Question about the music files


First time out of the vault
Can anyone tell me how high the bitrate is on the ACM files that come with the game are?

Just thought about downloading the mp3 files but looks like they're only in 128, so i thought about converting them myself from ACM to MP3 but if the ACM themselves don't provide a higher bitrate I can save my time.

Hope that's the right spot to posted, first thought about tech forum but well what I want to know isn't really technical .
Then I'll convert them myself.

BTW is there a similar way to get sounds and speech out of the game?
How is the composer of the Fallout and Fallout 2 music?
I know it from the 2 intro tracks but what about the rest?
Ugh, search the forum. Or IMDB. Or google.

And for the love of god, don't double post.

Also, this is not supposed to be in here but in Gameplay & Tech. Moving.
Sorry :roll:

OK found it.
Mark Morgan

I just ask because track 16 "All-Clear Signal" that is played in Vault City (Fallout 2)somehow reminds me of another track.
First I thought it was a track of Crystal Method but it had only a far similarity.

BTW has the numbering and naming of the tracks on the main page any deeper sense? I mean the don't match the numbers in at the beginning of the ACM files and where are those title names from?
Several tracks are known to be near-plagiarized from elsewhere, so it's not unlikely you recognize something. There's a thread on it in the General Fallout forum.
BigDuke66 said:
BTW has the numbering and naming of the tracks on the main page any deeper sense? I mean the don't match the numbers in at the beginning of the ACM files and where are those title names from?

The numbers and names are based on the Fallout 1/2 soundtrack listing as opposed to the in-game music listing.
BTW there is an error on the FO2 music page.

Track 9 comes from the ACM file 14NECRO.ACM not from 15NECRO.ACM