Project V13 Screenshots and more Concept Art

As I recall, a decade ago was 1999. Unreal, which came out in '98, had some pretty damn good graphics. 1999 we had Quake III, Unreal: Tournament, Descent 3, etc. and in my book they still have some pretty good graphics. So, comparing this to a decade old, not decades, is quite reasonable.

Yes, I know "decades old" is just something you say.
I don't think Fallout 3's style is that bad, I think its main problem is its nonsensical game world. Though I don't know what Twinkie is talking about, V13 mutant looks much more like Fallout.

MMOs suck btw
Looks okay. I like the concept arts too. I also like it how the super mutant is NOT attacking you!
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
:lol: god your a moron.
Irony, much?

fedaykin said:
The graphics look acceptable to me in general, but the mutant is a bit Fallout 3ish.
What? If anything the mutant looks more Fallout 1/2ish than 3 and the graphics are barely acceptable, although we all know this is alpha stages so the graphics shouldn't be something we're worrying about at the moment anyway.
Mmf. Confirmed 1st/3rd person. Confirmed MMO. More garbage. Hopefully Beth and Interplay will mutually self-destruct and put Fallout back in the grave where it belongs instead of continuing to mutilate the legacy.

Seriously. How the fuck can you have an MMO in the fallout universe? Practically everyone is supposed to be fucking dead. If you meet someone, its supposed to be an amazing coincidence. Running into 300,000 12 year old kids mutilating fallout is NOT a fitting legacy.
About "how it can be a mmo in a PA enviroment", well... it really depends on the size of the world in my opinion and if they put a cap on the player limit of each server (instead of trying to squeeze everyone into a server, causing bad performance along with everything else).

IF they could do it correctly, offer a huge world etc, you wouldn't meet a lot of people, so it could fit.

Now, being a mmo has quite a lot of problems for a (true) RPG, so yeah, i doubt the result would be really interesting in any case.
Just thought I would post here and dash everyone's dreams. There is no way interplay will win this legal battle. No I don't have any inside sources. Now the question is how do I know? Simple Bethesda has more money. :wink:
ExplodesLikeABloodSausage said:
Mmf. Confirmed 1st/3rd person. Confirmed MMO. More garbage. Hopefully Beth and Interplay will mutually self-destruct and put Fallout back in the grave where it belongs instead of continuing to mutilate the legacy.

Seriously. How the fuck can you have an MMO in the fallout universe? Practically everyone is supposed to be fucking dead. If you meet someone, its supposed to be an amazing coincidence. Running into 300,000 12 year old kids mutilating fallout is NOT a fitting legacy.

The Vault said:
As of early 2240s, the population is about 700,000 people. The NCR is arguably the largest known power group in the world of Fallout, and maintains the largest standing army

Not that amazing a coincidence
Eve` said:
The Vault said:
As of early 2240s, the population is about 700,000 people. The NCR is arguably the largest known power group in the world of Fallout, and maintains the largest standing army

Not that amazing a coincidence

No? 700,000 people in an area in the United states of almost 10,000,000 square kilometers? Do the math. You shouldn't meet very many people ever. Certainly not 10's of thousands or hundreds of thousands.
No? 700,000 people in an area in the United states of almost 10,000,000 square kilometers? Do the math. You shouldn't meet very many people ever. Certainly not 10's of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

That's silly. You ignore the fact that humans are social animals and tend to live in communities.
Although, I would agree having hundreds of thousands of "heroic" characters running around in an MMO is ridiculous, but its no more ridiculous in a Fallout world than it is in any other.
Play FOnline. Hundreds of "heroes" all around and each of them can be killed with one or two pistol shots. :)
programmer.craig said:
That's silly. You ignore the fact that humans are social animals and tend to live in communities.

#1 None of the remaining cities could support very many people, let alone tens of thousands.. Sewage, fresh drinking water, destroyed buildings etc would preclude it.
#2 even if people congregate, there are 20,000 villages, cities, etc in the united states. Divided by 700,000 people means no more than 35 people on average would be in any one of them. Maybe more in cities than villages, but not thousands.
#3 No doubt you will be seeing tons of "heroes" running around in the wilderness (probably gold farming like every other MMO), not in cities depending on how many people are allowed to connect to a server. That makes no sense in this world.

I reiterate, this is a horrible idea that makes no sense. Unless they restrict each server to a very low number of people, or they make an unimaginably huge gameworld, it's a disaster in the making. Of course, none of this takes into account that it's not isometric, turn based, or any one of a number of reasons why this will be truly awful.

Let Fallout die people. Trust me, your memories of it will be much better than this MMO. mark my words.

programmer.craig said:
Although, I would agree having hundreds of thousands of "heroic" characters running around in an MMO is ridiculous, but its no more ridiculous in a Fallout world than it is in any other.

How is that an argument? Just because its a terrible idea in every other MMO, that makes it OK to do it in a Fallout MMO?

I think I'm going to go cry in a corner now.