Project Van Buren

I see no reason not to
I don't know.
Just didn't think anyone could take up such an ambitious project and still work on it.
This kinda thing has happened about 2 times i think? I know some people tried to work on it but that project is long dead I believe.
And seemingly it's only you working on it, life tends too get in the way and some people may just not want to work on a project anymore and sense it's a solo project something like that can happen very easily.


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I don't know.
Just didn't think anyone could take up such an ambitious project and still work on it.
This kinda thing has happened about 2 times i think? I know some people tried to work on it but that project is long dead I believe.
And seemingly it's only you working on it, life tends too get in the way and some people may just not want to work on a project anymore and sense it's a solo project something like that can happen very easily.

Point taken. I know about the projects you mentioned and thus I understand people getting sceptical about all new efforts.
But I think I have the right idea in mind - I just take it easy :D There is no rush. Some people do triathlons, other collect coins or whatnot, and I make a game. It's a hobby, hobby driven with passion for Fallout universe. And passion for RPGs. I live my personal life, civic life, job life and still an university life, and make games when the time frees up. I have a clear vision of what I want to achieve, so I work on it no matter how long it may take. The more I work, the more progress is made, the farer the idea of quiting is. And when I see people liking my work, the idea of quiting goes to the unreachable distances :D Furthermore, when serious people like Josh Sawyer or Chris Avellone react positively about what I am doing (Chris just did this morning actually :D), how could I even remotely consider quitting? :D
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Well that's really good to hear!
I'll always be watching this thread and your twitter so i'll always be here.
So I guess +1 to fans lol.
Keep up the fantastic work!
I actually Have a few questions.

1.Are you going to follow the Leaked Design Documents for the story and try to make things that weren't leaked but referenced in other Documents (Fort Abandon comes to mind)

2.Will you try to make things "cannon" as New Vegas made many references to places in the Van Buren Documents.(Dog Town,Fort Abandon, and a few others that don't come to mind)

3.Are you gonna do any of the things that were planned to be done in Van Buren? (Enemy spawn rates based on how many of a specific type of enemy you kill, may of the plans for the New Vegas styled Skill system and other things if you've played the Leaked Tech Demo)
I actually Have a few questions.

1.Are you going to follow the Leaked Design Documents for the story and try to make things that weren't leaked but referenced in other Documents (Fort Abandon comes to mind)

2.Will you try to make things "cannon" as New Vegas made many references to places in the Van Buren Documents.(Dog Town,Fort Abandon, and a few others that don't come to mind)

3.Are you gonna do any of the things that were planned to be done in Van Buren? (Enemy spawn rates based on how many of a specific type of enemy you kill, may of the plans for the New Vegas styled Skill system and other things if you've played the Leaked Tech Demo)
Let me see what I'd be able to answer:

1.Of course, I am following leaked design documents. Those documents are actually one of the reasons why I even started in a first place, for I think many would agree that story and lore of Van Buren as it was meant is just spectacular and undoubtedly deserves to "see a daylight" one day. However, there are many pieces missing in this puzzle, and thus, as I mentioned earlier in this thread, me and my buddy Samuel have spent couple of months revising, redesigning and even creating our own concepts for the game. Many of those are still opened, concepted only on a brief, general level, the rest will be done during production.

2.First idea was to redesign Van Buren lore to fit New Vegas' (under assumption that New Vegas is actually a sequel to Van Buren, mainly for timelime setting). Problem is, the deeper we went though Van Buren lore, the more wider gaps opened in several narrative concepts (for instance Joshua Graham or Twisted Hairs tribe, which is also directly connected to Daughters of Hecate).
Joshua Graham is meant to be a present Legate of the Legion (as it is 2253), "Malpais Legate" as we know him, which contradicts with former concept of him being an outcast of the Legion and also a possible companion. I just don't see a way of making him a companion while he still is Legion's warchief (actually one of them, though he is Caesar's closest one nonetheless). And removing his companion option would have been a shame.
Twisted Hairs tribals cannot be fitted into "canon-Van Buren" neither, mainly because they actually appeared in Lonesome Road, which sets the exact time of their destruction (or rather assimilation) to the year 2281 as well as the exact location of their main camp to Dry Wells, westernmost Arizona.
However, in Van Buren, assimilation of Twisted Hairs tribe took place before or during the year 2253, which is a direct contradiction.
Anyway, for now, I have placed their camp near Petrifield, which is the only possible location for them to be in, for if we want the lore to fit New Vegas', we have to assume Caesar's Legion has never reached Hoover Dam nor any NCR terroritories, and thus the only place near Interstate 40 within assumed territory "radius" that Legion could already conquer by 2253 is Petrifield. Yes, we could have changed the lore of Van Buren and said that they won't be conquered until 2281 (my personal explanation would have been that the Legion let them live on their (constantly moving westwards) frontier territories as they were capable scounts as we know from New Vegas, and only after reaching Nevada borders on Colorado river, Vulpes Inculta would have betray them and forcibly assimilate their tribe. It would't work anyway as you'll see below, but it's at least a try for an explanation :D).
But that would contradict with another concept - Daughters of Hecate. Hecate is meant to be the survivor of her tribe's slaughter. Her concept, as well as the concept of the whole Ouroboros is so good that I wouldn't even dare to touch it. Only alternative I see is changing her background - totally removing her from Twistes Hairs tribe and assuming she is a survivor from other tribe Caesar's Legion conquered elsewhere (possibly somewhere relatively close to Twin Mothers, as she is supposed to make a stop there), though I kind of don't like that idea. Any thoughts would be welcomed...
3.Gameplay design is still opened. I am already doing some prep-work for my concept of worldmap traveling that would have encounter system based on landscape. In other words, if your character travels along the roads/highways, it would be slightly safer, but also slower (as it's not straight), and there would relatively greater chance for raiders and lesser chance for creatures. Traveling straight through mountains/forests/deserts would be a bit faster but also more dangerous yet rewarding due to increased chance of creatures crossing your way, also in central areas of the map (at least those without a Legion presence, that is), where the Wasteland is least civilised, tribals could appear more often.
Stats, attributes as well as the skills are derived directly from Van Buren demo with minimal changes. They actually work quite well on a paper, and I wouldn't dare touching Josh's precious work anyway :D
It would make more sense to have road to be faster to travel, and populated by not only raiders, but also caravans. (that would have cleared the roads for their brahmins and wagons)
3.Gameplay design is still opened. I am already doing some prep-work for my concept of worldmap traveling that would have encounter system based on landscape. In other words, if your character travels along the roads/highways, it would be slightly safer, but also slower (as it's not straight), and there would relatively greater chance for raiders and lesser chance for creatures. Traveling straight through mountains/forests/deserts would be a bit faster but also more dangerous yet rewarding due to increased chance of creatures crossing your way, also in central areas of the map (at least those without a Legion presence, that is), where the Wasteland is least civilised, tribals could appear more often.
Stats, attributes as well as the skills are derived directly from Van Buren demo with minimal changes. They actually work quite well on a paper, and I wouldn't dare touching Josh's precious work anyway :D

First off I didn't expect such an In depth Response.
Considering all the shit that's in the Leaked Docs I thought that no one would be able to accurately describe what's going on in them with solid examples but you've nailed it on the head! Makes me even more hopeful for this project!
Also on to my most interested subject was the Gameplay.
The Land travel is something that was done in FALLOUT I believe. Depending on the landscape you would move slower (Mountains and cliffs) I mainly noticed this when going to the Glow and back to the Brohterhood Bunker. So I happy that's making a return.
But what I was referring too specifically was the Gameplay department with things like Crafting,Vehicles, Real time and turn based combats and maybe even Multiplayer?
It would make more sense to have road to be faster to travel, and populated by not only raiders, but also caravans. (that would have cleared the roads for their brahmins and wagons)
Well I guess I misexplained myself. You are right. As for an actual speed of traveling, yes it will be faster (and there will be caravans as well, I forgot to mention that). But my point was that roads and highways sometimes don't directly lead your way straight towards the destination of your choosing, and thus it may take longer to reach it. Imagine that you want to travel to a place located on the other side of mountains, or on the other side of the Grand Canyon, (which actually ripps a decent part of a map into two halfs). Roads sometimes lead around the mountains or to some of the still standing bridges over Colorado river (and I might add that brides or other forms of crossings are often under someone's ownership).
Going straight through those mountains will be slower (just like in Fallout 1) but you still may reach your destination in shorter time as opposed to going around.
The Land travel is something that was done in FALLOUT I believe. Depending on the landscape you would move slower (Mountains and cliffs) I mainly noticed this when going to the Glow and back to the Brohterhood Bunker.
Not only that, but anywhere you visit on the overland, the game loads an encounter map that is indicative of the terrain underfoot.

Not only that, but anywhere you visit on the overland, the game loads an encounter map that is indicative of the terrain underfoot.

Hey I was right! Neat, that doesn't happen often.
(Also what's with the Enclave Power Armor mod link under your post?)
It started out as a replacement for the FO3 Enclave PA suit—back before New Vegas was started; the FO3 enclave armor was a loose copy of the FO:Tactics PA suit, and looked nothing like the ADV MK II from Fallout 2.

It's an original model of mine, based on Fallout 2 screenshots, and publicity images.

First mesh

First import to FO3; this required a radical reworking, because the PC & NPCs all use the same skeleton/armature for animation. I had to change it to conform with their armature, or the Enclave PA suit would have needed an entirely custom animation set.

There were problems with FPP view, and using the Pipboy; both worked, but had serious clipping issues.

Imported to New Vegas; with minor shape tweaks

Last time I worked on it, was to add damaged/twisted pistons and gore to the severed limbs; for when the wearer gets blown apart.

I keep meaning to finish it, but I never find the time. :(
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It started out as a replacement for the FO3 Enclave PA suit—back before New Vegas was started; the FO3 enclave armor was a loose copy of the FO:Tactics PA suit, and looked nothing like the ADV MK II from Fallout 2.

It's an original model of mine, based on Fallout 2 screenshots, and publicity images.

First mesh

First import to FO3; this required a radical reworking, because the PC & NPCs all use the same skeleton/armature for animation. I had to change it to conform with their armature, or the Enclave PA suit would have needed an entirely custom animation set.

There were problems with FPP view, and using the Pipboy; both worked, but had serious clipping issues.

Imported to New Vegas; with minor shape tweaks

Last time I worked on it, was to add damaged/twisted pistons and gore to the severed limbs; for when the wearer gets blown apart.

I keep meaning to finish it, but I never find the time. :(

How do you plan to flesh out locations such as the Grand Canyon and Fort Abondon? If I recall correctly there are no design documents and very little lore surrounding said areas.
As for the lore contradictions with New Vegas, I believe it’s important to stick to the original lore, the way the developers intended when they were making Fallout 3- I mean Van Buren. As much as I love New Vegas, sticking to the original unaltered lore to best of your ability is probably the safest way to go (but sneaking in a little reference or two to the Mojave wouldn’t hurt anybody :ok:)
How do you plan to flesh out locations such as the Grand Canyon and Fort Abondon? If I recall correctly there are no design documents and very little lore surrounding said areas.
As for the lore contradictions with New Vegas, I believe it’s important to stick to the original lore, the way the developers intended when they were making Fallout 3- I mean Van Buren. As much as I love New Vegas, sticking to the original unaltered lore to best of your ability is probably the safest way to go (but sneaking in a little reference or two to the Mojave wouldn’t hurt anybody :ok:)

Yeah, I think you are right. More and more people keep telling me exact same thing so this might be the right path to go on after all.
About Grand Canyon and Fort Abandon:

There is no design document for neither one of them, that's correct. Though we do have Tech Demo extracts and lore comments from both Chris Avellone and Josh Sawyer to work with. For instance, there are a few written dialogues found in Van Buren demo that refer to NPCs located in Grand Canyon, such as Santiago (who leads a group of salvagers there, and actually possesses an information about where the crashed B.O.M.B.-002 is located), Ike (trapped ghoul) or Cpt. Pierce (Presper's hired gun), as well as the Crimson Caravan's merchants guarded by thugs passing through there (which induces deeper lore of the Crimson Caravan as such). In addition, I plan to include more locations around the Grand Canyon (as it's a huge area and thus deserves more then one spot in a worldmap), adding Caesar's Legion presense in some of them and, as well as adding dangerous "Glowing Sea"-styled area - Grand Canyon Uranium Mines.

Fort Abandon is a different story though. Only a little and unconsistent background is known about this area. In my design, I have not included Fort Abandon yet. But, as an idea of resigning from fitting the lore to New Vegas grows, I certainly will reconsider this, as I feel that in case of adopting original Van Buren lore, Fort Abandon would have to have greater impact on the narrative (being more than just a "former NCR bastion"), and thus it will require expanding the little that is known into full-scaled design.
I'm probably going to be lynched for this but will we be able to continue our characters' adventures after the main story ends? I don't want to have to restart if someone starts making content mods for this.
I'm probably going to be lynched for this but will we be able to continue our characters' adventures after the main story ends? I don't want to have to restart if someone starts making content mods for this.
Why not backup some saves where you can safely start a quest mod right away? Also, I never heard of anybody making mods for after main quest is finished.
Why not backup some saves where you can safely start a quest mod right away? Also, I never heard of anybody making mods for after main quest is finished.

That's because no one does make those; I simply prefer getting the main quest done asap because I don't want my hero characters to be irresponsible and ignore it. I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels that way.

I also don't like my open-world titles (and yes, even Classic Fallout counts as open-world, albeit implemented differently from Bethesda's style) suddenly ending. Part of the appeal to me is letting my characters actually live in those worlds, and they can't live in them if they finish the main quest like the responsible heroes they are and suddenly the game ends.
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... and they can't live in them if they finish the main quest like the responsible heroes they are and suddenly the game ends.
I disagree... I have never seen them not live in it —if they survive to the end, but the game need not depict the events that transpire after it's done telling the story. Fallout shows the Vault Dweller strike off into the world on his own, to make a new life for himself—and...but that is another tale entirely; one that we learn about in Fallout 2.