Puuk interview part 2

Kharn said:
I can imagine that for Puuk, having a greater attachement to Fallout 3, but I'm not losing the fact out of sight that Baldur's Gate 3's loss is a far greater wound to CRPG gaming, not just because of popularity either.

Nah, Baldur's Gate 3 would have just been yet another example of BioWare half-ass ripping something off, dry-humping it into licensed material, and presenting it as gold - then someone else comes along and does better, but without the self-fellating hype. BIS did deserve praise for PS:T, about the only good thing to come from the Infinity Engine as the rest was pretty much just recycled R.A. Salvatore-esque munchkinfest garbage.

Well, the expiry of the Infinity Engine just prompted BIS' development to make something that they could use without having to endure Feargus' "SLAM DUNK!" mentality. That WAS good, but unfortunately Herve's infinite wisdom came into play...
Roshambo said:
Kharn said:
Well, the expiry of the Infinity Engine just prompted BIS' development to make something that they could use without having to endure Feargus' "SLAM DUNK!" mentality. That WAS good, but unfortunately Herve's infinite wisdom came into play...

Kharn is talking about Jefferson, the incredibly ambitious game BIS was making prior to Van Buren, wich only had Baldurs Gate in the title because it would help sell it, but it was something very very different from the Bioware games. It had the real-time and pause combat i don`t particularly appreciate, but it was possible to play it in Turn Base, they put that type of combat because they wanted the tools to be ready for Fallout3, wich used the engine that came from Jefferson.

It could have been a very interesting game, Sammael can tell you everything about it, it has a lot of innovations that would make it a really interesting project.

Although Kharn has a point that BG3: The Black Hound was going to cause a bigger impact, i would have more fun playing Van Buren for sure though.
Briosafreak said:
Although Kharn has a point that BG3: The Black Hound was going to cause a bigger impact, i would have more fun playing Van Buren for sure though.

Oh, don't get me wrong; D&D setting games don't interest me much, and PS:T is the only one that I love, but I still think BG3 by simple means of having had a larger timeframe to work on it, being more expansive and with (sorry) a somewhat better team, would be a lot more interesting.

Also, uhm...isn't kummy's "Fallout 3 plot ending" newspost worthy? I dunno, maybe things changed, but it's cums, so it's pretty reliable
Briosafreak said:
Kharn is talking about Jefferson, the incredibly ambitious game BIS was making prior to Van Buren, wich only had Baldurs Gate in the title because it would help sell it, but it was something very very different from the Bioware games.

That was precisely my point. Anything was an improvement over the garbage of most Infinity Engine games, and I'm glad it took enough people pointing that and the ill-treatment of Asswind Dale out to them, and other events, to prompt them to do the most financially sound thing and develop your own engine. Too bad Herve was such a retard and the title didn't get released.

I hope this is a bit clearer.
seankreynolds said:
Man, I wish we could have finished that game....

You and a legion of thousands of Fallout fans, mate.

't was horrible indeed

PS: confirm if kum got the ending description just right so I can post it, heh.

PPS: who wrote that anyway? That ending is quite possibly even better than that of Fallout, especially from a CRPG point of view
Is this stuff going to be added to the FO3 "What Might Have Been" page?

Just for the record, Josh, Sean, et al. It would have been a great game, thanks for all the work you put into it, and it's a damn shame how it all ended up.
Hope so, together with the list of names i send awhile ago, Sawyer posts on the FO3 forum and....and...something else
seankreynolds said:
It's been over a year since they canned FO3, and it still sucks. Man, I wish we could have finished that game....

So do I, Sean. For all the growling and griping people do, it was done for two reasons. One, to make sure it is held faithful. Second, to to temp someone to leak something out in order to prove different from what is said.

It is probably because we DO want people to prove what we say wrong. What could we have said at release if we were proven wrong in certain speculations? "Damn you, good job?" :D
Poker Face

Poker Face

[4too steps into the edge of poker table's light.]

[4too in Stage Whisper]:

Lower your eye lids a bit Rosh, ... , the Play-ahs across the table, might see,
a hint, of a ""win-win"" 'hand' reflected in your dilated pupils.

[4too backs into the prevailing darkness.]

I like the part about the ability to choose sides... It was great in Arcanum, factually present but somewhat poorly implemented in Fallout, and I missed it very much in Fallout 2 (we used to joke that you could just stand in an Enclave corridor in APA and act as if you've joined them...)

I'd certainly like to see that kind of possibility in Fallout 3.