I just upgraded my system, this is what I got and what it cost me
1Ghz Atholon
Abit KT7--------Combo, $320
256 PC133--------------$ 84
IBM 45gig 7200rpm------$150
SB Live Value----------$ 49
12X DVD----------------$ 81
Case-------------------$ 48
Floppy-----------------$ 14
Shipping---------------$ 10
This is without a video card, but I am going to get a GeForce 2MX within a week. My only reason for this is the NV20 should be out within 2 months. Although it will be like $500 it will eventully come down to a "buyable" level, anyway the MX is only like $110 bucks. Also what is up with everyone and the 64meg version of the GeForce 2? There is not distinct advantage to the extra ram as it is only a little bit faster then the standard Gefore 2 and the price does not warrent the preformance increase.
As far as buidling a system everything is "snap in" like Xotor said. And most modern motherboards do not have dip-switches, they are all auto detect, well for the most part anyway.