PSM3 Fallout 3 review, not impressed with PS3 version

How about a world with multiple consoles that ALL the games work on? Kinda like the PC market I guess. :P

I think it could probably be possible in the near future though... possible, but not probably, since the current state of gaming is quite profitable for certain companies.
Brother None said:
At least Sega and Nintendo had clearly delineated audiences back in the day (kids for N, more mature for S)

Yeah, Sega used to be my guys when it came to the first early hi-tech consoles, but I've never had a problem with Nintendo mainly for the reason you stated, along with the fact they are one of the forefathers of console gaming. Even to this day they cater to younger players, families and even those who don't normally play games. I think that's great 'cause no one else does that; not to that extent. So, I agree with you when it comes to Microsoft and Sony. They are almost the same console but from 2 different companies. Along with that, if the disparity between available games becomes larger and larger, then people will almost be forced to purchase a console for a couple of games on the system they don't have. I really don't want 2. I almost did that myself when Fable came out, but luckily my computer could handle the PC version. I am not even that hardcore.

If everything was only for one console though, I don't know how that would work. It makes me wonder if you'd still be paying $600 instead of $350-$400 if there was only one console. I suppose it COULD be like a PC though, different systems that could play all games, and both companies could still compete with games. You'd just buy the one system that had the features you liked. Sort of like Nvidia vs. ATI or something.

Yeah, whatever. I guess it's just a "mine is bigger than yours" war.

@PaladinHeart: Yeah, I have no idea myself how XBox's online service works, like how you pay for things or whatever; but I am sure that they could set up some kind of system for where you'd have to like, send Sony $10 and get an expansion. I don't know.

I've played GTA IV online too BTW, and if that's true that you have to pay for Microsoft's services, then that turns me against them even more. These guys may love money, but they need to realize that most gamers aren't rich kids sitting in a mansion in LA while mommy and daddy buy everything for them. (OK, it's not THAT bad, but still) How things are going now, I'm lucky to even have a PS3 and a freakin' $60 game. I've never had to be so pick and choose careful in the past. So now, on top of that, don't charge me for online and a new hat for my character. I still have a few PC games that basically add stuff to your game in a free PATCH. So bite me greedos.

EDIT: Paladin, I see you stole my one console thought before I could get this out. I'm too busy responding! :P

EDIT: Oh, and when you were talking about limits, etc. One reason I am eager about Killzone 2 is because I think it will raise the bar to where it should be. Those guys are always pushing it.

I think you were right about something else you said too, that it's basically becoming harder for game companies to keep up with the system technology, but PS2 has actually been out for a long time as far as consoles go. I think now, it's as I've stated before, it just requires so much time and money to develop anything, you're really going to see who can hold their own. It's becoming like the movie industry. The one good thing about it is that when you buy one big game now, like GTA IV, it might last you as long as 3 games in the past. That's one reason I actually think that 360 and PS3 will stick around for a while. Not only will it be pointless to make a new system at this stage, (since companies arent even pushing these) but it takes that much longer to develop stuff. I think that's the trend you'll see. It will take longer and longer for things to develop and be obsolete, IMO.
anticlockclock said:
MrBumble said:
PSM3 have quite liked Fallout 3 since they gave it a 90/100 in their last review because, according to them, "Fallout 3 is as action-packed as a Call of Duty game"... However, it seems that they are also a bit concerned by how the game compares to the Xbox360 and PC versions. Here is what they had to say about it :<blockquote>Fallout 3's world looks incredible, tinged by the chill of the desolate, post-apocalyptic emptiness. But, sadly, the PS3 version compares poorly to its Xbox and PC counterparts. It's not a deal-breaker, but PS3 clearly wasn't the lead platform -disappointing since Oblivion looked better on PS3 than on Xbox.</blockquote>Coming from a Playstation dedicated magazine, odds are it might be true.

I want to know what is wrong with the PS3 version and why the 360 is always "top dog" when their fanbase is spoiled 13 year olds.
Behold, a PC kid! Something you thought was rare, but is actually common! Even the PC can have retards like this. Or the PS3.

The review also says that the game isn't as consistently good as Oblivion - doesn't feel as fresh and the quests aren't as interesting and memorable.
Ausir said:
The review also says that the game isn't as consistently good as Oblivion - doesn't feel as fresh and the quests aren't as interesting and memorable.

So how exactly do they still qualify it as a 90/100

Reviews quite often seem to exist in a divergent reality from their respective scores.

I sometimes wonder what the value of a scaled system score is.
Leon said:
Gentlemen said:
Oh man, one of the reasons I only play multiplayer games with friends.

I second that. GTA IV is the only modern game I've ever played online and it's full of people like that. It's why I usually don't play. Luckily, in that game, you mostly only communicate through what you're doing in-game so you don't have to listen to similar crap. Texting is also sort of difficult so you don't get spammed. It makes it a lot more enjoyable. You can tell the idiots just by what they are doing, not by what they are saying. It's also easier to shoot them while they attempt to make grenades a rapid-fire weapon and making f*ck the only word of communication. Still, if I were the cool guys in the video, I would have hit mute at some point, or blocked that kid's mic. Geez. Wish they could have reached through the monitor and wrung his neck.
Oh man that video sums up multiplayer games so well... There a lot of privileged white racist assholes out there, like all over Xbox Live. The internet is where these people really cut loose - people don't hold Klan rallies anymore, this is where they can anonymous and just spew hate.

It's better on, if only because they're limited to text and it tends to be a little more diverse.

Re: Actual topic? Sucks for PS3 users, if it makes you feel better it isn't going to look great for us on Xbox either? :)
For reals though, need screenshot comparisons to know exactly what we're talking about

EDIT: Also interesting how the video doesn't take note of the other guy on the team calling the kid the n-word. Guess they think it's okay if it isn't done with a nasal voice.
Not happy at all if this is true. The PS3 has the power and the potential to have games look better and run smoother than the 360, and Bethesda already has experience making Oblivion run on the PS3. Since Fallout 3 runs in the same engine I am at a loss as to why this would be the case.

What also worries me is fans that game on the PS3 have been calling for PS3 video footage on Bethesda's boards and have been getting no response. Fanboys say it probably looks as good as the 360 and that is why Beth isn't releasing any footage...

I'm still hoping the PS3 goes down in flames over the next few years, so I love hearing these kinds of things. We'll have to see how accurate they are though...
Quaid said:
What also worries me is fans that game on the PS3 have been calling for PS3 video footage on Bethesda's boards and have been getting no response. Fanboys say it probably looks as good as the 360 and that is why Beth isn't releasing any footage...


Being someone who is being introduced to Bethesda solely because of this game, (so never had anything against them) it's stuff like this that is not making me like them much as a company. They sure get a lot of strikes in a short period of time, despite the few hits. I'm starting to wish more and more that this was made by someone else, (who was good of course) 'cause I don't think I really want to support them.
We'll probably be seeing the eighth generation of consoles in the next few years anyway.
Jack The Knife said:
How did they manage that? Playstation 3 has got better specs than Xbox360.

And as mentioned in the german PC Action review, the PC version looks worse than Oblivion did, but still Fallout 3 has higher requirements.

Grrrr... Not quite...
The PS3 has a more powerful processor, but the XBox360 has a more powerful graphic chipset. This tells as almost every game which is multi platform looks slightly better on the 360.

This is not some conspiracy, or "lazy" programmers, but just that the 360 is has better fill rate, can push more polygons and has faster shaders than the PS3.

The PS3 can process data faster than the 360, but its tricky as the PPU of the CELL is at its heart a dual core PowerPC running at the same speed as the 360 (compared to the six core PowerPC CPU on the 360), its the 6 available SPUs which gives the CELL its eye watering speed.

Still give me a PC anyday.
Outbreak said:
If everything was only for one console though, I don't know how that would work. It makes me wonder if you'd still be paying $600 instead of $350-$400 if there was only one console. I suppose it COULD be like a PC though, different systems that could play all games, and both companies could still compete with games. You'd just buy the one system that had the features you liked. Sort of like Nvidia vs. ATI or something.

You would probably be paying $700 or more. Last I heard all consoles are losing money on the actual machine. It's the games that are what is pulling in the money. We might see another meltdown of the console market like back in the early 80s ala Atari.

Nvidia vs ATI hasn't been great for the PC as it has shifted the primary focus of games to Graphics & the Physic engine. Nice for the FPS crowd, but less than useful for the rest of us.
Brother None said:
Outbreak said:
I may just be slightly overreacting, but I have been feeling more and more lately that PS3 has been getting the shaft.

Possibly. I'm not a console gamer so it's hard for me to tell - personally I wonder why we need multiple consoles anyway when their capabilities aren't very divergent.
Consoles (and gaming) is a *very* large market, which mean that there are a lot of money to be made. If MS can make XBox look better than PS they may be able to gain an effective monopoly over the console market, just like they have it in the OS market.

PaladinHeart said:
DLC content for 360 is probably treated better because XBox live is a service you have to pay for, whereas the online PS3 services are all FREE. Therefore Microsoft has some funds available to pay for those exclusives, whereas the PS3 online service is just "there" so basically they can put the extra DLC there or choose not to but there's no reward for them to do so, whereas on xbox live they probably get paid to do so.

Bethesda actually made Morrowind mods that were available for free from their homepage. Then came Oblivion, with DLCs for the XBox ... no more free stuff from Bethesda. And nothing at all for PS3 users. I wonder how large their profits from the DLCs really are? And how much goes to MS?

CodeZombie said:
The PS3 can process data faster than the 360, but its tricky as the PPU of the CELL is at its heart a dual core PowerPC running at the same speed as the 360 (compared to the six core PowerPC CPU on the 360), its the 6 available SPUs which gives the CELL its eye watering speed.
Which may give PS3 a slight advantage, as Bethesda games have a tendency to be fairly CPU-intensive.
Fade said:
You would probably be paying $700 or more. Last I heard all consoles are losing money on the actual machine. It's the games that are what is pulling in the money. We might see another meltdown of the console market like back in the early 80s ala Atari.

I'll tell you what though, if that happens, but the actual game prices came down like they do on the PC, then I'd be more willing to throw some more money into the console. You know, cause a couple months after release you can grab something like Fallout 3 for $20. But, they can't get too carried away cause people already had a fit when the PS3 launched for it's god awful price. (though somewhat understandable) I think it really hurt them. As much as people WANT to buy one, it's just like gas: there's comes a point where it's so high people just CAN'T afford it.

If there WAS only one console though, (not counting Nintendo's since it's so different) then the system shouldn't have to cost more and more cause you would already be combining the sales of XBox and PS3 together. That should help a lot on it's own if what you say about them losing money is true.

I was just never willing to do that with a PC (throw money into a card, etc.) since there are always issues of "will this work?" "What's wrong with this?" "Oh no, this card isn't compatible." "This is outdated now." I got into consoles cause you don't have to deal with that. It also used to be less expensive than keeping a computer updated, but that's changing rapidly.
Quaid said:
Not happy at all if this is true. The PS3 has the power and the potential to have games look better and run smoother than the 360, and Bethesda already has experience making Oblivion run on the PS3. Since Fallout 3 runs in the same engine I am at a loss as to why this would be the case.

What also worries me is fans that game on the PS3 have been calling for PS3 video footage on Bethesda's boards and have been getting no response. Fanboys say it probably looks as good as the 360 and that is why Beth isn't releasing any footage...

i was the one making topics and requesting ps3 know what the did to my posts?delted them
today i made a topic asing why the ps3 sucks.the answer?warning
serisouly bethesda can go and FUCK themselfs they suck and i am a fucking idiot for protecting them....nothing can match fallout 2 antway so i dont care even if i dont play falout 3