Sina said:
No i just liked what he answered so i thought to let him know.
In a reply directed to me, when you had already replied to him pointing out that he would prefer that people go in a memorable way - which means people will laugh, make jokes about, and probably put in the Darwin Awards. Which goes contrary to your continued whining directed at me, and mirrors what I essentially have said that it all depends on how close you are to said victims, otherwise there was humor to be found.
So I have to call Bullshit, I'm sorry I'm not as stupid as you'd like to believe.
Also, for the future, cut out the annoying ellipses...every....other....fucking.....word. It reads like bad FurryMUCK cybering, which I have had the misfortune to read, damn my curiosity of the dreck of the Internet, and it makes whatever point you might have had look incredibly stupid through typing out your mental stutters.
I take it to be a reaction to my post that showed that he pays attention to the other side of this story not just that ironic one.
Every story has someone mourning them, it's called "psychological connection", which I have explained about three times so far for your stupid, clueless ass. As you could probably tell from Richoid if you weren't so hopelessly stupid, I don't care to repeat myself if you're not going to bother keeping up your part of the conversation. Given that you seem to ignore that only people who have an emotional attachment should ffeel mourning, or within their own religion and culture their deaths wouldn't really be mourned, I might have to do the same for you.
Terminal stupidity or trolling, take your pick for which you'll be banned for.
Or blatantly stupid one like this:
Jebus said:
(N.B. Mexicans can barely be considered human)
And my views were similar in the past so that was it really.
I can only take it he means North Border Mexicans.
In which case, I have to agree with Jebus, when the N.B. Mexican common dream is to invade another country to have an anchor baby, which is even more tragic and senseless than a few faithful children being ironically killed.
However badly i explained my point of view for the Roshambo and that other guy...i just wanted to, you know, throw a cog in that inflated pompous "im ironic - i know it" attitude and smirking about five dead kids.
If nothing else if you smirk about someone other you can expect some pain in return, can you?
Be fair. At least something that makes you angry, not self satisfied and smug and all that.
Moron. There's no "smugness" in it, just irony, which I have pointed out since the second post in this thread. You should really lay off the cracks about intelligence if you're going to be too dense to understand irony. This one had multiple levels of irony if you'll pardon that one is a simple pun. The other form of irony was far better.
You could have read that "Im ironic-i know it" part, moron.
I did, and I'll repeat again for your benefit, there was no smugness in it, just further irony built upon further levels. You know, part of "adds an element of humor and the mysterious, instead of the completely "negative" feelings that most deaths bring", in which I was using theological ironies to ponder God and His humor in this situation.
Sounds like you didn't fully read what Montez wrote, either, which makes your argument by appeal even more fucking hilariously inbred.
How about if i came strolling along when one of your friends died, and suppose i leaned over to you standing there and said something witty and oh so ironic then chuckled. Would you join the chuckle and strike the same poses you strike now, or would you just hit me so hard in the face that i would need plastic surgery later on? I know what would i we that different?
Listen, shithead, I'm not going up to the families of the dead to do that, so you can cut your hypeerbolic trolling or I will cut it for you.
Again, degrees of psychological attachment, and I'm not going to explain that again for your stupid bleeding heart.
Im pretty sure that if i came up to Montez and tried to say something witty, funny, ironic, or laughable about his friend death, that he would cut my head clean off before i could finish.
And i like that.
And i would rather see you take that option than chuckling with me.
What kind of a moron are you to equate a couple of notations of amusing irony from afar that were inspired by these deaths, which is what Montez said in his post you admire yet seem to be so entirely incapable of understanding, to someone walking up to another person and being a crass fool?
That is why I consider you to be an idiot. You're trying to quantify both the same, when you previously have acknowledged the degrees of separation, as part of your reasoning to spew your hyperbolic bullshit at others. I think I already caught you before on that, so really, the only person you're trying to fool is yourself into believing your own little reality.
I was born and im still living in a country thats catholic mostly so it has been around me all my life.
That is why i think this reasoning above false and stupid, and thats why i am not a believer in the church.
Because thats all thats left of christianity, just church, just a system. And its even worse that it is based on such illogical foundations.
Not to say ridiculous.
Well why not?
Its ridiculous.
Now I know you're a real idiot without much clue of your own religion. Catholicism is perhaps the most fucked up altar boy-hungry of the Christian faiths, and they mourn their own religion as a rule instead of worshipping as the scriptures say.
Well im sorry to disturb your gentle soul by bringing in the "personal tragedy" of this into this radiant topic.
OMG!! People died! They have loved ones! Someone is crying about it and so should everyone else.
start weeping, bitch.
This is master debating is it? Saying im a troll because i dare to post an answer? And im bothering to answer invented accusations, not something i actually said or thought...
No, you're a troll because you completely ignore what is written to blather more tear-jerking bullshit. For instance, you give the example of mocking the death of someone I personally knew. Did I do that to the loved ones of these children? No. You are equating an observation of irony from a distance with a laughable example of outright personal cruelty to those who are heavily psychologically connected to the deceased.
So your bullshit is without merit, without basis, and soon to be without presence.
I'll repeat myself again for your benefit:
As you mentioned with that movie, you, yourself, fell prey to the same quantification, that Jews dying was distant enough for you to find it funny. Yet you try to chastize people for doing the same thing.
THAT is hypocrisy, or as you wanted to claim, trolling.
And puberty eh? Oh i wish

, maybe i could find that irony again somewhere there.
Please don't wait on puberty for
our sake.
And the kid? Sure, you know it all baby, thats what master debaters do, they don't have to think, just blurt out anything that crosses their minds and its automatically correct.
Yeah, like stuff about "Oh, someone's mourning, so it's not funny at all!" when over 150k people die per day, >50k of them children, which is a natural occurrance, you just act as a backseat conscience to whine and snivel without any regards to anything anyone else said and again used argument by appeal. Humor can be found in everything natural.
There is no God like that "up there", there is nobody with that sense of humor so death of those kids is a sad thing, doubly so because of it.
Yeah, this is the same God that fucked over Job's life, tested a father's faith by telling him to kill his son, and did many more fucked up things.
I also find it further amusing that like most pseudo-Christian Catholics, you also try to presume to say what God is and isn't like.
Learn your own faith, or the lack thereof, before you try to chastise me about it, fuckwit.
No, you may take it like that if you cannot help yourself, but that was not my intention.
And even if these are your forums that does not mean i have to agree with everything you say, or that i can't have a private view on things thats different from yours and even write like that.
I thought that goes without saying, until i respect the general rules and well, i meant to say common sense, but thats relative here.
If you're just going to post the same whining "children died, don't laugh!" bullshit without bothering to see anyone else's point of view with the "I hope it happens to you", "I wish I could come strolling along as one of your friends died" garbage that makes it clear you're trolling. Yes, I'm aware of the situation, but your further argument by hyperbole on top of your argument by appeal is clearly marking you to be a troll.
*snip useless sobbing life's story*
What i said, that : "i hope it happens to you so that then you could see how funny it really is" , not how you "ironically" interpret it Roshambo.
That was said so that its a jab, something that hopefully pricks.
Which, as I've said now for the third time for your benefit, retard, that I have been in such a position, and I understand that someone is mourning. However, if you're mourning when you have no connection to said person, then you're simply just a fucking bleeding heart idiot who is taking the sob story to an extreme. Yes, I get that it was sad for their loved ones, and it wouldn't be funny if someone personally went up to them and made a joke. I have told you that multiple times already, and the fact that you STILL persist after I fully explained it and warned you doesn't make me change my mind about banning you.
But they're Mexican, so the likelihood of them owning a computer is extremely remote.

Plus, the Darwin Awards have a good collection of comments on the stories, so all the loved ones of Darwin Award winners can go and see all the hilarious comments on top of the stories of their loved ones' deaths. Dumbfucks like you tried to whine to them, then were explained the facts of life. Some total morons like you had to be banned for their own good, kind of like some of the more insipid Creationists.
Because as always in debates like this or similar to this one, it all comes down to the personal view of things of each individual.
Your personal outlook on the world and the great questions, and facts of life, colors what you think, in fact, rules what you think, who you are as an individual. And therefore what you post here, any of us, is dependant on it directly.
So why then, after I pointed out that I fully understand their grief and suffering, do you persist in saying that I have no right to make light of their deaths, by using hyperbole and "I wish it happens to you"?
I had already said I understand your point of view, despite it being a very foolish one, and yet you're still trying to force your beliefs upon me with more hyperbolic trolling.
And if there is here a few i can still prick with it, then im happier a little.
Unfortunately, you'll find that I can be a far bigger prick.
*snip more whining and argument by appeal*
There is of course that difference when it happens to you directly and when you hear about something like this happening in a distant country.
And if you are going to see just one side of it, you might as well look at that other.
I already told you what separates who should and shouldn't be mourning, in a psychological and sociological standpoint. That you're too stupid to understand what I wrote is not my problem, as is thinking "Dia De Los Muertos" is possibly Portugese when we're discussing Mexico makes Richoid a total moron. "Dia De Los Angelitos" should have been a bigger clue, since there's a city named similar in a heavily Mexican area.
With that difference that human beings are unable to fully appreciate the reality of something unless it happened directly to them.
I had already said I am fully aware of this, it's called "degrees of separation", "psychological connections/attachment", etc. I really tire of having to find more terms that you might be familiar with, and keep trying to figure out how to further dumb it down so you can understand the explanation, but instead you're wholly discarding my recognition of that in your continued trolling spree. So I'll wholly discard you from these forums.
And if you really want to artificially discard one side and just use the other distorted, well be my guests.
Since you're not likely to fully read what I wrote, again for about the third time, and still persist in trying to preach at me, you can take a vacation from these forums until
you learn how to read.