Pulp Fiction thread

I liked the diner and pawn shop scenes, the rest was meh. That said, Reservoir Dogs was fucking awesome.
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Is Tarantino the most creative director in Hollywood, absolutely not, but he is good at paying homage to the genres and filmmakers who were and I think his films are fun.
By the way, I don't actually think Pulp Fiction is trash, but I do think the films are getting a bit overrated. Maybe the reason why people are so "ohmygosh" about them is because in comparison to the rest of the dreck that is pumped out of cesspool movie industry it makes his work stand out as being amazing.

To me, Tarantino films is what an 'average' film should be like.
I don´t think it´s overrated, its more of a case of nostalgia, coupled with memes (english mother***ker, do you speak it?), makes a movie like pulp fiction, in the mind of the general population, of higher quality than a average movie of today.
To me, Tarantino films is what an 'average' film should be like.

You and every other person I run into on this site. The standards of everyone here are fairly insane. Games, music, movies, whatever. Seems like you expect quality to be the norm.
Y Games, music, movies, whatever. Seems like you expect quality to be the norm.
I absolutely expect quality to be the norm if I A. pay you my hard earned money B. you have budget that exceeds most peoples lifetime earnings and C. are paid shit tons of money to produce said product. Far too many people accept mediocrity and hand wave it away by saying things like, "it wasn't good, but it wasn't horrible either," or the ever so popular "it wasn't great but it was better than (insert earlier shittier version here)."
I absolutely expect quality to be the norm if I A. pay you my hard earned money B. you have budget that exceeds most peoples lifetime earnings and C. are paid shit tons of money to produce said product. Far too many people accept mediocrity and hand wave it away by saying things like, "it wasn't good, but it wasn't horrible either," or the ever so popular "it wasn't great but it was better than (insert earlier shittier version here)."

Well, I would rather call my low standards "realistic expectations of the entertainment industry" to be honest. I haven't got all that much money to throw at them but I wouldn't expect them to deliver something actually worth that money every time it's paid. Comes with the generation I guess.

Don't get me wrong, I like the idea that quality should be the norm and that creators and companies should be getting shit together more often, but I've never actually seen any living proof of that being possible in any form.
Someone should start an overrated movies thread. I've seen a fair amount of people call out scarface as overrated. I rewatched it recently on netflix and....... I still love it, maybe it's over quoted, not overrated though.