Public Enemies


eaten by a grue.
I just saw Public Enemies, and I thought it was pretty good. Solid story, if not spectacular. The movie looks great, though. They really went all out to reproduce 1930s Chicago. It has some nice tommy gun shootouts as well. One of the best things about it is the sound of all the tommy guns and BARs firing hundreds of rounds.

I liked it.
I too would like to see the movie. Even though I'm not a huge Johnny Depp fan, it still looks interesting.
I went to the movies a few days ago and were going to see this but we instead saw the hangover. Personally I thought it was a good choice.
I wanna see the movie, but I just really wish Christian Bale wasn't in it, he has to be the most uninteresting actor I've ever seen onscreen.
Looking forward to this movie, definitely want to see this one.

Christian Bale the most uninteresting actor ever?
Not that I'm saying that he is super awesome or something but I really liked him in Equilibrium, Reign of Fire & the machinist for example.
I guess you never saw Steven Seagal, Matt Damon or Ben Affleck?

And please, how can you not like Johnny Depp? He has to be one of the most entertaining actors ever.
You people are fuckin stupid

This movie is a remake of the movie "Dillinger" which had better action and more blood than this sack of shit.

Which is a remake of another film called "Dillinger"

Which was moderately okay.

People need to get a movie catalouge instead of watching commercials.
UniversalWolf said:
I just saw Public Enemies, and I thought it was pretty good. Solid story, if not spectacular. The movie looks great, though. They really went all out to reproduce 1930s Chicago. It has some nice tommy gun shootouts as well. One of the best things about it is the sound of all the tommy guns and BARs firing hundreds of rounds.

I liked it.

they filmed a lot of location shit in Oshkosh. i have a relative who has a bit part in it...lulz.
Dopemine Cleric said:
You people are fuckin stupid

This movie is a remake of the movie "Dillinger" which had better action and more blood than this sack of shit.

Which is a remake of another film called "Dillinger"

Which was moderately okay.

People need to get a movie catalouge instead of watching commercials.
Durrr, or maybe they could all be based on the life of the famous bankrobber, umm what was his name, oh yeah was it Dillinger maybe?
Apparently movie catalogues aren't such a great source for history huh Mr Smartypants.
your saying its a remake, so?

and your wrong anyways, its based on "Public Enemies: America's Greatest Crime Wave and the Birth of the FBI, 1933-34", a book by Bryan Burrough.
Christian Bale is solid in Public Enemies. His character is actually very interesting, and your opinion of him definitely changes over the course of the story. Depp is excellent. With a mustache he actually looks quite a bit like Dillinger. I don't know about "better action and more blood" but this Dillinger movie has some impressive subtlety to the characterizations (and the shootouts are good too). Now that I've had a few days to reflect on it, I appreciate it more. And, like I said, it looks great.
Blessed are those who understand how divine it is Johnny Deep acting. Those who do not shall be plagued with Charles Bronson movies ad aeternum.

Also, Christian Bale is cool, quit bitching him as an actor just because he is an ass as a person.
Makenshi said:
Blessed are those who understand how divine it is Johnny Deep acting. Those who do not shall be plagued with Charles Bronson movies ad aeternum.

Also, Christian Bale is cool, quit bitching him as an actor just because he is an ass as a person.

They bitch about him because he is in so many movies now. but this is has been true for so many actors over the years. every decade sees a couple actors that are everywhere and in everything. it happens. No need to bitch. Don't like him? Then don't sees his movies. I hate TV.....Thats why I don't watch it.
TheGM said:
They bitch about him because he is in so many movies now. but this is has been true for so many actors over the years. every decade sees a couple actors that are everywhere and in everything. it happens. No need to bitch. Don't like him? Then don't sees his movies. I hate TV.....Thats why I don't watch it.
What makes Depp great is that he can play a character like Dilinger or Donnie Brasco, but he can also invent crazy characters like Edward Scissorhands and Jack Sparrow. Who else does that?
I don't care if Johnny Depp mixed the paint, I don't care if Christian Bale is making the best brush strokes since the Sixstine Chapel, if the film's subject is watching paint dry, then only people really interested in paint or the criminally insane will pay to see the film.
UniversalWolf said:
What makes Depp great is that he can play a character like Dilinger or Donnie Brasco, but he can also invent crazy characters like Edward Scissorhands and Jack Sparrow. Who else does that?
On various occasions throughout my humble life, people from different classes, nationalities and even sexual orientation, have always kindly reminded me of the fact that had I put my mind to it and mayhaps met the right kind of folks along the way, I could have surely ended up a far better actor than Johnny Depp ever was, is or will be.
The path of life, however, was not as kind to me as it was to mister Depp. While I was picking thorns out of my side, lost in the darkness and confusion that is loneliness and loveliness, he was having hard, wet sex with totally hot chicks like Kate Moss and Winona Ryder and Vanessa Paradis (who confirmed the rumor that Depp once had sex with all three of them simultaneously on the roof of a Holiday Inn hotel in France, although this information is probably completely besides the point).
Anyway, I took peace with my miserable life while he is still up there, his little gay star shining brighter than ever, shining on and over Fuck Off Island and straight into the loins of Paradise, so to speak.

Ah well. Move along. Nothing to see here.
alec said:
...I could have surely ended up a far better actor than Johnny Depp ever was, is or will be.
The path of life, however, was not as kind to me as it was to mister Depp. While I was picking thorns out of my side, lost in the darkness and confusion that is loneliness and loveliness, he was having hard, wet sex with totally hot chicks like Kate Moss and Winona Ryder and Vanessa Paradis (who confirmed the rumor that Depp once had sex with all three of them simultaneously on the roof of a Holiday Inn hotel in France, although this information is probably completely besides the point).
Anyway, I took peace with my miserable life while he is still up there, his little gay star shining brighter than ever, shining on and over Fuck Off Island and straight into the loins of Paradise, so to speak.
You should try stand-up, alec. :mrgreen:

I think you have the right frame of mind to be recruited into my political movement. You see, I'm a talent-communist. The premise is that modern science should be used to subtract innate advantages from those who have them in excess, and transfer them to those who have a deficiency of them. Anyone too good-looking, or too good at music, or too funny, or too artistic will have his ability reduced and transfered to the especially ugly, unmusical, unfunny, and unartistic. The result will be a harmonious society where everyone is sort-of good at everything, but not enough to engender envy. Johnny Depp will be moderately good-looking and passable as an actor, as will everyone else.
