great tool, you should learn to use it.
Ok i've found this...

The starting map is hardcoded to in fallout2.exe. In hexadecimal that is:

61 72 74 65 6D 70 6C 65 2E 6D 61 70

If, for example, you want to change the starting map to, then:

00 00 00 00 62 61 73 65 2E 6D 61 70

Note that the new value of the map name must have the same number of "letters", so if the name is shorter than artemple, it must be padded with zeroes.
Answer by ColJack. (more details)

Additional Note: There are ways to change the starting map without mofiying fallout2.exe:

* Name your starting map to
* Use a virtual patcher/loader to change the starting map name in memory

But what is a virtual patcher?
Where can I find one?
FVP link seems to be dead

Brother Soifran
We have posted at the same time ;)
Thanks for this precision, I'll try the timslipgrayswandir method.
I keep you aware.

Brother soifran
However, the starting map is not the problem. Your starting map is fine. Just rename it. Or use the loader program you mention above. Or use Timeslip's Sfall, which is even better. No, the problem is the starting location (position) on the worldmap. That might be hardcoded. I don't know anything that can change that, unless you find that location using a hex editor. Then, maybe you can change it to the value you do want for the encampment.
Yes, it's hardcoded. (offset 0x672E0C, two 4 byte integers, one for the x coord and one for y.) sfall does let you change it; it isn't an option in ddraw.ini, but the script function I mentioned 'set_world_map_pos(int x, int y)' is an sfall function.
Yes !
Thanks Timeslip.
It's very easy in fact.
Take the fallout2.exe of restoration project.
apply sfall
edit ddraw.ini
change the location in the right part :)
look at that ;)
But maybe you 'll notice that if we leave at the good place, when we enter for the third time (the last) I have this display bug.
Stangly it look like if it doesn't care of the start exe at this time and enter in a kind of empty space like the pink floyd song ;)

<div><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="381" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></div>
oh, so sfall does have an option to set the world map starting coordinates without resorting to script... Odd, I didn't remember doing that. (Although now that I think about it, it may well have been that the scripting method ended up unmasking the square of the world map where the original starting location was.)

There's also an option to change which square the map is centered on initially, which is also hardcoded.
brother_soifran said:
And for the display's problem during the last enter..
Not really. Your image link seems to be broken, and the description isn't enough for me to tell what you're asking.

Edit: oh, it was flash. No idea what's causing that; it looks like the wrong map is being loaded the third time.
Ok, I'll try changing the name, and using sfall function to have a new start location point with new name, different from artemple.
I keep you aware.

Brother Soifran
Gronichonha !
Waoooowww !!!!
First thing:
Thanks a lot Timeslip for your work...
A rookie like me manages to make some very nice changement in the game.
Thank you:
Looking in your ini file, I notice something interesting.

;To change the default and starting player models, uncomment the next four lines.
;The default models can also be changed ingame via script

So an idea comes from the depth of my brain...
USe my black dude?
hé,hé :)
very simple
A little part of mapper to create the dude.
A pencil to note the name ;)
Edit ddraw.ini

;To change the default and starting player models, uncomment the next four lines.
;The default models can also be changed ingame via script

save, quit...
And launch :)

<div><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="381" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></div>

Well...I've always this problem of display with I enter the third time in the map...
I repeat I notice that the dude doesn't appear at the start hexagon scripted in the map but in...I don't know where ...
the edge of the exit map???
I don't understand...
Someone have an idea?

Brother Soifran
I don't understand. The character doesn't start where you set the start hex via script? Please post the code of the script then. Or do you mean when you place the starthex in the Mapper?
Hello Lexx.
No I 've set the start hexa in the mapper, not in the script.
But You (timeslip and you) what script do you speak?
Dude script?
Map script?
Read you soon.

Brother Soifran
You can set start position of the player in the map script too. The map script will overwrite then the startinghex you placed via mapper. So check if the script is ok in this way. If you don't have a map script assigned to your map... I don't know.
YEs, I have a map script associated because it's
Thank you Lexx.
I'll watch for this tonight.
Timeslip have already says me the command to do it.
See you soon.

Brother Soifran
It's very strange Timeslip...
(i reply to your MP)
I've load artemple script in fse and there is already a command call

override_map_start_hex(17488, 0, 5);

in the 

procedure map_enter_p_proc begin

   if (map_first_run) then begin
//       display_msg(mstr(100));
       call Initial_Inven;


/*   override_map_start(x,y,elev,rot);

     x == Tilenum mod 200

     y == Tilenum div 200

     elev == 0,1,2

     rot == 5 /\ 0
            4 || 1
            3 \/ 2
//   override_map_start(90,137,0,3);
   override_map_start_hex(17488, 0, 5);


I've tried to change the hexa value bye mine, but the bug still happens...
The very strange thing is that when I start the try game, I'm on the start hexe map.
When I leave the map for the first time, and go back home, I'm on the start hega.
And when I leave for the second time and whant to go back, I've a wonderfull soft to tag ;)

I don't understand what's wrong...
If you don't change the position on the worldmap (leave Arroyo where it is by default) do you then have the same error?
I test this as you say.
I've no error...
But there is a strange thing which happens.

I launch a new game.
I start near my wife, normal.

then I leave her...too much boring ;)

I leave on the world map, near arroyo.

When I enter the first time, I arrive on the bridge area:

So I enter in the village and have the pyjama animation and xp point.

I run across the village to the artemple area.

The strange thing happens here...
Look at my entrance location...

Shit my wife is waiting for me :(

So I leave this area by the only exit, on the south.
I display the worlmap.

I re-enter in "arroyo" and the map of different entrance appears.

I click on "Ton campement" the rename temple, and strangely I start on the mapper start hexagone this time...

And this, each time I re-enter in the map...
Without display bug...
But why the first time I arrive here...

Very strange I find...
If i suppress all entrance and only keep artemple one, I troubleshooting of display...
If not, no...

here is my city part text for arroyo:

[Area 00]                ; Arroyo
   ; Note: City names are kept in the Worldmap.msg message file
;world_pos=173,122        ; Absolute position? ; SAVED
world_pos=184,133        ; Absolute position? ; SAVED
start_state=On           ; Starting state     ; SAVED
   ; Small/Medium/Large
size=Medium               ; Size of circle (city/town/etc.) (large/etc.)
townmap_art_idx=156       ; Fid num index for the townmap art
townmap_label_art_idx=370 ; Fid num index for the townmap label

   ; Starting state, xpos, ypos, map index, elevation, tile_num, orientation
   ;    (state is SAVED)
   ; Note: entrance_# -- # is entrance value for map script
entrance_0=On,350,275,Arroyo Bridge,-1,-1,3  ; Etc.
entrance_1=On,280,175,Arroyo Village,-1,-1,0
; WIP! This is a gross work-around!
;entrance_2=Off,-1,-1,Arroyo Caves,-1,-1,0
entrance_2=On,200,90,Arroyo Temple,-1,-1,0
entrance_3=Off,100,150,Arroyo Wilderness,-1,-1,0
entrance_4=Off,-1,-1,Arroyo Caves,-1,-1,0

I "supress" entrance_0=On,350,275,Arroyo Bridge,-1,-1,3 ; Etc. bu putting a ";" in first, and the display bug appear...

An idea Sir Sherlock? :)

I think I 've found something.
I've copy coordonates of artemple in bridge one and desable all the other.
Like that

entrance_0=On,200,90,Arroyo Temple,-1,-1,0
;entrance_1=On,280,175,Arroyo Village,-1,-1,0
; WIP! This is a gross work-around!
;entrance_2=Off,-1,-1,Arroyo Caves,-1,-1,0
;entrance_2=On,200,90,Arroyo Temple,-1,-1,0
;entrance_3=Off,100,150,Arroyo Wilderness,-1,-1,0
;entrance_4=Off,-1,-1,Arroyo Caves,-1,-1,0
I've no trouble...
But something strange appears...
The first time I leave, and go bak...
No problem, I arrive at the good place at the good hexa.
Then when I leave a second time, and I back, I 've the arroyo map with only...bridge...and not Campement.

But it the good place , I arrive in my campement, near my wife at all time...

It looks that entrance 0 for arroyo is always call Bridge.
And that the script of arroyo is always actif.
When you are for the first time on the campement/artemple it seems coresponding at the first part of the game (before doing the trials) and when you leave and go back, it like you have completly leave arroyo and pass the bridge".
You have after this the choice to go where you want in the city.
the bridge, the village the artemple.
Me I've block the Bridge and the village so there is only my campement in the city map.