greatatlantic said:
In America, the minimum wage is bottom barrell. I think its been documented many times over that no one can raise a family or even accumulate savings on it. There are plenty of minimum wage jobs out there, but you have to be pretty desperate to take one.
As bad as minimum wage is, it's worse to get unemployment. Last I heard, unemployment was only about $300 every other week- you simply can't live on that. Worse it only lasts about 6 months. So the pressure is on to get a job.
But the problem with minimum wage is, as you point out, it is also very difficult to get by and prosper. If you are stuck in minimum wage jobs your chances of economic advancement are virtually nill (unless you are looking for promotion), simply becaue you probably lack the time for the job training and job hunting necessary to get by.
Which leads to an awful reality for a lot of folks- many don't get jobs in the fields they wish or been trained for, simply because those jobs don't exist or there are too few of them.
But back to prostitution- I think you have to distinguish the crack whore who might get $50 for a blow job, and the prostitutes that work some of the bordellos in Nevada who bring home $100,000 a year.
Anyways, I think it should be illegal. It might be more easily regulated and controlled if legal, but somethings just don't belong in a truly modern society. Thats one of them. Am I being arrogant? Perhaps, but I've never been one to take the path of convience when a the completing the greater challenge results in the greater good.
This I don't get. It has been proven that were prostitution is regulated, it is not only more healthy and safer than where it's not regulated, and is also lucrative.
Furthermore, what do you man by being truly modern? In a truly modern women should have equal rights to their bodies as men, and labor is commodified and free, capitalist systems are regulated but not controlled by the state. Combine those two, woman should have right to do what they want with their bodies to make money = prostitution.
It seems it is the more traditional societies where woman's rights are less robust.