Project V13 Concept Art by defonten

Beelzebud said:
I'm torn when it comes to FOOL. On one hand the thought of Interplay making a cool Fallout game once again is very appealing, and the fact that Taylor is working on it just gives me more hope.

On the other hand my logic takes over and I just don't see how Fallout could be translated to an MMO and still maintain the right kind of game play.

In a perfect world, I'd have billions of dollars and would just re-assemble the Fallout team with vast sums of cash and be done with it. :D

You are right of course about your doubts. Also, keep in mind that Jason D. Anderson has just left the team and that really means something :cry:

About the latter part, I used to have dreams about becoming a millionaire, travelling to the USA and then lock up all the original staff in a concrete bunker telling them that they have all the money and resources, but they are locked up until they produce a proper sequel :lol:

However, I think if these people had the money for this dream, they would not have to be locked up or anything. Fuck, I'm daydreaming again....
Don't Ask, Won't Tell

Don't Ask, Won't Tell

Ausir said:
... Also, isn't he under NDA about V13 being FOOL (not that anyone doubts it, but still)?

Perhaps *we* -- (or some other plural identity) -- have been co-opted into the greater unwritten social contract!

Random line items in the assurance of trust may or may not include:

"I never lie, and I'm always right."

"The check is in the mail."

"Your Honor, I have always intended to repay my debts in full."

"Honey, I will still respect you in the morning."

Or, let us propose that it is all summarily heaped into the larger COOPERATION-(tm) clause.

One huge circle of mutual grooming ...

Henceforth those that read these possible NDA issues can only discuss, digress , and or dissect said proprietary information among others so co-opted.

*Our* secrets are safe ... here ... bottled in a bubble of illusion or denial, hear all and -- choose your poison!

Let this agreement be so. :deal:

Out side this safe bubble, don't ask won't tell .



And I salute any venture that unleashes 'defonten' to run rampant in architectural atmospheric abandon.

Master of rendering ...

I really like Defonten's work i wish i could get "Cafe of broken dreams" someday. Can't wait to see early screen shots of Fool.