Prototype Problem.


First time out of the vault
Okay. Everytime i add ANY prototype(Critter,scenery,item etc) It adds fine....Until i save and exit the mapper. When i load the mapper back up...The prototypes are Blank, no name no anything, and when i try to edit them again, it simply gives me the "Error saving prototypes" message. Alsom any map i used the added proto's on fails to load, tells me it failed to load map objects.
Its gotten to the point of having almost 20 BLANK/glicthed proto places in my bar, kinda sad. I set up everything exactly as coljack's tutorial said, so i am really lost here. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Never read that FAQ..nice info there, but still doesn't fix me, done everything that the faq said, still fails to properly save them Any other ideas?

EDIT: Well, after deleting and restoring the patch000.dat file...and renaming it again, it now doesn't save if i never added one..but it still corrupts the map i put the proto on.
Re: .

Tesgrim said:
Never read that FAQ..nice info there, but still doesn't fix me, done everything that the faq said, still fails to properly save them Any other ideas.

1) You have the \Fallout2\dev\proto dirctories created at the ROOT level of the same drive that Fallout2 is installed right? Not subdirectory of Fallout2 (unless that is at the root). If yours is installed on C:\Program Files or anywhere else you still need to create C:\Fallout2\dev\proto\critters (and items etc)

2) You have the librarian=1 setting in mapper2.cfg? Right?

3) You DON'T have read-only permissions on protos when you run the mapper? Right?

4) You DO have read-only permissions on protos if you're putting them in \Fallout2\Data and using the FO2 engine? Right?

My guess is you still have one or more of these wrong.
Yes! Thank you, didn't know i had to create one outside of my fo2 folder(I had to put one in C: ). Can you help me with another problem? My art doesn't seem to want to show up in the prototype editor, as in i can't add new protos and use the art i have. i added it to Scenery.lst anything else i need to do?
Tesgrim said:
Yes! Thank you, didn't know i had to create one outside of my fo2 folder(I had to put one in C: ). Can you help me with another problem? My art doesn't seem to want to show up in the prototype editor, as in i can't add new protos and use the art i have. i added it to Scenery.lst anything else i need to do?

Make patch directory \art\scenery
Copy your new scenery FRMs to patch \art\scenery
Copy the original FO2 \art\scenery\scenery.lst to same directory
Add your new FRM names to the end of scenery.lst

Make patch directory \proto\scenery
Copy the original FO2 \proto\scenery\scenery.lst to that directory
(this is the list of scenery proto numbers and mapper needs its)

Start mapper and click on scenery button
Press End key on your keyboard to get the end of the list
(On my laptop its Fn-End)
Click on the blank square at the end, and click Edit
Now you're in the Prototype Editor (Scenery)
Press End key on keyboard again
The image in the upper right hand corner should be the last one
That should be your last new added image in \art\scenery\scenery.lst
Select your other proto options and you are done
Okay, call me a noob, but what exactly do you mean by Make patch directory \art\scenery

As in make a new folder in fallout\ ?

Or what(sorry i just don't follow simple directions easily)
Yes, that's exactly what dude_obj means.
You have to create these folders under the fallout/data/ folder.
Yeah by "patch directory" I mean ... wherever you're putting all your patch files. Most people put them in \Fallout2\Data but they can be anywhere, and the path to them is specified in fallout2.cfg and mapper2.cfg ....


So using the above example, whatever I want to override in original master.dat or critter.dat gets put in \Fallout2\Data, where I have a tree that mirrors the original:


and any other subdirectory where you want to override the original or add new stuff.

The biggest problem with using \data is that the engine will usually delete proto files if they are not read-only. So its best to put those in a dat file once they are done.
Grettings everyone!

Hello everyone, I am Aktins Diet, and I have been a hard core fan of fall out since I first got it. (about 3 ½ years ago) Every year I rediscover it and play for several months before quitting. ( It got the same after a while) Resently, when I went back to fallout, I decided to see if there were any mods for it and patches. That’s how I ended up here. Now I am franticly trying to grasp the modding and editing of fallout. So thank you for reading this and I hope to see more of you more often.

Now, to the topic. You see, I am trying to edit The items and critters in the Official map editor. I did SEARCH, and followed all the steps, but I am still getting the red lettering of
“Error when saving proto” or something like that. Could someone help me out please? (Yes, I have C:/fallout2/dev/critters, etc.) (And yes, I edited libertarian to =1)

thank you


I know, I looked through it man. I did the EXACT same thing. still nothing. THe same dang error comes up. :(
ok, if you want, I can take some pics of what I have done, and post them.
I'm pretty certain the answer lies in both the post below yours and in the FAQ. Check carefully.
I spent 2 hours tring to find and figure out this.
I have:
Libertarin=1 (check)
/fallout 2/dev/proto/critter (check)
/fallout 2/dev/proto/Itiem (check)
/fallout 2/dev/proto/walls (check)
/fallout 2/dev/proto/senery (check)
/fallout 2/dev/proto/mics. (check)
/fallout 2/dev/proto/tiels (check)

I tried adding all the protos to the right folders (check)
I tried having no protos in the folders (check)

And what did I miss?

I hope you mean librarian=1

/fallout 2/dev/proto/

You cannot have a space there in the Fallout2 name. It must at the root level of the same drive where Fallout 2 is installed, and it must be called Fallout2 not Fallout 2. If you have fallout 2 installed somewhere else like C:\Program Files you still need a C:\Fallout2\dev\proto tree.

I tried adding all the protos to the right folders (check)
I tried having no protos in the folders (check)

What is the "right" folder? What do you have specified for master_patches and critter_patche in mapper2.cfg? If your fallout2.cfg has this:


Then your mapper2.cfg must have the same settings. You should not have to copy protos in this area. If a proto is editied in the mapper, the mapper will automatically create a new proto in the master_patches area.

However, if you want to add NEW protos that did not exist before, you need to copy the proto list from the master. For example, if you want to add new items, you need to copy master.dat\proto\items\items.lst to \fallout2\data\proto\items\items.lst. Same goes for any of the other proto types.

If protos are modified or created by the mapper in \fallout2\data and you subsequently run the fallout2 game, they will usually be deleted by the FO2 engine. They must therefore be set to read-only permission, or put inside a DAT file. However, the mapper cannot edit them if they are read-only, so you have to do some toggling of read/write permissions to switch between mapper and game engine. I usually do a bunch of testing in mapper before even trying with the FO2 engine. And now that there is a new utility that can make a DAT file very easy (DAT2), I don't bother with read-only permissions, I make a dat file, example:

cd \Fallout2\Data
DAT2 a -r PATCH000.DAT

If you then place that dat file in \Fallout2 the game will use that as its patch file and you don't need to worry about read-only permissions.
I'm merging this with the thread dude_obj mentioned, as it was the right place to post. Also, please don't name threads "help" or "greetings", give more information or no one will want to read, honestly.
Silencer said:
I'm merging this with the thread dude_obj mentioned, as it was the right place to post. Also, please don't name threads "help" or "greetings", give more information or no one will want to read, honestly.
sorry mod, wont happen again. Just trying to be friendly thats all.

Hold on and let me do some check ups from the post above you.......


Ok, let me tell you where my stuff is.

My fallout 2 game is in
C:/Program Files/BlackIsle/fallout2
My Editer is in
C:/Program Files/Black Isle/Fallout 2 Mapper

I will look over everything else and edit tomorrow, right now it is like 12:00 am and I am tired.
how can you tell if there read only, also, how can you change it from read only to not read only. (and back)
sorry for acting like a newbie, but this is my first time modding. But i am trying to catch up.
thx for the help guys
In Windows Explorer (I'm assuming you're running that OS) select the files and call the context menu (right mouse button) and select "Properties". There, check or uncheck the box "read only".