Project Valhalla

VeliV said:
1st of all, who says that all maps and sea charts are lost? That would basically mean that every library in the Europe would have to be wiped clean, every naval academy destroyed or some sort of other. Man has tried to map the land and sea ever since he found a way to do it, so I highly doubt that all of the knowledge of seamanship would be gone from the surface.

In two hundred years, most of the libraries and the books within would turn to dust, hard drives would de-magnetize and in general, things would've decayed beyong any use.

As I wrote on the wiki, I can understand a single (1) surviving navigational computer with nautical charts, installed in a preserved vessel included in the Valhalla shelter drydock. Not much else.

On top of that, it is probable that even the European commonwealth had some sort of Vaults. Some of these vaults must have contained some information about seamanship (since its very important for the coastal areas).

Between more info on agriculture and seafaring, I'd definitely choose agriculture.

About the ship. Yes, corrosion would kill pretty much any ship that is left into the water, but what about European drydocks? I mean, with the given amount of them that we have here, it quite likely that they were still making ships when the bombs dropped around the world. If Valhallans are fortunate enough, they could just finish up some ship that was never completed before the war.



Two hundred years of being subjected to the destructive environment with ABSOLUTELY no maintenance. Veliv, why do you think cars in junkyards rust? Why buildings have to be maintained and periodically repaired?

In two hundred years, all drydocks and incomplete vessels would be rusty hulks, devoid of any value. Same goes for any technology they might have, because in two hundred years any would be salvaged.
Mikael Grizzly said:
In two hundred years, most of the libraries and the books within would turn to dust, hard drives would de-magnetize and in general, things would've decayed beyong any use.

As I wrote on the wiki, I can understand a single (1) surviving navigational computer with nautical charts, installed in a preserved vessel included in the Valhalla shelter drydock. Not much else.
They would IRL, but that has not happened in the FO universe.
Why are the computers still usable? Why does the 200 year old robots still work around the wasteland (some are maintained, but not nearly all)? How come the PC is able to restore a car so that he can cruise around it in the wasteland? I think I can also recall some books in FO1 and 2.

The answer is simple, because its a game, not a RL post-apocalyptic simulation:) This is not Project Realism (hell, I would die before I would start to mod Fallouts to be uber realistic).

The heritage from the previous games is a double edged sword. If you recall the discussion about the radio we had at the wiki, you will notice that now the positions has switched:D

Mikael Grizzly said:
Between more info on agriculture and seafaring, I'd definitely choose agriculture.

Really, even in a country that has only 3% of its land area cultivated and relies on sea-fish as their primary source of food?
The Vikings did it, why can't they? (We!)

It is enough if they have brave hearts, some sturdy wood and a hint that "something is behind that large pool of water".

Also, isn't the Fallout system of storage on holodiscs, how badly do they deteriorate?

Moreover, if I supposed there was a nuclear war coming, I'd make a hell of a storage of info for the aftermath and hope won't be found and raided in an instant.
Mikael Grizzly said:
In two hundred years, most of the libraries and the books within would turn to dust, hard drives would de-magnetize and in general, things would've decayed beyong any use.

Two hundred years of being subjected to the destructive environment with ABSOLUTELY no maintenance. Veliv, why do you think cars in junkyards rust? Why buildings have to be maintained and periodically repaired?

In two hundred years, all drydocks and incomplete vessels would be rusty hulks, devoid of any value. Same goes for any technology they might have, because in two hundred years any would be salvaged.

Couldn't the same be said about things seen in FO3? How can 200+ year old food still be edible? How come the elevator in the washington monument is still working? Why is the sky still filled with yellow dust a couple of centuries after the blast? Why are there still burned and dead trees standing? Let's not get started about the cars and stuff..

Sorry about the rant, it's been eating away at me for some time.
I think that FO3 does a very good job of showing a world (well DC anyway) 5 - 20 year after the blast so if FO3's timeline doesn't make sense for Project Valhalla then why not shave off a couple years or a century from those 200 years?
Fleeing to science in 200 years after nuclear war we would have either a wasteland with high temperature that dont allow to live any more than few cells complicated organism like some bacterias
or we would have a freaking big jungle with mutated animals and prapobly some mutated plants plants. Most of human made materials would be destoyed completly that means buildings and weapons and other stuff, and thing that should last long would either would be lost under some tree root, burried in the ashes of everything that didnt last or would be eated by newly evlouted organism or changed by radiation.
So i dont know about u guys but its dont look like a fallout i want play
I know some stuff are unrealistic but well rl sux thats why we play :D
Wow :clap: . This mod looks more thought out than I thought, This is especially interesting since all Fallouts take place within the US.

Your Navy character looks a lot like Luke Skywalker! :mrgreen:
I'm kinda up in the air on the whole realism over SCIENCE! debate. I want things to make a little more sense I guess.
VeliV: it seems you're caught in the difficult position of having already decided on the mod you want to make but Brother None is basicly saying 'be a bit more open-minded to development'.

You're fighting to justify what you've already decided but i would suggest that good design is almost always the result of a 'design process' - process being the keyword where your story will evolve, change and improve with the input of others.

The stereotype story of Newtons 'discovery' of the theory of gravity is that it popped into his head when an apple fell on it. Now, what actually happened was quite the opposite - It took decades of hard physics, math and the input of others.

To me, making the populace of the mod Finnish/Scandinavian just because you want to call it "Valhalla" is a good example of needing a little more design process, IMO.
Northern European survivors have created their own nation there, called Valhalla. Since they lack the luxury of fusion technology, they have set up a expedition to America to basically steal the tech for themselves. Only one of the two ships that were sent on the voyage ever made to the American soil only to be met with heavy resistance. After days of intense fighting on the shoreline, the Valhalla troops managed to gain a foothold in the area and established a small base there.

Weakened and pinned down on the shore, Valhalla's troops were unable to sent squad's to scavenge the wasteland for fusion technology. This means that they must hire an outsider's to do their bidding on the mainland. Guess who that might be...

as opposed to only Scandinavians, how about all Europeans flle there as its a non radioactive zone, to a city state named valhalla (city 8 style).

they set out to America to search for other survivors as well as to trade tech and resources.

after 200 years it would be hard to find a boat, but could they have made them? 2 ark ships kinda thing. fits the idea of one getting lost in transit/breaking up in a storm.

it would of taken time for them to of built them, but given time dooable.

also is having the landing spot so close to the monument/rivit city a good idea.
rivet would certainly have spotted such a ship coming in and sent aid, or the ship would have gone straight to rivet

minor nit picking aside, i like the idea, keep up the good work ;)