Project V13 concept art #7: House Sketches

To me it looks too Fallout-3ish, they don't look broken enough.
Especially the one in the bottom right corner...

In Fallout 1 and 2 you had burnt-out houses with what looked like a thin hay roof layer (Hub, Den). They also had some very cleanly done mud-brick houses however (Shady Sands, VC, NCR). I think they were meant to be mud-brick houses... I really can't remember.
I don't recall standing houses like those in Fallout 1/2, just houses of sheet metal and junk.

They were meant to be mud houses of some sort, which would be fine if not for the fact that there doesn't seem to be much water. Or wait... was there a well in Shady Sands? I think there was, so mud houses are possible.
i guess some freak is living in this house, sitting in his rocking chair with shotgun on the knees, waiting only for the vault dweller...
Last one looks brand new. The other ones i could maybe see existing in the fallout universe in some small town where no bombs hit
It is plausible, since there are many of abandoned houses that look like that. If this was a place where the bombs didn't fall, and the land was just killed by drifting fallout or something it could work. Unlike in Fallout 3, where bombs did hit, there would be no way that wood based houses would still be standing, especially after 200 years of pure neglect.
It looks pretty mehish to me, still, a house is a house right?

All these Fallout MMos pic seem to capitalize on the style of fallout 3, as ironic as that sounds.
Pablosdog said:
All these Fallout MMos pic seem to capitalize on the style of fallout 3, as ironic as that sounds.

Of course, that is "Fallout" now. That's how the general gaming public knows Fallout as.
You can buy houses where you can store all your stuff. With time it decays so you will have to repair it. If you don't have the skill you can pay someone to do it for you.

At least that is the feeling I get from these pictures. I am more for the "Damn I'm just slightly to the left of where the bombs fell"-feel than just semi broken stuff. Still waiting eagerly for more stuff though!
Looks like a sketch of an abandoned 40 + year house. Just like the ones in F3 - crap.
Reconite said:
To me it looks too Fallout-3ish, they don't look broken enough.
Especially the one in the bottom right corner...

In Fallout 1 and 2 you had burnt-out houses with what looked like a thin hay roof layer (Hub, Den). They also had some very cleanly done mud-brick houses however (Shady Sands, VC, NCR). I think they were meant to be mud-brick houses... I really can't remember.

I chalk much of that up to engine limitations.
Abandoned wood frame houses wouldn't even last 40 years. Not even close. I've seen lots of abandoned, collapsing houses, and most of them were probably empty for no more than 10 years.