programmer.craig said:
Screenshots look pretty good for a project that Interplay supposedly couldn't raise the money for! Not only does it look more "Fallouty" than F3 (or Fallen Earth!) it looks better to my eyes than Fallout3. "Realistic" graphics aren't necessarily better than artsy graphics imo. When you are trying to make everything look true to life the downside is that if you don't get it quite right everyone notices.
How much I agree with you. The real point here is that games were NEVER supposed to have realistic graphics in the first place.
Do you expect from books to have realistic graphics ? No. Can they be immersive ? The hell yes.
Do you expect from board games to be realistic ? No. Are they fun ? The hell yes.
Do people snob animated movies or comics because they aren't realistic ? No. Simply no.
Then why the fuck is the entire game industry overflown with realistic games and dumb gamers bitching about every game that isn't as being "ugly" ?
I don't have a clue. But it despairs me to a point I just want to isolate myself in a cave playing totally unrealistic great games like Fallout, Vampire, Thief II, etc...
So, I really don't care if these graphics are outdated or if the Super-Mutant is too smooth. They still have an atmosphere thousands times more faithful to the originals than Bethshit3. But they're just early screenshots, and besides I'm guessing most of you don't play MMORPGS anyway. So, relax, really.