Hey there! I have been observing the progress of your project for months. I wish to extend my thanks and hope that this will be the most successful fan-made game ever! In my free time I have been making doodles of hypothetical user interface concept art for Van Buren. As you can tell I am a horrible drawer. My strength is in Source Filmmaker. Regardless here are 2 of my most worthy doodles for you to see. I would have made my manuscript writing better had I thought beforehand that these may have been a help to your endeavors. A pipboy that has the ability to be modular and micromanaged by the PC has been my dream in Fallout. The original demo LIL-Pip 3000 user interface is vomit quality (gasp!). So I tried to see if a better and funner UI could be dreamed up. The large display to the left is a DOS like command line interface should the player like to observe the workings of the device as it functions. The function buttons on the right between the main screen and context screen serve as the simplified "speedy" input for the device.
My dream is for the PC to connect their LIL-Pip to a random terminal in a settlement and customize it.
For example what if I dont need the automaps function button. I could connect my LIL-Pip to a terminal and "remap" a function button to a another program, such as a "clue" program, or a "radio" program.
To spice up hacking a little, a COM1 cable could be connected to the port left of the main screen. The "INTERFACE" button would be pressed and a hacking challenge would be presented to the player. This hacking challenge would be fun, but not left up to random ass chance like the bethesda wordsearch was.
Or maybe the hacking minigames would be removed as a factor and you would just see lines of code running across the screen as your little transistorized buddy does the work for ya.
This may sound crazy and difficult to implement, but when a keyboard is connected to the PIP, you can actually navigate the dos command line interface with it. A really cool concept. Embedded dosbox anyone?
Just for thought, a hypothetical elevator UI sketch was added below as well.
No pip boy inventory screen please! That was really annoying in the bethesda fallouts.
I just want the pipboy to be more than the glorified paperweight it was in fallout 1-2-Tactics. Hope these ideas will aid you in your quest.