Quebec Independence Movement

1) nowhere do you preface any of that or clarify this in your thread.
Right, so it's awfully presumptuous of you to make wild assumptions about his background and attack him for it. I don't understand why that would be germane anyway.

TheWesDude said:
2) i assure you, any grammatical or spelling error is almost always intentional. my browser has a spell check.
Don't make it worse than it is, that original post where you attacked his English, is rife with punctuation, grammar, and lack of capitalization, as well as misusing ironic. We can go through it line by line if you want, but I'm not that pedantic. Still not sure what rule he violated, even if he didn't know he wasn't. Leave the modding to the mods.
TheWesDude said:
Squall said:
TheWesDude said:
Squall said:
My first thread. And it's a direct copy of a thread I posted on Facepunch. Anyway, sorry if politics aren't allowed here, I couldn't find where the rules were located, so I didn't read them.

well, seeing as how your canadian and french to boot, its pretty easy how reading english forums and thread titles would be difficult for you.

the very first thread has all the rules. it is ironically titled "rules in this forum"

now i understand you are french primary and english secondary for language. seeing as how you have difficulty in reading english and even short 4 word titles, i do not put much faith in your ability to read well put together words that form coherent thoughts in english.

so i do accept the possibility you cannot even read my post. but thats ok. after all, you freely admit your post is a copy+paste from another forum.

FAIL. I'm American, not Canadian and certainly not French. Nice attempt at an ad-hominem attack though. Even if I was a French Canadian, why would that make any difference? I have a perfect grasp of English and have used it effectively, which is more than I can say for your posts which are riddled with spelling and grammatical errors.

1) nowhere do you preface any of that or clarify this in your thread.

yes, i know, shocking to be taken at face value on the internet. what was i thinking!

2) i assure you, any grammatical or spelling error is almost always intentional. my browser has a spell check.
I'm sorry, I was unaware that the sole fact that I didn't tell you what country I live in warranted an attack.
The only separatist movement I've had interest in is Puerto Rico. I've spent some time there, and The Macheteros were in the news a lot in my hometown for robbing a bank. But I think, like in a lot of cases, it's just thugs using a political cover.
As I understand it opinions run the gamut in PR from keeping the status quo, to seeking statehood, to independence. But consensus is never reached.

Like I feel with Quebec, at a certain point, if there's no majority opinion and action, it's just hollow chatter IMO.
IIRC, the votes in Puerto Rico for a change from territory almost always favor territory by far over applying for statehood or separating from America. This was circa a derail in my western civ circa last year so V:shobon:V

@squall: As you missed, I was 'just sayin'. There's no point in saying that you couldn't find the rules since ignorance of the rules is not an excuse for breaking them. Dig?

Additionally, breaking tables is a sin forgivable only by unbreaking them. Go resize that shit, son.

Also, maybe I missed this, but why are you telling us this? Do you expect a lot of strangers from the internet who are probably located in NOT CANADA to give a whole lot of fucks about Canada?
Wintermind said:
Do you expect a lot of strangers from the internet who are probably located in NOT CANADA to give a whole lot of fucks about Canada?
Yes, because unlike you, not everyone is an uncultured 12 year old.
Cimmerian Nights said:
The only separatist movement I've had interest in is Puerto Rico.

As I understand it opinions run the gamut in PR from keeping the status quo, to seeking statehood, to independence. But consensus is never reached.

I think we should reach a decision for them. Shit or get off the pot. They should either go for statehood or quit sucking our teat.
Squall said:
Wintermind said:
Do you expect a lot of strangers from the internet who are probably located in NOT CANADA to give a whole lot of fucks about Canada?
Yes, because unlike you, not everyone is an uncultured 12 year old.

hahahahahahahahahaha, really? Canada is a glorified hat, useful only for farming hockey players (and teams) and looking Niagra falls and for nineteeen year olds to cross the border to get drunk or however that worked.

i am sorry however that you feel the need to flame me for my brash tone. I like my brash tone. So does my sycophant.
DammitBoy said:
Cimmerian Nights said:
The only separatist movement I've had interest in is Puerto Rico.

As I understand it opinions run the gamut in PR from keeping the status quo, to seeking statehood, to independence. But consensus is never reached.

I think we should reach a decision for them. Shit or get off the pot. They should either go for statehood or quit sucking our teat.
Dude, don't you live in Mississippa?
You're last in states in GDP per capita and get double (highest of all states) your federal taxes back.
Sucking at the teet. :roll:

I love it when southerners bitch about America going socialist.
Well well, pity I didn't catch that thread earlier. As a French Canadian myself, I guess I have to clarify a couple of things.

First, the separation movement is largely motivated by the cultural (and, to a lesser extent, legal) aspect of Quebec, and we're not only talking about language (it is a pretty good argument, just not the only one). Just look at the recent elections; Canada as a whole elected the conservative Harper, giving him a confortable majority, while Quebec massively voted for the very much leftist NDP. Even when the Bloc Québécois out of the picture (which is good imo, they were the most crybabies of the lot), Quebec still doesn't see eye-to-eye with the rest of Canada. And let's not forget the inindependenceovement is largely fueled by a very active class of artists (seriously, I think cultural products from Quebec alone have more recognition than products from Canada as a whole). There's also lots of legal reasons, like the fact we have different codes of law (yes, it counts for something) and Quebec didn't even sign the current Canadian constitution since the Liberals exploited a loophole allowing them to circumvent the need for all 10 province's approval.

On the economic side, no, separation would not bring ruination to Quebec or force it into a military dictatorship or something (indeed, since by separation we would have no army to speak of, that would be a huge spending to make to at least have a basic defense force, lots of people ignore this however). That's because the vast majority of Quebec's trade is with the US, and the Americans pretty much don't care if they get wood and minerals from Canadians or Québécois. Indeed, most of the rest of the province's tade comes from overseas (mainly due to Montréal's key position on the Saint-Laurent), and with no federal government to collect taxes on such good I suspect Quebec could become even more popular economically. Even better, Quebec has spent the last 60 years developping a stong local business class, to some amounts of success. That said, the sudden lack of support from Canada would be a huge hit on the economy, but that's what the Caisse de Dépôt (a very rich and powerful organisation that invests in local businesses) is for, it was created explicitely in the case of a separation, when Québec would need tons of money to take over old federal roles.

So, no, the want for independance is not the whim of a group of petulant chiildrens, it is an organized movement with strong bases in reality. That said, there are three major obstacles. First, the Federal has passed a law that states for their them to even consider accepting separation it would need a ''clear majority'', note the very vague term meaning they could refuse pretty much anything short of a 90% which is a score impossible to get in a society that has known freedom of opinion and whose citizens have very various backgrounds and ideas. Second, the population is just way too confortable as of now to want any kind of chance. For all our whining, Québec is very well off, possibly more than most other provinces, not really a good basis for change. Third, we would need a strong leader to spearhead the movement, someone like a local Charles de Gaulle, and the world would turn upside-down before the utterly flavorless political class we have now would spawn that.

Personally, I would really like not to be in Canada anymore (no offense, but bar Toronto, British Columbia and the Rockies, there's just nothing of interest), but I am also aware that it's going to be very hard, and it only gets harder as the separatist movement loses steam. I think it will resurface again, in a few decades possibly. For now, I would be content with the Canadiens winning the damn Stanley Cup already.

TLDR: independance is somewhat viable, but impossible in he current political situation.

PS: wow does the spellcheck not agree with accents. Sorry for any errors there.
So partly, you guys are mad that you didn't get your lead dude of choice? Like half of America is right now/always?

Now then, I'm not from Canada and have been in Canada for all of two weeks. But all I know about Canadian culture is Strange Brew; I've never heard of seeing that 'new Canadian movie' or said "hey, let's go out and get some Canadian food.

Really, Provinces/states get bitchy with each other all the time and never ever is everybody happy with any decision that's reached; it's the nature of democracy and compromise.
Not being inscribed in or having even recognized the friggin Constitution is a bit bigger than not having to choose our ''lead dude'' (admittedly, following said Constitution, the Queen governs us and the position of Prime Minister doesn't even exist, tells you how grounded in reality it is). Really, the Canadian political system as a whole, and especially the electoral process (the Conservatives fully control both the legislative and executive powers while obtaining less than 40% popular support) is deeply flawed, but that's not the topic.

It's true that provinces, states, départements, landers or what have you always shit and moan, but I feel like Québec actually has to right to (not necessarily deserves, right now at least) some amounts of recognition, if only for being an almost completely different culture from the rest of Canada.
This entire thread is one big 'TL;DR' for me, I just wanted to point out how retarded that coat of arms is.

Cimmerian Nights said:
DammitBoy said:
Cimmerian Nights said:
The only separatist movement I've had interest in is Puerto Rico.

As I understand it opinions run the gamut in PR from keeping the status quo, to seeking statehood, to independence. But consensus is never reached.

I think we should reach a decision for them. Shit or get off the pot. They should either go for statehood or quit sucking our teat.
Dude, don't you live in Mississippa?
You're last in states in GDP per capita and get double (highest of all states) your federal taxes back.
Sucking at the teet. :roll:

I love it when southerners bitch about America going socialist.

a) I just live here, not from here.

b) I pay taxes, a good bit in fact

c) I'll give you one guess who doesn't pay taxes in this state
Ilosar said:
Not being inscribed in or having even recognized the friggin Constitution is a bit bigger than not having to choose our ''lead dude'' (admittedly, following said Constitution, the Queen governs us and the position of Prime Minister doesn't even exist, tells you how grounded in reality it is). Really, the Canadian political system as a whole, and especially the electoral process (the Conservatives fully control both the legislative and executive powers while obtaining less than 40% popular support) is deeply flawed, but that's not the topic.

It's true that provinces, states, départements, landers or what have you always shit and moan, but I feel like Québec actually has to right to (not necessarily deserves, right now at least) some amounts of recognition, if only for being an almost completely different culture from the rest of Canada.

Most states tend to have a pretty different culture. California is pretty radically different (and terrible) compared to pretty much any other state; Alaska is just pretty much out there in it's own special way, NJ is pretty different from massachusets or maryland or hell, compare any city to any non city. And most cities are pretty different in their own right or even to themselves.

That whole constitution thing is weird but I know fuck all about canadian government.
This thread is a train wreck into the side of a mountain.

I hope you're all kidnapped by the FLQ.
I"m not saying every state is different, just that you tend to see differences as you move between states. We have a pretty big coherent 'national' culture, but most states (and towns, etc) tend to vary, either a little or a lot.
Wintermind said:
Most states tend to have a pretty different culture. California is pretty radically different (and terrible) compared to pretty much any other state; Alaska is just pretty much out there in it's own special way, NJ is pretty different from massachusets or maryland or hell, compare any city to any non city. And most cities are pretty different in their own right or even to themselves.

Wintermind said:
I"m not saying every state is different, just that you tend to see differences as you move between states. We have a pretty big coherent 'national' culture, but most states (and towns, etc) tend to vary, either a little or a lot.

Make up your mind, which position do you want to stick with?