Proper Fallout 4 trailer

This trailer makes me think of how good Mark Morgan's music was at setting mood in 1, 2 and New Vegas. Shame his music almost certainly won't be used in Fallout 4.
I guess Bethesda didn't want his music in F3 because his F1 and F2 compositions could be accused of plagiarism these days.

Music from "The Stand"
Come on, this is beyond sampling

I recommend this thread if you're interested
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Mark Morgan was the composer for The Stand
Wikipedia and Youtube stand otherwise

Plus the Aphex Twin stuff in the thread is really grasping at straws as far as similarities.
Some of it, yes. And you could blame less diversity of synths back then, but some of this stuff is most certainly connected.

Plus, I didn't say that he's a plagiarist, I just said that he could be accused of that, especially these days.
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Better than the official Bethesda one, but still not great. The tone is a little too grim-dark serious IMO.
Isn't fallout 1 and 2 grimdark though? I just rewatched Fallout 1 intro and it's way more grimdark.
They're grimdark in a 90s way, which is to say that it's just the way most games naturally were back then. Starcraft and the (only two) Diablo games could be considered "grimdark" by our standards right now, but it wasn't an obvious self-aware attempt at being edgy, that's just what the culture of their era was. Heck you could probably even consider space games from back then like Freespace or Homeworld to be grimdark if you think of everything from that period the same way.
Fallout 1 and 2 were serious but they weren't edgelord grimdark, they had a sense of humor to themselves (maybe Fallout 2 overdid it a little) they took writting seriously but they never disappeared up their own ass.
This trailer makes me think of how good Mark Morgan's music was at setting mood in 1, 2 and New Vegas. Shame his music almost certainly won't be used in Fallout 4.
I agree. I really liked the track "Serenity", it was so peaceful and didn't really fit with the theme of a post apocalyptic world but it worked. Made me contemplate the whole fallout universe whenever I heard it lol

That being said this trailer is a tad bit too serious. Heaps and bounds better than the official one, though.
This edit is cool. Interesting what halftime video playback and a different soundtrack can do.

Consideirng how little footage was used this person could turn out like 6 more of these.
That's because the soundtrack is 'vats of goo' from fallout 1. In essence, it's more fallout than the soundtrack from current fallout 4 :P
This made me sad because it reminded me of what an awesome atmosphere the original fallouts had that aren't in modern games.

And the aphex twin similarities are pretty clear from what I listened to -- which isn't to say it's intentional plagiarism. People that aren't that into IDM or music in general just don't realize how influential aphex twin has been to music.