Problems with the Video Game Industry

It's sad that we went from simplistic graphics and complex games to complex graphics and simplistic games. The game industry seems to be going backwards.
it doesnt really help when you have movie director posing as game developer.
I think in this day and age I've accepted the fact that in gaming I have 2 options, I either stop playing new video games and go back and play the classics from time to time and generally stop gaming as a hobby, or I accept the new games for what they are and not for what I want from them, because I don't think I'll be getting what I want for a very very long time.
I think in this day and age I've accepted the fact that in gaming I have 2 options, I either stop playing new video games and go back and play the classics from time to time and generally stop gaming as a hobby, or I accept the new games for what they are and not for what I want from them, because I don't think I'll be getting what I want for a very very long time.
TBH, I think there are enough classics, and enough indie games trying to copy the style of classics, that you won't have to give it up as a hobby so quickly.
TBH, I think there are enough classics, and enough indie games trying to copy the style of classics, that you won't have to give it up as a hobby so quickly.
I don't know man, I have YET to see an indie RTS game which can capture the feel of the Original Command And Conquer and Red alert, those games are so special to me.
I don't know man, I have YET to see an indie RTS game which can capture the feel of the Original Command And Conquer and Red alert, those games are so special to me.
INB4 a Kickstarter campaign for an RTS that attempts to pay homage to Command & Conquer and Red Alert pops up in the near future.

So far, Infinity Engine esque RPGs have been making a comeback as indie or niche titles. With more time, it may be possible for this genre of games to comeback as indie or niche titles.

...Unless the IP for the two games lies with EA which in that case, my condolences. They'll probably C&D any attempts to make games similar to those games.
Wtf WoW is cartoony.
There's such a thing as Art Direction and Style, along technical limitations.
If he wants rualistec grafix go the fuck outside.
INB4 a Kickstarter campaign for an RTS that attempts to pay homage to Command & Conquer and Red Alert pops up in the near future.

So far, Infinity Engine esque RPGs have been making a comeback as indie or niche titles. With more time, it may be possible for this genre of games to comeback as indie or niche titles.

...Unless the IP for the two games lies with EA which in that case, my condolences. They'll probably C&D any attempts to make games similar to those games.
Exactly and thats why I'm so depressed with gaming, its also extremely depressing when I read about what westwood studios ORIGINALLY planned for the command and conquer series, it makes me feel like I've lost a close friend.
its also extremely depressing when I read about what westwood studios ORIGINALLY planned for the command and conquer series, it makes me feel like I've lost a close friend.
Something of great value to gaming was lost when EA got their grubby hands on Westwood....
Maybe that No Truce to The Furries thing turns out interesting.
Borderlands 3 will be great albeit not brilliant if it learns a bit of each game in the franchise, I'll even forgive them for shitty UI if they do.
There's the next Souls game, supposedly a new IP like Bloodborne (or Armored Core lol), which I'm massively hyped for if it turns out to be Sci-Fi and not a console exclusive.
Wasteland 3. Not much interest, but it can be good for the "cRPG mainstream", if there's such a thing.
And maybe the Nintendo NX doesn't suck and gets a decent catalogue.

And for classics, ought to get an emulator for the console of choice. When i kinda finish the SNES All-Star catalogue i'll go try out the PS1/PS2 era ones, namely Silent Hill and Shadow of the Colossus.
And when i get my TV fixed up, Demon's Souls

It's not great and a couple of years ago this list of things to look forward to would be twice as long, but eh, at least we will always have our fond memories and a lot of bleach
INB4 a Kickstarter campaign for an RTS that attempts to pay homage to Command & Conquer and Red Alert pops up in the near future.

So far, Infinity Engine esque RPGs have been making a comeback as indie or niche titles. With more time, it may be possible for this genre of games to comeback as indie or niche titles.

...Unless the IP for the two games lies with EA which in that case, my condolences. They'll probably C&D any attempts to make games similar to those games.
Doubtful. A new RTS occasionally pops up in some form or fashion... then fails spectacularly. People say they want them but when it comes time to put money where mouth is, nope.
Something of great value to gaming was lost when EA got their grubby hands on Westwood....
That isn't the only dev and gaming series they fucked with, they fucking got rid of mod support for battlefield 3 and subsequent battlefield games as well.
Current pre-order culture is probably the easiest thing to go after, because it's big, awful, and a pointless expansion of a now outdated practice.

Pre-ordering used to have a place, when you went to brick and mortar game stores to get a physical copy of a game. If you didn't pre-order the latest and greatest game, they'll sell out before you can get a copy, and then you had to wait for potentially weeks before you could get one for yourself. You were reserving a physical item for yourself to come and pick up on day one, or week one, whatever. With the increase of digital distribution, this is now utterly pointless and is just something that people are letting video game companies GET AWAY WITH.
I think in this day and age I've accepted the fact that in gaming I have 2 options, I either stop playing new video games and go back and play the classics from time to time and generally stop gaming as a hobby, or I accept the new games for what they are and not for what I want from them, because I don't think I'll be getting what I want for a very very long time.
I've accepted the first option personally. Havent really given a fuck about the "gaming world" on ages and dont get excited for anything new.
I probably should have mention the obvious problems of game publishers being anti-consumer and game journalists being paid with ad money and review copies. However, I didn't want it just to be about AAA companies and their pet shills ruining everything. That and it was so obvious that forgot to mention them. I guess these can fall under lack of standards too but standards as a product or a service.

I don't get why art games have a specific feel to them. I know that not all video games are art in the same way that basketball in itself isn't art. However, a lot of these feel like that they made for people that don't play games. What is the main goal of the game; to have fun, to tell a story, to be tech demo? Rarely is it just one thing.

For the point of Post modernism, take how people view Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics vs Scott McCloud's Reinventing Comics. Then you have this.
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