Sina said:
Montez seems like the only one that got what i was trying to say.
Lifted me up a bit there, guy. Cheers...
Ah, argument by appeal. Sorry, what he posted had really little to do with your "Well i hope that anyone here that thinks its funny gets his kids killed one day by some similar accident, because only then you would know how funny it really is." only to post that if someone had to die, it might as well be spectacular than a poor death. In fact, your logic still doesn't make any sense, because you validated your laughter to the aforementioned movie, and then said that your brain works backwards and you have to think of the children before anything else in the picture. Given the state of Mexico, it probably could be consider a mercy killing.
Hell, if there wasn't a God, I think the joke would still be quite funny, because they were praying to someone who wasn't there, and died for it through scientific stupidity and oversight (a lightning rod on top of a hill that people surround) in lieu of religion. The only real tragedy in that would be the stupidity of those who erected such a site, and then had children pray at a lightning rod.
However badly i explained my point of view for the Roshambo and that other guy...i just wanted to, you know, throw a cog in that inflated pompous "im ironic - i know it" attitude and smirking about five dead kids.
If nothing else if you smirk about someone other you can expect some pain in return, can you?
Be fair. At least something that makes you angry, not self satisfied and smug and all that.
Moron. There's no "smugness" in it, just irony, which I have pointed out since the second post in this thread. You should really lay off the cracks about intelligence if you're going to be too dense to understand irony. This one had multiple levels of irony if you'll pardon that one is a simple pun. The other form of irony was far better.
And Roshambo...did you really had a kid that was killed?
I am sorry...i don't appreciate the irony of that.
No, not a child of my own, but I have seen people die and had more than a few friends die, you begin to understand it's part of life, and you'll never get out alive.
So I laugh at something natural, and according to the Christian faith, something I shouldn't be mourning in the first place. Know the religion first before you try to tell me how I should honor those within it. If I laugh along with God and His intents, then I am honoring the teachings of Him and His Son, and by that merit, His religion. In fact, through theological disection, it could almost be termed a snub on God if I treated His design as a tragedy, if I didn't personally know those He took. According to the scripture, if they lived faithfully and morally, then they are destined for Heaven. Which should be a happy occasion that God takes them, before they have to really face the fucked up life in Mexico, with the likely possibility they become gang filler or perform donkey shows and lose that innocence.
So, religious irony, or scientific irony. It works well no matter how it is interpreted, and is only held as a tragedy if you don't believe in respecting their faith nor reality. Personal tragedy is a given, but that isn't the point of this topic and never has until you brought it in through the typical bleeding heart troll.
Could you tell me how it happened so i can invent something funny about it, something hilariously ironic and smirk about it, if you really want to push it to the truth of it?
Please don' tired of it, i have no taste for it no more.
Then do yourself a favor and don't bother returning to this topic again - as you claimed to have been before (yet as with most trolls you haven't been able to leave this topic), because if reality and the world have your ass in a chafe, nobody else here really has the patience to listen to this shit as you will soon be going through puberty.
And even if i can think of the words i wont be laughing inside at all. Or smirking.
If you can't laugh at life, all parts of it, even when degrees of separation have little to no obvious psychological connection between you both, then you're just being a simpering idiot. A bleeding heart. Someone who is too bent on whining instead of looking at all aspects.
Sure, we could go on about how it is sad that children got killed due to an Act of God, but then we'd be here mourning every tragedy, and your sniveling has been tried before to much amusement at the Darwin Awards. Speaking of which, this might be a good nomination, mainly due to the natural occurance of lightning going for the highest point, likes metal, and people were praying to God who then took them.
Since you appear wholly clueless like either a non-Christian or the typical Christian that doesn't have a fucking clue about their own religion, let me put it simpler this time in deference to the bleeding hearts.
These people were praying to God.
In Christianity, God decides whom dies for whatever reason in His plan.
God, through lightning, kills those praying to Him.
I bet they weren't praying for God to kill them, or were asking for help and didn't expect the "Genie's Wish" to be interpreted in such a way.
Hence worship of the one who kills you through worship = pretty fucking hilarious.
And, you really have to wonder about God's sense of humor if He's going to kill children praying to Him. That, to me, doesn't seem quite right, but I'm not necessarily shoving it down a Christian fundie's throat.
And... you believe in God that saves you after death so its alright?
Or do you believe that those people believe that, so its alright?
Those pseudo-christians you talked about...
No, I had already explained why, which you seem to have decided to ignore in lieu of more trolling with the sniveling. And, anyone who doesn't understand the irony of God killing someone as they were praying to him either doesn't understand the Judeo-Christian religion or IS a pseudo-Christian, or has some emotional connection to said person. Without any of that, it's just foolish crying.
What i said abut the movie..... i should have point out for you that if im telling you that its wrong to detach and laugh about something like that, than surely i think the same of myself when im doing the same thing.
That was the reason i wrote it.
Im....sorry...i didn't....explain .....that.....especially for you......
You really didn't explain shit, yet you're trying to chastize me on my own forums, and instead it looks like your brief babble about the movie was to validate your position of being able to whine at others. Should I find that amusing, or make it amusing?
On the other hand i totaly agree with you. If i meant what you think i did then your answers would be really appropriate. But im surprised that you managed to take all those conclusions from what i wrote all the same.
Kid, I'm a master debater. If you're not even going to try, don't bother, yet you are the one in my face, and you have yet to really explain yourself except to whine that people shouldn't find humor in death. Yet people can find it amusing that a woman could go through birth in an odd place, without any care to the danger to both her life and her child's, no matter how painful or difficult it could have been for them both. Yes, we could make a reason why it is bad to laugh at anything in life, because someone is ultimately the subject of the joke, but if you're going to cry at every reported death, then you must be one weepy little bitch when
thousands die every day.
So, what religion are you, to allow you to be so wholly clueless of the Christian faith to dwell in your ignorance? What right gives your little shut-in experience with the world the right to devoid anyone else from recognizing that someone died in a pretty ironic way, one that is highly amusing when you take the teachings of the Christian faith, which these people were in middle of active practice? What makes you think you have the right to come along and tell people that "um....someone died, think of their family, I hope it happens to you, don't laugh!"?
Yes, I do have the people in mind when I make a joke about their death. As devout Christians, I doubt they would be that upset if they really know their own faith, as if they could be upset when they are already spiced and cooked worm food but are now spiritually with God.
Now THAT's tasteless.

Gilligan said:
I think jokes on the foundation of dead children should be banned, why?
Because children are the life force of the world and hence must be protected, making joke about dead children encourages people to treat children less,
Yeah, the jokes about dead babies in garbage cans encouraged others to do the same in D.C. ... actually not, when finding a frozen dead baby cut apart by a compression scoop of the garbage truck prompted the joke, which became widespread enough that it brought awareness to those who could implement better safe haven laws. Insinuiating that a joke trivializes that which it portrays is not entirely correct when your audience understands the material. You also seem to think that people can't decide for themselves, in giving the insinuation that a joke will suddenly make them blithely careless about the topic. Yeah, and D&D will make kids Satanic. In other words, it makes the topic approachable without having to stand there and reason why you're talking about dead, dismembered babies with the other person, without any clear reason. If you did that, people would look at you as if you're insane. So the topic of babies being found in garbage cans is then solely regulated to the newspapers whenever it happens, and it used to happen so often that even the newspapers themselves considered it too tasteless and routine to print about.
By the way:
>50k children die per day, 30k a day alone from poverty.
Start weeping, bitch.
maybe if children are revereed more they will grow up knowing they are safe.
Safe, in Mexico? Do you have any clue what you're trying to talk about? Also, do you have any clue about Dia De Los Muertos and Dia De Los Angelitos? Well, kind of ironic to mention them aside from a celebration of new and parted life in a cycle (the dead are traditionally celebrated there versus the pseudo-Christian mourning), as they could kill two birds with one stone (or five children with one cross) and celebrate dead children.
See, there are multiple levels of irony that could be applied to this situation, but only because I bother to think instead of go "oh, how horrible, children died, wah, wah, wah." which happens every single day as you sit there as a cattle consumer while thousands of children starve to death daily with a household income <$1 a day, and hundreds of millions of children never see their fifth birthday. So, with that in mind, don't presume to talk to me about the suffering of children in this world, I'm fully well aware of it, apparently moreso than you and the other chucklehead. I don't see the world through the fucked up yuppie rose-tinted TVLand reality that you seem to subscribe to, so I can find some humor in everyday happenings. Yes, children need to be protected from the dangers of this world, and their naivitee is a bit endearing in a fashion and has a place, but they don't need to grow up into sheltered idiots like you.
Only sheep grow up thinking that they are safe.
People grow up and learn how to live in the world.