Quebec Independence Movement

I believe Scotland to be extremely relateable to Quebec, as Scotland pretty much has it's own culture, and political parliament which is near separate to the actual British Parliament. Although, I believe that Scotland may have minor trouble supporting itself, as one of it's main income is tourists coming from other countries outside of the United Kingdom. Another problem an independent Scotland may face, is the creation of a military, although they would have many prepared men who could fight in the military due to the large amount of Scottish regiments in the British military, the Scottish would still have to pay for equipment, vehicles and uniforms. Only one other thing I could say about an independent Scotland, is that they may have a problem with the USA, because of the release of Al-Mc(terrorist name), who may take the opportunity to brand Scotland a "rogue nation", although it is unlikely. One last thing though, I may be slightly biased as I am English, and solidly believe in the unification the British Isles.

My view on the Quebec case, is exactly the same as the one for Scotland, except the thing about the "rogue nation", unless USA wants to have a go against Quebec for some reason.
The US have very profitable relationships with Quebec (we are basically a paradise for qualified workforce, the government is very lenient, especially in the natural resources department), and 2 of the 5 embassies they have in Canada are here, hell there are a handful of Quebec supporter/lobbyists in Washington so there's very little problem on that side.

All that is moot anyway. The Parti Québécois is starting to dissolve because of ridiculously poor leadership, approval for independance is about 30% as of now, can't see it being a serious topic until decades, and even then at it's peak the whole movement was somewhat fueled by the Federal's inept handling, the current leaders are much more wise in that aspect (Harper pretty much just ignores Quebec).